6 Ways to Tell if You are a Reincarnated Soul

The Torah Talks of Reincarnated Souls

A person is sent to the world to perfect themselves. G-d gives the soul several chances to follow the laws of Torah – the 613 commandments for Jews and the 7 Noahide laws for non-Jews. If they do do what is good & just in the eyes of Hash-m – they go to a higher level of existence. If not G-d gives them chances to correct their faults. I heard – a person gets 3 chances. The Ari”zl – a great Rabbi Kabbalist – said that most people today (in his time and most likely now) are reincarnated souls.

When Adam HaRishon / the first man was created – he was composed of many souls. Each soul branched off. The Soul of Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses our teacher was in a part of Adam that did not receive nourishment from the Etz HaDaat / Tree of Knowledge that Hava / Eve and Adam sinfully ate. (see Zera Shimshon – Matot – who brings this from מהרע”ה author of the Amudey Shiva / עמודיה שבעה). Since he was not tainted with this transgression – Moshe was able to speak the words directly from Hash-m / G-d – As opposed to other prophets that had only transmitted words of G-d that they heard in an unconscious or dream state.

The Torah tells or many examples of reincarnated souls – see Sefer haDorot. Some Examples – Moses was the reincarnated soul from Hevel / Abel and also from Noah. Rabbi Akiva – was the reincarnated soul of Zimri. Some have a spark from a previous soul. Rabbi Akiva also had a spark from Shechem ben Hamor.

Are You carrying a Soul?

At times a person has to come back to this world to do a tikkun – reparation for the sins of a past life. If the person didn’t do many sins and needs a small tikkun – Hash-m gives them a chance to enter into someone’s body to do a particular Mitzvah – that was lacking in the soul.

Did You Wake Up speaking Another Language?
I read an article on a psychological condition that a person wakes up one morning speaking a different language. It’s called bilingual aphasia. It is documented. Many scientists and psychologists do not understand the phenomenon or give a weak explanation. The Torah has a simple explanation – that person was a reincarnated soul. In a previous life – they spoke that language. They reverted back to a past lifetime.

Hypnosis – Are you one of these reincarnated souls?

In a book called “The Coming Revolution – by R. Zamir Cohen or an article on his site hidabroot.com – that talks about Hypnosis to a past life. The book talks about many phenomenon that demonstrate examples of concepts written in the Torah. In it he writes about a person that did hypnosis. The hypnotist took the person back to a point before he was born. At that moment the person started speaking French & started telling him of his past life. The person was a keeper of the Horse stables in the palace of Versailles, France.  He was killed in a duel. The Hypnotist checked the facts and found they corresponded to the person’s story.

Trustworthy Hypnosis

If a person wants to see a hypnotist – obviously – one should check his reputation and make sure he is honest. One trustworthy Dr. that I know that does do Hypnosis – is Dr. Peter Resnick. He told me once that a religious Jewish girl was having fears to get married. She was afraid of losing her children. He did Hypnosis and found that in a previous life she lived on an island where a volcano erupted and she lost two daughters – r”l.

Fears and Dreams – revealing a past life?

A person who has fears may be fearing due to a trauma in his or her life – or a past life. If they have vivid dreams of past events – it might also be a sign of being a reincarnated soul.

Speaking with the Autists

There are certain autistic people that are able to communicate through a preocess called Facilitated Communication. These Jewish autistic people are highly connected spiritually. There is a site and books on the subject. One book is called “Secrets of the Soul”. For French speakers / Francophone is “le livre d’Annaëlle” One site that allows you to communicate with one of these autistic people is called dani18.com – apparently you can email them.

A Rabbi I know – Rabbi Perez – went to see one of these autistic people. I Believe it was Binyamin. Rabbi Perez was formerly a non-Jewish minister in Mexico. He investigated Judaism and finally converted to Judaism. He married a Jewish Moroccan woman. He asked the Binyamin. Binyamin told him he was a soul that previously lived in the Holocaust. At that time he was married to a woman – who’s soul was the same as the woman he was currently married to. Rabbi Perez asked – why did I have to go through the process of being born a gentile and have to find and convert to Judaism – while my wife was born Jewish. Binyamin answered – Before your wife died – She did teshuva (Repented) – You didn’t do teshuva before you died. So you had to take another stem in this life to become Jewish. When his wife heard the story – she replied that’s interesting – I always had an a affinity with Ashkenazi customs.

Speaking with a Gadol

A gadol is a great rabbi. Usually they are recognized by the vast majority of Orthodox Jews as great rabbis due to their Torah erudition, their holiness, purity and their kindness. Some rabbis are able to tell things – that the average person can’t see. Baba Sali – was able to tell people things that were hidden. He would be able to tell what was happening in other areas read a person’s sins. He gave blessings as well.

Now a days it is more rare to find a person on that level to see things hidden from others. But they can be found with proper investigation. Obviously one must do their due diligence to determine if the Rabbi is accepted and on that high spiritual level.

The Torah cautions from going to soothsayers and fortune tellers. Whatever is available in the positive is available in the negative. Meaning there are people who can tell you things hidden to others – through sorcery or black magic. Pursuing the avenues of impurity is forbidden by the Torah. Everything that is available in the impure manner – is available in the pure manner.


*** Le livre d’Annaëlle ; contes d’Annaëlle – Annaëlle Chimoni

  • 21 Janvier 2010 / 9782918518020

Annaëlle, huit ans, est condamnée au silence et peut-être à une fin précoce.
La méthode de la ” communication facilitée ” mise au point en Australie puis développée en Amérique, en France et en Israël, lui permet de parler avec nous par clavier informatique interposé. Soutenue par sa foi religieuse et celle de ses parents, dotée d’une étonnante clairvoyance, elle nous ouvre ainsi les ports de son monde intérieur et nous apporte la preuve, s’il en était encore besoin que les enfants polyhandicapés ou autistes sont sensibles au moindre battement de paupière du monde.
Le Livre d’Annaëlle n’est pas seulement l’autobiographie d’une jeune vie, avec ses souffrances et ses joies intenses, il est aussi un témoignage d’amour et de vérité universelle, un appel de Dieu aux hommes. Son enfermement, Annaëlle le reçoit comme une suprême liberté, car elle vit en Dieu. Elle n’a rien oublié de la parole de son origine, elle raconte ses vies antérieures et parle du Talmud et de la Bible avec une érudition digne des plus grands maîtres.
Il n’est pas jusqu’au Grand Rabbin Joseph Sitruk qui ne s’écrie un jour lors d’une conférence : ” Un sefer Torah dans un corps humain, s’il yen avait un, je citerais le nom d’Annaëlle : une main humaine capable de dire ce qu’une main céleste a dicté aux hommes. Elle est à elle seule une Torah vivante, avec des yeux et un sourire… ” Son livre fut un immense succès. Annaëlle aurait dix-neuf ans aujourd’hui et demanda expressément à ses parents qu’à cette date soit publié son deuxième livre (inédit) sous le titre choisi par elle : Le livre inachevé.
On y côtoie le Golem ainsi que le Maharal de Prague, l’esprit de l’eau et le souffle du Messie, les réincarnations, le Berger transhumant, les contes et ce sentiment ténu qui traverse les deux livres, que nous avons regroupés ici, de joie, de force et de confiance absolue en la Providence divine.

Shalom Bayit / Peace at Home ABCs – 14 Ideas to Help Save Your Marriage

Little things make a big difference in life – especially to a wife. A Nice word. A little smile. A small gift. A note of thanks. A meaningful moment together.

The Purpose of Marriage

The purpose of marriage is to be able to make a relationship between man & woman who will live a meaningful, loving, satisfying life spiritually and materially. This union – through the guidance of the Torah – helps a couple achieve their purpose in life. When this foundation is understood – it is more likely to thrive and survive.


One of the foundations of the Torah is doing Kindness. The world stands upon Kindness. Kindness starts at home. According to Torah, A man is to give a gift to his wife before each Jewish holiday and when he finds something to her liking. It is recommended for him to buy flowers for Shabbat. He must talk with her with respect. He must satisfy her, material, emotional, physical and spiritual needs. She is a partner in the marriage. Their couple is one of personal and spiritual growth.

Your own needy & the needy of your city – your needy take precedence. Some are kindly with strangers. Yet, at home they are a tyrant. That is not the Torah way. The Torah way is to give more attention and kindness to those closer to you.

All kind things are recommended by Torah to have at home. Shalom Bayit / peace at home allows a person to live a productive and meaningful life. If peace is at home, children live a more serene, secure, stable and balanced existence – which allows them to have a more balanced personality. If bickering is at home – children are affected negatively. There is no magic cure for Shalom Bayit. Yet there are recommendations.

Learn to Do little Nice things

Help around the house. Take care of fixing something. Say thank you. Say I appreciate all that you do. Appreciation is one of the foundations of Judaism. We are called Yehudim – which comes from the name Yehuda – which comes from the Hebrew word for “giving thanks.” Appreciation can be expressed with word, gifts or action. If you don’t know what to say – leave a note. We – Ohr Binyamin – give out free Judaica cards. Once someone asked me – Do You have a card on Shalom bayit / Peace at Home. I said Yes – “It is called the You are Special Card – read one of the things to show how special you are to your wife every day.”*

Pray to Hash-m for Shalom Bayit

Pray to Hash-m / G-d for Shalom Bayit. He will give you opportunities to have peace. At times divorce may be in order – but discussions with a competent Orthodox rabbi must precede it. Grounds for divorce in Judaism – if a partner is unfaithful or other things. But as mentioned before, a competent Orthodox rabbi should be involved.

Learn About Shalom Bayit

To have Peace at Home one should have a goal to have Peace at Home. Read Jewish books, attend Jewish Classes, see Jewish seminars on the subject of Shalom Bayit. You can do it together or alone. One book I read even before I got married was – the River, the Kettle & The Bird – which is based upon a Gemara / Talmud Tractate in Berakhot. It says that one who dreams of those things will have peace at home. The book explains the entire concept of the 3 different forms of relationships that one can have in marriage. In short 1) a give and take / business-deal relationship, 2) a company employee relationship – you take care of kids – I’ll make the money 3) A single unit relationship – like a bird that soars to the sky and lands on earth – as one unit they soar to spiritual heights.

Learn Torah or Pirkei Avot Together

It is good to have a small learning session together – regularly. It could be 5 minutes daily or bi-weekly. Communication is key to speak together at least 1/2 hour a day.

Send Your Children to an Orthodox Torah Day School

When children are in line – it helps parents to get along. If one parent thinks children should do A – while the other thinks B is more appropriate – it is an tension builder. Torah schools Teach Kivud Av Vaem – Honoring parents, Derech Eretz – proper conduct, Respect of Others, Respect of Elders, Respect of Rabbis. If they are acting properly – it reduces stress & strain.

Be into Self-Improvement

The Torah way is to be better every day. Today I am good. Tomorrow I am better. This is only done through Torah Self improvement works – called Mussar.

Make Torah Your Guide in Life

Orthodox Jews usually have stable marriages. One major reason is they base their life, actions and thoughts on Torah. Torah is a detailed guide of how to live a meaningful, peaceful, productive, purposeful life. Basing one’s life on Torah – will help set foundations for a peaceful home. Shabbat – allows us to enjoy time with the family. The Torah recommends to and commends people to marry. It is a Mitzvah / commandment. The commandment to marry – pushes people to marry and not tarry. The Torah sets peaceful foundations at home.

Don’t Procrastinate

My uncle – a Shachan / Matchmaker – asked an older man why he never got married. He replied “I forgot to.” Statistics show, many Jews outside the Orthodox community are either marrying later or choosing a life of being single. Apparently, one reason is that they view not the importance of marriage as the Torah proposes.

Other reasons may be – they don’t find the right one, they have other priorities, they prefer being single, they don’t want responsibilities involved, they are involved in other things  – like a career, education. When one learns the proper hashkafot / Jewish outlook of marriage – one becomes more interested in tying the knot. Pushing marriage off – without making a serious concerted effort – at least as one would do to find a job – might make it harder later. As a youth – one is more idealistic and set in their ways. There are more opportunities – thus many Orthodox Jews get married younger – to found a family according to the guidance of Torah.

A Compatible Mate

One most important thing in having peace at home is choosing a mate with similar goals, values, mentalities, and aspirations. A statistic that supports  Interracial marriages have a divorce rate of 41% after 10 years while – same race marriage had a divorce rate of 31%.

Choosing the Right Mate – Finding Similarities

We try to choose people as mates that come from a good family and have good character traits. G-d matches people with similar values. If you want a better mate improve yourself. I give that as advice to people. “If you are hanging out at bars, you will likely marry someone who does the same. If you attend Torah Lectures / Shiurim, you will likely marry someone who does the same. If you study Torah and pray daily, , you will likely marry someone who does the same. Thus if you improve your level of Torah observance – you will likely get a mate that also does the same.”

Do Your Due Diligence

Thus many Orthodox Jews do extensive research on a mate prospect before agreeing to a date. They involve Shadchanim / Matchmakers, Rabbis, Friends of the spouse prospect, roommates & more. They do their homework. They ask about if they have good Middot / charachter traits, are they psychologically stable, are they diligent in studying torah, are they responsible, can they support a family, where is their mindset. If they do their homework – there are less surprises once married. It makes sense – you do your research for buying a car – which may last 10 years – then marriage that is a relationship that is supposed to last a lifetime – homework is in order.

Deal Breaker – Judaism & Good Character Traits

A Jew searching for a marriage mate should have several deal breakers. One of them – their potential spouse should be Jewish – for the reasons mentioned in the article. The second is that the spouse should have good personal character traits / middoth. Good middot make the difference between a peaceful marriage and a stressful one. A person who is learning Torah has an advantage in the sense that they usually adhere to the precepts of the Torah in the Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers. But it is not a guarantee.

Avoiding Intermarriage

Jews who marry Jews have a more peaceful marriages than – mixed marriages. According to Torah it is forbidden for a Jew to intermarry – for it causes the children to leave the Torah faith & follow after foreign worship. Statistics show, Most married Jewish parents say they are raising their children as Jewish by religion. Yet, Statistics also show, Intermarried parents much less likely to be raising their children Jewish.

A Jewish woman in a mixed marriage documentary said: “Our marriage was going smoothly until the birth of our baby boy. I was thrilled and wanted to arrange for a Bris (circumcision). But my husband thought I was crazy and said, ‘I won’t allow that …” Egon Mayer, a professor at Brooklyn College who studies interfaith issues and published a study linking intermarriage with higher divorce rates, Children of intermarried couples frequently suffer an identity crisis. “Where do they go? Who do they Identify with? Which holiday should they observe?” Are questions they ask.

If people are already intermarried – the couple should consult a competent Orthodox Rabbi – see OU.org synagogue finder – to see what is involved in converting the gentile / non-Jewish spouse to Torah Judaism. Usually the spouse must agree to a Torah Study program, to Follow laws of Shabbat / the Sabbath, Kashrut / Keeping Kosher and Family Purity Laws. Practical advice for any person who wishes to convert to Judaism – is to seek an Orthodox Rabbi – that know the laws and can guide you to a Beit Din / Jewish Court of Law who will perform a conversion that is accepted by all Orthodox Rabbis. If you are going to do it – do it right.

Conversion to Judaism

I knew a Ger / convert to Judaism who was converted through one Beit Din that was not so reliable and decided to do another conversion – through a more reliable one. His Name was Charlie.

Gentiles who Marry Gentiles

For gentiles, the way they live also affects their mate. If they learn their 7 Noahide Laws from the Torah – they will more likely marry a mate that will do the same.

Judaism & Self Improvement

If each member of the couple has a goal of self improvement – it makes for a better marriage. I want to make the other person happy. I want to make Hash-m happy. Thus I try to be on my best behavior. My goal is to make a peaceful home – not to show that I am right. The best Self-improvement works you will every find are based upon Torah sources. What the world calls self-improvement – we call Mussar.

Do Kindness at home and you will find kindness.

One of the Pillars the world stands upon is kindness.

The Raison d’Etre of the Universe is mentioned in Pirkei Avot 1:2:

2. Shimo’n the righteous was from the remainder of the men of the Great Assembly. He used to say: Upon three things the world stands [ie, its reason for its continued existence]– On the Torah, on the [Divine] Service [ie, prayer or korbanot / offerings on the altar] & on acts of loving kindness.

Make it your goal to do kindness in your world and kindness will come back.


*We have many cards that can help Shalom Bayit – Like Derech Eretz / Proper Conduct CardThe Gratitude / the Basket of Compliments card, Prayer for Protection of Children & How to Show Your Love & Appreciation, and the Tehillim / Psalms for Shalom Bayit)


Caveat – we sometimes link to Sefaria.org. Although it is a valuable resource for providing Jewish sources – the site also has works that are contrary to authentic Torah values. Some translations of authentic Torah sources might be suspect as well. The sources we link to are authentic. To not be misguided by false Torah values masquerading as Torah – be wary – on the site itself – to use the sources there that are authentic Torah values.  Here is a list of some of them. 

If you are unsure it is authentic Torah – ask a competent Orthodox Rabbi. Authentic Torah sages & commentators include Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, Abarbanel, Aderet Eliyahu (Rabbi Yosef Chaim), Alshich , Avi Ezer, Bartenura on Torah, Bekhor Shor, Birkat Asher on Torah, Chatam Sofer, Chizkuni, Chomat Anakh, Daat Zkenim,
Gur Aryeh, HaKtav VeHaKabalah, Haamek Davar, Kitzur Baal Haturim, Kli Yakar,
Malbim, Minchat Shai, Minei Targuma, Mizrachi, Ohev Ger, Or HaChaim, Paaneach Raza, Penei David, Rabbeinu Bahya, Ralbag Beur HaMilot, Ralbag on Torah, Rashbam,
Recanati on the Torah, Riva, Rosh, Shadal, Siftei Chakhamim, Torah Temimah on Torah, Tur HaAroch, Tzafnat Pa’neach, Tzror HaMor)




3 times 0 = 10? How to Not Be Misled by Falsity

The Seltzer Enigma

I was looking at a seltzer bottle’s ingredients. One serving is 0 calories. 3 servings is 10 calories. The last I checked 0 + 0 + 0 = 0. Or 3 servings x 0 calories per serving = 0 calories. Did the seltzer company come out with a new branch of mathematics? No. The reason for this discrepancy is that the FDA allows you to round to the nearest 10 calories. One serving of flavored seltzer is probably about 3 calories. They rounded to the nearest 10 – which is 0 for one serving. For 3 servings it is 9 calories – so they rounded to the nearest 10.

The point of this article is to help people discern what is true and good and what is bad and false.

Honest Reporting?

I am sure there remain people with morality and honesty in Journalist. The little news I do read are from sources that have some kind of non-biased bent – that report news facts.

The Change from Fact to Opinion

We are not here to condemn News organizations or Journalists. Yet I have more distrust of News media that 20 years ago. I remember the days where some kind of ethics reigned in the media. Nowadays – many once reputable news organizations – reports their take on the matter, at times reporting their own agenda & fake news. Some change spin doctor journalism into something close to fiction.

Falsity in History

It is not a new phenomena. People from ancient civilizations did the same. Reporting things – out of context – to give credibility to their agenda. Many cults, philosophies, religions use the same technique. Some will quote you verses from the “Bible” out of context to fit heir agenda. It makes them look good in the eyes of the ignorant. But the educated will not fall for their game.

Protect Yourself from Falsity

So how do you protect yourself from falsity and fakery? the simple answer: Educate Yourself & Research it. Be willing to sacrifice your comfort zone to find truth.

If you want to know three times zero is 10 – educate yourself in Mathematics. You know that 0 + 0 + 0 = 0. So there must be some explanation. If you know mathematics – you will attempt to discover a reasonable explanation for the discrepancy. If you don’t know math – you will accept it at face value.

Questioning Discrepancy

I know people who investigated many religions an cults. When they discovered a  discrepancy and asked about it – the leader either swept the question under the rug, or used the ‘you just have to have faith’ answer or looked down upon the person asking the question. These responses – lead the questioning person to have doubt that the person is covering up.

Questions to Improve Ourselves

The questions below are to help us to improve and clarify our philosophy in life. They are not to put people down. They are to make you think. We in this world are guided to live a moral, uncontradicted life. We are supposed to ask questions to ourselves and others to arrive at the truth – to correct ourselves in this world. In the next world we cannot correct ourselves. Our reward in the next world depends upon how we think, speak and act in this world. If we don’t ask these questions to ourselves – in Heaven they will show us the biographic “video” of all our life – and ask us to clarify some of the questions asked below. Better to correct ourselves in this world than to be corrected in the next world.

Questions that many a philosophy cannot answer but can be answered by Judaism:

Questions For Philosophies that deny the existence of G-d.

Question: How can the world be created by random atoms colliding with one another to create a perfect universe? Where did those atoms come from? What happened before the “Big Bang”? What is the physical difference between a body before death and after death? How does growth occur – according to the “random atoms” theory?

Torah Judaism’s Answer– We believe in a G-d that created and continues to direct the world every moment.

Questions For Agnostics:

Question: Would you expect a company that creates a complicated piece of machinery or even a simple appliance – like a toaster – not to include instructions & warnings? How could G-d create a world without providing instructions?

Torah Judaism’s Answer– We believe in a G-d that spoke to millions of people at Mount Sinai – when He gave the Jewish people the Torah. Those are the laws of the world.

Questions For religions – that believe in the Torah / 5 books of Moses –

Question: How can someone believe in a philosophy that condemns killing – Like it says in the Torah “Do Not Kill” in the 10 commandments – yet the history of that religion was replete with killing?

Torah Judaism’s Answer – Judaism never committed crusades, pogroms or terrorism to get converts – we are looking for sincere people to follow Torah not quantity.

Question: How can a philosophy that condemns idolatry – which is the second of the 10 commandments – believe in a Human as a deity?

Torah Judaism’s Answer – Judaism believes in one Omnipotent, Omniscient G-d Hash-m – that Has no body or physical form.

Question: How can a philosophy say that G-d “changed his mind” about observing of His laws or about His selection of the Jewish people – this insinuates that G-d does not know the future?

Torah Judaism’s Answer – Judaism believes that G-d never changed His mind.

Question: How can someone observe the 10 commandments if they were only given to the Jewish people? (The 7 Noahide laws from the Torah were given for the Gentiles).

Question: The Torah says “I am Hash-m, Your G-d, that brought you out of Egypt” Meaning the 10 commandments only applies to people who left Egypt and their descendants – the Jewish people.

Torah Judaism’s Answer – The Torah was given to the Jewish people to observe. A non-Jew that wishes to Observe them entirely – may convert. Their main obligation is to follow their 7 Noahide laws from the Torah and Torah laws that are not prohibited by the Torah – like observing the Shabbat. If they want to observe more they can take upon themselves certain commandments. Consult a competent Orthodox rabbi for more information.

Question: How can you believe in different G-d than Hash-m when Hash-m is the Only  Name that is mentioned in the 5 Books of the Moses? (Many Bibles erroneously translate – G-d’s name – “Hash-m” – as “The L-rd”. For instance a verse in the Text is properly translated as “Hash-m spoke with Moses Saying” – NOT “The L-rd Spoke with Moses saying)? )

Torah Judaism’s Answer – Judaism believes only in Hash-m.

Questions for People Who condemn Israel

Why? Did you define what is apartheid – and compare Israel’s policies to what Apartheid was? Do you also condemn virulently other nations that commit more heinous acts that what you accuse Israel?

How to Not be misled by Other Philosophies

To Not be misled by Philosophical Arguments – learn what Torah says about it – ask a competent Orthodox Rabbi. If someone from another religion tells you a “proof” that supports their view from a verse in the Torah or Tanach – first see what the Authentic Torah sages say about it – ( like Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, Abarbanel, Aderet Eliyahu (Rabbi Yosef Chaim), Alshich , Avi Ezer, Bartenura on Torah, Bekhor Shor, Chatam Sofer, Chizkuni, Chomat Anakh, Daat Zkenim, Gur Aryeh, HaKtav VeHaKabalah, Haamek Davar, Kitzur Baal Haturim, Kli Yakar, Malbim, Minchat Shai, Minei Targuma, Mizrachi, Or HaChaim, Paaneach Raza, Penei David, Rabbeinu Bahya, Ralbag Beur HaMilot, Ralbag on Torah, Rashbam, Recanati on the Torah, Riva, Rosh,  Siftei Chakhamim, Torah Temimah on Torah, Tur HaAroch, Tzafnat Pa’neach, Tzror HaMor) These commentators explain Torah as it was handed down from Mount Sinai. If one relies on interpretations that contradict Torah – it is like learning Tennis from the pre-game show.

Torah Questions

In Torah – we are encouraged to ask questions. The Passover Hagada /  Book – encourages the children and adults to ask questions. Torah study appreciates and relishes questions. The Torah is not afraid – because it was given by G-d / Hash-m. Hash-m is truth.




TGIM – Thank G-d It’s Monday – Why You Feel Good to Go to Work

Why are people basically happy to work?

Anthropologists study and theorize. Difficult to believe that 1) we evolved from an amoeba and now because of 2) survival of the fittest we want to work. Both theories leave much to be desired. Theory 1 is utterly illogical. Theory 2 is leaves much to be desired. I would think the fittest would want to rest after all these years. 🙂

The Torah tells it like it is.

The Torah says that G-d created the world. He implanted in each human a soul. This soul wants to do the will of G-d. But He also created a force inside a person that offers advice to follow temptation rather than reason. How do you know the difference? Study your respective commandments.

There is a commandment for all people in the world. To build the world (Lishuvu Shel Olam / הדינין לישובו של עולם) It is Part of the 30 commandments for all humanity of the 7 Major categories of laws for Gentiles – called the 7 Noahide Laws of the Torah.

Going to work builds the world. Thus a person who works gets a mitzvah.

When a person does a Mitzvah / commandment from the Torah – they feel satisfied inside. They satisfy their soul.

That’s why you feel good when you work.

What’s the proof?

Abraham Herzberg’s Theory of motivation.

He said at work there are Motivators and Hygiene factors.

The Motivators – Motivate people to work. With them present people are satisfied and motivated.

The Hygiene factors – if not present – a person may be dissatisfied. But if they are present it will not increase the satisfaction of the work.

Motivators or Job Factors include
Work itself

Hygiene Factors include
Company policy and administration
Relationship with supervisor
Work conditions
Relationship with peers
Personal life
Relationship with subordinates

With accomplishment at work one builds the world. With the work itself one builds the world. Thus a person is satisfied because he is doing a mitzvah.

A gentile observes 7 Noahide laws from the Torah. A Jew observes the 613 commandments from the Torah.

Each observing their respective commandments, gain satisfaction.


The Apple & the Secret to Self-Appreciation, Meaningful Living & Communication

In the center of the Mizbeach / Altar in Mishkan / Tabernacle – after burning the offerings – the Cohanim would place the ashes in a pile. This was called the Tapuach – the apple – because it resembled half of an apple. There was a Mitzvah to remove ithe wastes before starting the new day’s offerings. This service was called the terumat hadeshen.

The Altar had several pyres of fire. The fire on the mizbeach represents a man’s soul. At times it is covered with ashes – which cause the fire of spirituality and desire for closeness with G-d to wane. Our Job is to remove these external impediments to help us develop a closer relationship with Hash-m / G-d.

Two ways to deeper Self-Appreciation

The process of becoming closer to ourselves is twofold. One goal is to remove impediments. A second goal is to dig deeper into who we really are deep inside.

This process applies to discovering ourselves and to communicating with others.

The Danger of TV – Superficial Family Relations

Our communication with others is mostly superficial. “How are you?” Do we really care or are we making polite conversation. The problem is not strangers. The problem is our close relatives and friends. Do we prefer gathering around a screen munching snacks and fruits than getting to know our children?

Unfortunately the opportunity cost of TV and computer time is less profound relations with children, spouses, siblings and parents. But the point of this article is not to bash TV. It is to remind ourselves that our job in life is to develop deep and meaningful relations with others.

I saw a cute cartoon. A man was on his deathbed with his family surrounding him. His last words were “I wish I would have watched more TV.”

No one regrets TV. People do regret not having more deep family relations.

So we fall prey to the superficial. What the other was wearing. What was a great restaurant. Fine. Stay on that level – but lose out on meaning.

In Pirkei Avot (4:20) – it Says

Elisha ben Abuya says: One who learns as a child is compared to what? To ink written on new parchment. And one who learns as an elder is compared to what? To ink written on scraped parchment.


Rabbi Yose bar Yehuda, man of Kfar HaBavli, says: One who learns from young ones is compared to what? To one who eats unripe grapes and drinks wine from its press. And one who learns from elders is compared to what? To one who eats ripe grapes and drinks aged wine. Rebbi says: Do not look at the jug but rather at what is in it. For there are new jugs full of old, and old that do not have even new within them.

Rebbi reveals a secret about learning. “Do not look at the Jug or container – but rather at what is in it”. You can have a young Torah scholar – that has much to teach and an old man that has no Torah knowledge.

Rebbi’s statement also reveals to us the secret to communication, self-appreciation and meaningful living. Don’t look at superficial appearance – dig deeper and look inside.

Let’s apply his statement to each.

Successful Communication

Want more successful communication? Don’t look at the only the words that come out of a person’s mouth or actions – try to understand their needs. There is a child that causes trouble – because they want attention. They do things because they want a reaction from you. They would rather a negative reaction than total ignoring from your part. If you were attuned to the child or spouse’s needs you would not be getting flustered by your relationship or conversations.

Write down on paper – what you think the other person’s needs are 1) In general 2) in particular.

It is simple for a child who is causing trouble. Their need in general is 1) Attention. Love. Appreciation. Their need at the moment is 2) Having fun with a parent.

The Rice experiment of ..  He had three containers of rice with water. He spoke to one nicely. The Other he spoke negatively and the third he ignored. The one he spoke to nicely after a period remained white. The one he spoke negatively became black. The one he ignored  became moldy.

Don’t Look at the container (the words) look at what is in it (the needs of the person).

Marshall Rosenberg was able to settle a 35 year old marital dispute within 20 minutes after each one recognized the other’s needs.

Self-Appreciation and appreciation of others

People Judge other’s and themselves harshly. They think they are bad. The fact that a person feels guilty for a thing they did bad – shows that they realize that they did bad and because they feel guilty – they are actually good. Bad people don’t feel remorse – they rationalize that the bad they did was good. Also one can always do teshuva / repent if they missed the mark.

At times a child or other does an act. They spill the ice cream on the floor. The child was trying to serve their younger sibling. You can either look at the negative – they spilled the ice cream or that they were trying to help their brother.

Don’t look at the container – look at what is in it – he tried to help. Praise him for that.

Praise yourself for your good aspects. The Torah wants you to be happy about yourself. The more positive you are – the more you can accomplish.

More Meaning

Abraham Herzberg wrote an article about motivation of employees in the Harvard Business Journal. He found that employees are satisfied by a job because of certain factors. But become dissatisfied because of the lacking of other factors.

The factors that caused satisfaction were called Motivators. The factors causing dissatisfaction were called Hygiene factors.

Two-factor theory distinguishes between:

  • Motivators (e.g. challenging work, recognition for one’s achievement, responsibility, opportunity to do something meaningful, involvement in decision making, sense of importance to an organization) that give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself, such as recognition, achievement, or personal growth.

  • Hygiene factors (e.g. status, job security, salary, fringe benefits, work conditions, good pay, paid insurance, vacations) that do not give positive satisfaction or lead to higher motivation, though dissatisfaction results from their absence. The term “hygiene” is used in the sense that these are maintenance factors. These are extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as company policies, supervisory practices, or wages/salary.

Meaning comes from contributing to a better world or a bettering a company. Doing an activity that helps you pass the time doesn’t usually bring you deep satisfaction. It helps you pass the moment in an agreeable way.

It is interesting to note that there is a commandment from the Torah (for Jews and non-Jews) to build the world. By working and doing an honest job helps to build the world. Thus we see that the list of Motivators above – are linked to the commandment of building the world. Meaning that achieving meaning is linked to following the commandments of the Torah. The Jews the 613 commandments found in the Shulchan Aruch. And for Gentiles is following the 7 Noahide laws of the Torah.

When we look deeper in to ourselves, others and the purpose of life – we find a more beautiful world out there.

6 Ways How to Build the Holy Jewish Temple – One is with Lego

The Third Beit HaMikdash / Holy Temple is to come down from Heaven. The Jews yearn for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem since the destruction of the Second temple in the year 70 Common Era (C.E.).

The picture above is a Model of the Beit HaMikdash in Lego designed on Lego Digital Designer (LDD). LDD is a free program downloaded at the Lego site that allows you to design Lego models on a computer and saves files in the LXF format. If you want the lxf file of the model above please contact us at info@jerusalemlife.com. It doubles as a Tzedaka Box.



Reasons for Yearning for the Temple

Several reasons.

One – there will be no more war. Yes. One day – there will be no more war. This is when the Messiah will come. Some say that he will fight a war to end all wars called the war of Gog uMagog. Some say that this person will be so intelligent that he will teach the nations to make peace together.

Two – is that G-d / Hash-m – who created the world and took the Jews out of Egypt – will be recognized by all people as the true G-d of the world. Observant Jews recognize the constant good that G-d does for us daily and yearn for other people to love, fear and worship Him.

Here are ways to help rebuild the Holy Temple.

1. Stop speaking badly of others. Speaking badly is called Lashon HaRa (Evil Speech). Even if a fact is 100% true – if it is derogatory – we should not repeat what we heard about a fellow Jew. Some take upon themselves one hour to not speak badly of others a day and build up from there. The Chofetz Chaim wrote various books on the laws of guarding one’s tongue. Many are Available in English from artscroll.com, feldheim.com and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Make a 5-minute daily Lashon HaRa learning session with friends or family.

2. Do Acts of Kindness – the 2nd temple was destroyed because of Sinat hinam (Gratuitous Hatred). To remedy this we do acts of Gratuitous love. Acts of Hesed / Kindness. Some make it a habit to do at least one act of kindness to someone else – daily.

3. Jews Observe the Shabbat & Non Jews Observe the 7 Noahide laws. If all the Jews observe 2 Shabbats in its entirety – the Jewish people will be redeemed. Jews and Gentiles may be saved through attaching themselves to Torah.  If there is a war Gentiles and Jews can be safeguarded by observing the 7 Noahide laws and the 613 commandments respectively as stipulated in the Torah.

4. Make Peace between others – Have a grudge against an old friend or family member? – forgive and forget. Send a messenger – if you don’t feel up to it – to apologize and make amends. Send a text written by yourself, a friend or a spouse. Make sure it doesn’t refuel the fire but extinguish the fire between you. One of the laws of the Torah is to love your fellow like yourself.

5. Yearn for the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple / Beit Hamikdash and pray.

How do you yearn? Pray. Learn about the Beit HaMikdash. Build a model of it with Lego. I ordered a Model of the Beit Hamikdash printed from a 3D printer online. It was less than $20. The Lego model above doubles as a Tzedaka box / Charity Box. Giving Tzedaka to a Torah cause can also help to hasten the redemption. You can give to Ohr Binyamin or other worthy causes found in our article of: Worthy Torah Causes  

6. Learn Torah.

Learning Torah brings great goodness into the world. Jews learn the Torah. Gentiles learn their 7 Noahide laws from the Torah. A Gentile that learns their Noahide laws from the Torah are considered as great as a High Priest that served in the Jewish Temple.

The great rabbis say that we are in the messianic age. Our actions will determine whether it will come sooner or later.

Jewish Meditation – Getting Closer to Spirituality

What is Spirituality ?

People Seek Spirituality.

To follow a path – one should know where it leads.

To follow spirituality – one must first understand what it means.

So first a person seeking spirituality – should define that term – spirituality.

Spirituality – the means to achieve a close relationship with G-d.

What can bring me closer to G-d?

Now one must determine the means that will bring him or her closest to G-d.

Although many ways of life are tempting – and enticing to the eyes – it does not necessarily mean that that way of life is true.

There are many charlatans in the religion business – using the greatest marketing techniques.

To determine what G-d expects a person to do to become close to Him there are two required steps. Step One is Prayer – one can just ask Him. Meaning pray to Hash-m / G-d that he will help you find the right path in life that he expects of you. Step Two is to think out logically – what is the True Religion of G-d. For in G-d’s religion is the directions and means of how to get close to Him.

What path do I follow to become closer to G-d?

If one wants to pursue a relationship with G-d  – how does one go about it?

What makes sense in selecting a religion to follow?

To follow a religion, cult or worship that looks spiritual or one that G-d himself actually sanctioned and explained that that is the way to become close to him?

Obviously if G-d came down to a person and said – Religion A is the Religion that I approve of and will also help you become close to Me – that person would know which religion to follow – because they heard it from G-d Himself.

But today G-d doesn’t reveal himself to people face to face as He did with Moses. So what is the next best thing? To select a religion that G-d approved of in front of Millions of people.

What is the Religion that Brings a Person Close to G-d?

People are interesting.

People are into their ideas & ways of life.

The question is how did they get there?

That is the question most people don’t ask.

Most people follow a religion because they were brought up that way.

The Religion Switcher

Many follow what feels good to them – which leads to an interesting phenomenon – the religion switcher.

I say this because I met people that have told me – last year I was religion A and this year I follow religion B. But I am thinking of joining religion C.

Use Your Heart or Your Mind?

The reason why most people follow a religion or don’t is not because they thought out logically what makes most sense – they follow because they think it “feels” right.

In a world of only feelings – without truth – determining the true path in life is impossible – because A feels that religion A is right, while Mr. B feels that B is right. While Mr. C feels that Atheism is right.

In French they say it “Des goûts et des couleurs, on ne discute pas.” Meaning – Tastes & Colors cannot be Discussed. Because I like sweet. Someone else – salty.

A person who follows a religion or does not (like an atheist or an agnostic) who does so because that is what they feel is right is like a person who chooses chocolate over vanilla ice cream.

I like pistachio.

So what is the solution?

In order to come to the True religion it must be reached by logic. G-d must have made a way for a person to determine what is the true way of G-d – that must be able to be determined through logic – not feelings.

Because in the next world a person is judged. G-d cannot judge a person unless He actually told people what is right and wrong. If not everybody will say – when judged – “Sorry G-d – I didn’t know that that that I did was wrong. No one ever told me.”

Apparently, every normal person in the world can determine the true Law of G-d.


It’s pretty simple.

Four Questions to True Religion

Answer just four questions logically – to come to the true religion.

1. Is there a G-d?
2. Did G-d give a Law?
3. What is that Law?
4. Did G-d Change his Mind about his Law?

Quickly here are the answers –

1. Yes – it is not logical to say that the world, nature, growth, living creatures, thinking came from random atoms flying around – logically one must say there is an Intelligent Being that created all this. One wouldn’t say that a computer program wrote itself by switching on and off a computer. Thus it makes no sense to say that the world was created by random atoms.

2. Yes – A person doesn’t want their masterpiece to be destroyed. G-d does not want his world to be destroyed – so obviously G-d gave laws to protect His world.

3. The Torah – it is the only divinely given document whose giving was witnessed by Millions of people. No other religion claims this about their “bible”. It had to be given in public – otherwise everyone can claim – that they never heard of the divine revelation of G-d’s law – the Torah.

4. No – it is not logical that the Supremely Intelligent Being Changes His mind.

The Conclusion : TORAH is G-d’s Law

Conclusion G-d’s True Law is the Torah. A person need not be Jewish to follow G-d’s Torah. G-d gave laws for

for all people of the Earth.

A person choosing a Religion based upon feelings is like a man marrying a woman and afterward thinking if he made the right choice. He should have thought about it first- before tying the knot.

I have friends into Meditation. They are Orthodox Jews but use meditation techniques. I heard one story of a person that took an oath of silence for many months of meditation. When he reached the height of his meditation – the words that came out his mouth were the words of his Bar Mitzvah Parasha or Shema Yisrael.

Making Time For Yourself – Jewish Meditation


The Rational Approach to Judaism – see SimpleToRemember.com

Books on Jewish Meditation

Jewish vs. Buddhist Meditation – a former Guru – Gutman Locks – that used to meditate on 85th street and central park in the 60s.



Are Torah Ethics True Morality?


What are ethics?

What does the word mean?

Ethics – moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.

OK. Many people can have ethics – but are all ethics equally moral? All are ethics equally valid? Are all ethics moral?

What is True Morality?

The question that we address to day – is what is true morality?

Morality based upon Societal Mores

Is morality based upon the ideals of the society?

No. Look at Nazi Germany – their ethics were to destroy any thing that was a threat to the Nazi race or that gives the world a conscience. Were they moral? Absolutely not. Barbarians in nice clothing.

Hitler’s goal was to make a civilization of barbarians.

Morality Based Upon the Heart

Can morality be based solely upon the heart? No. Some people feel badly for criminals, they condone their violence and those same criminals are motivated to commit more crimes.

Is that moral. No. Criminals should be punished. Innocent people should live in peace.

Morality Based Upon intelligence

Can morality be found through think tanks. Apparently not – unless all the members of the think tank have the morality of the Torah. Otherwise they will have some kind of bias – that will lead them to base their morality upon their values in life.

When Scientists Err

Take Stephan Hawking – with all the intelligence – he couldn’t figure out a simple principle – that G-d exists.

Ask a person if they are walking on a beach and they found a pencil – where did this pencil come from? If they say someone probably dropped it – you’d consider them to be reasonable or rational in that thought. If they said – it was probably the sand that blew together and formed a pencil – you would think they are irrational or mentally deficient.

If it is impossible for a perfect pencil to be made with random pieces of sand – it is even “more impossible” for a child, a cell, or billions of similar looking creatures to be created by random sand blowing together. Sorry. Mr. Hawkings – you failed on this one in terms of rationality and morality.

The Rationality of the Existence of G-d

It makes more rational sense for G-d to exist than – to be a world without G-d. It is illogical to think a world will exist without G-d.

People don’t want to believe because they would rather feel that they are free to do what they want. If you put G-d in the picture – you feel you have to behave – because G-d is watching.

The Good of Believing in G-d

Believing in G-d is good in itself.  A study was done – where a wallet of money was left out in the open. They surveyed the person who found and returned the wallet. They asked – why did you return the wallet? Most who returned the wallet answered – because I knew G-d was watching.

The Jews Remind people of the Existence of G-d

As presented above – knowing that G-d exists is a good thing for society. [Obviously if they have true values of G-d as well – ie, they follow the 7 Noahide laws from the Torah – which include: Do not steal, do not murder, Do not commit adultery or improper relations – like incest, bestiality, homosexuality. and adultery. Not to do idol worship, not to blaspheme and not to eat a limb from a living animal.

A document that condones wonton violence – against people is not the will of G-d. Those 7 laws are the will of G-d. So condoning violence – thinking it is really G-d’s will is neither G-d’s will nor is it moral – thus it is immoral.

When the Jews observe the Shabbat – according to Jewish law – it reminds the world that G-d created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. People strengthen their belief in G-d – because we observe Torah.

True Morality

So what is the true guide of morality in the world?

Basically True Ethics are Torah Ethics.


Because the Torah is the only document given by G-d to mankind before millions of witnesses.

Any man made document is just that – man made. Man needs to improve on what he created. G-d does not. He created things in their state of perfection. G-d is perfect. Man is not perfect.

G-d’s Ethics are Perfect – Man is not Perfect

This is evident by a boy being born with a foreskin. G-d made it such so that the boy will learn the lesson – that though G-d made him almost perfect – a person is to work on themselves to reach towards perfection.

There are over 80,000 religions in the world. Why should a person believe in Jewish ethics? Here are 2 simple reasons.

  1. The Torah is the only divine law. It is the only law that was given by G-d before millions of witnesses. G-d does not change His mind about the law – that is irrational to think of a perfect Being – knowing the past present and future to change His mind about the law.
  2. Many religions that say they do represent the word of G-d – have committed or are still committing atrocities. Religions – that killed millions of people in the name of G-d. Is that what G-d wants – I think not.

Many other reasons exist – but those are two for now.

So what is the honest person to do?

Torah is for Jews and Gentiles to Follow. Jews follow 10 commandments & the Jewish Law – Shulchan Aruch. Gentiles follow the 7 Noahide laws based upon the Torah.

That’s true morality. Everything else is off the mark.

Take three recent examples:

  • a court in England – rules that a child in a hospital should be terminated because it is too expensive. Doesn’t seem moral to me. The Torah says it is forbidden to kill.
  • People complaining that it is not right to have metal detectors to prevent violence. Seems very moral to me to protect your own life. The Torah says protect your own life.
  • The US supreme court rules for the permissibility of same gender marriage. It doesn’t seem moral that good people should not have offspring. The world is to be populated. The Torah says same gender relations are forbidden and the world is to be populated.

Torah vs. Societies Values

Compare the values of society to the values of Torah – and through asking a competent Orthodox Rabbi to explain you’ll usually understand the viewpoint of Torah. You just need to be open-minded enough to ask.

Though the Torah was given to the Jews – not all Jews are versed in Torah. Usually the comportment of Jews match the ideals of the Torah. When there is an aberration – consult a Torah authority to find what the Torah really says.

The Torah is the law of G-d. What better path is there than to live a life pleasing to G-d and man.


Connecting to G-d or Don’t Give Me that Kosher Style. I want the Real Thing!

Jews are connected.

Connected to the One above.

I know it first hand. I meet Jews in the street with all the paraphernalia – nose rings, tattoos, leather jackets. They seem tough on the outside. Scratch a little below the surface accessories and you find a warm heart connected to Judaism.

The struggling Jewish comedians. The doctor who tells me she started saying blessings on food. The Palestinian college student with a Jewish mother. A vegetarian suffering from a tough divorce. And also that non-Jewish woman steeped in materialism, grappling with conversion to Judaism.

Each has one thing in common. They are connected.

Complete Torah Observance? Not there yet.

Connected – yes. Connected in their own way. Connected by coming to the synagogue. Trying to be good to others. By putting on that big white kippah when they enter the shul. The women that cover their hair with a scarf when they come to ask for a blessing from the big Rabbi.  The secular Jews who give donations to hospitals because of their concern for others.

The Torah confirms this saying that each Jew has a spark from the Divine that keeps the Jewish person connected to Hash-m – no matter how far they feel.

G-d Loves People

G-d loves these people. They try. They support Israel or don’t. They eat kosher or kosher style – because they think it’s really Kosher. They don’t know the extent of how much G-d loves them. But those little actions mean much. I heard even that G-d loves you – a person who follows or tries earnestly to follow His laws – more than any person can love you in the world. Even one’s parents. I believe it.

Even the people who get on the defensive when they see you wearing a black kippah. And take out their frustrations out on you. I know one reason why they get defensive – because deep down they also want to be connected as much as you to the Great Power above. Apparently they envy someone they feel has a greater connection.

I love them too.

Don’t want to be be Politically Correct

I try not to be politically correct in life. I’d much rather tell it like it is. I’d rather people hear the truth than to stretch truth to make others happy. Obviously I try to be tactful. So please don’t think I’m doing the politically correct jargon.

The Lost – finding the Right Path & Getting Connected

In a sense I feel for all people. I feel that many are lost – sincerely searching for a path that will bring them to Utopia on earth. I can’t say I found Utopia – because Utopia will never exist. The true Utopia is living a life in which any situation you encounter – stressful or not – you’ll be able to deal with it in the most positive way possible. That’s real Utopia. I  did find a real path that helps me to feel I am accomplishing purpose. Yes, I do stray and sway – unfortunately – but I try keep anchored to Torah.

Yes – synagogue. Yes – Shabbat. Yes – Kosher. Yes – Daily Torah Study & Prayer. Yes – trying to not talk badly about others. Yes – Part of a Torah Community.

The more I try to be connected, the more I feel I need to be connected.

the Path to Spirituality & Self- Fulfillment – Torah Commandments

They say that a Jew is full of Mitzvot / Commandments [they do] as a pomegranate. Why a pomegranate? We as Jews have 613 commandments. (a Gentile has 7 Major categories of commandments – the Noahide Laws – that come to 30 detailed commandments). A Pomegranate has 613 seeds in it. Each Jew is connected in doing a special Mitzvah. Some try to do all. Some pick and choose. The real idea behind a Mitzvah is becoming connected to G-d. True spirituality.

Many people search cults and exotic religions – trying to find spirituality and meaning. But I say – “What more do you want? – when G-d came down and told us – to over 3 million people who witnessed – that this – the Torah – is what He wants.

This is the guide to become close to Him. Spirituality in my eyes is being close and connected to G-d. He already told us. So my job now to become connected is to try to do what I can to follow. Someone asked the Hazon Ish – a great Rabbi who lived in Benei Brak – what is the pathway to spirituality? He said follow Halacha / Jewish law.

I mentioned before that one’s real self is not the body. It is the soul. Please the soul and you will live a happier life. The problem why happiness is elusive is that – people pick and choose Mitzvot. “This is good enough for me.” “This mitzvah doesn’t fit my lifestyle.” So I will pick to follow my own made up religion – of what I think is good and what I think is wrong.

G-d really made it easy for us – He already told us what is right and wrong. That’s not our realm. Our realm is determining whether – the situation we encounter it is right to do A or B – based upon what Torah says. We can’t rewrite the Torah. No one can. Because I know my intelligence is nothing in comparison to G-d’s, I’ll relegate determining what is right and wrong to G-d. I’ll just decide if my intended reaction to a situation fits the Will of G-d as described by the Torah. This makes my life much easier.

Even this week pray – given all our Torah knowledge – that Hashem gives us the wisdom to do His will in each situation.

G-d’s View vs My Personal Interest – Choosing the Greater Good for the World.

I realized – after the fact – What it really comes down to is choosing to let G-d guide your life through Torah is choosing a greater good for you and for all society. I am very limited in my vision and the consequences of my actions. G-d takes all into account. The good for me, the good for society, the good for your family.

My scope is much more limited. I am biased. It’s putting my personal interest aside for G-d – for the greater good of the world. Though – I may not understand G-d’s ways or sometimes even certain of His laws – I follow. Once I know that G-d gave a nation of millions of people a law – where millions of people witnessed the giving of this divine document – I can feel confident following that law. I can feel confident I am doing a greater good for the world by following Torah.

A higher level is doing things leshem shamayim – for the sake of G-d. We have a special relationship with Hashem – for thousands of years He has been helping us with a kind hand. We thus do good for His sake.

We become a greater individual. We become bigger. I look at the interest of others rather than just my own. I follow what G-d wants rather than what I think is right. Usually they coincide. Sometimes they don’t. But in a case of my opinion – and the opinion of the Torah is diffferent – I defer to Torah – for G-d’s wisdom is greater than mine.

Remove Doubt – Remove Suffering

Living a Life of doubt is painful. If I don’t know what is right or wrong, I am always in doubt. Torah takes that doubt away. I just see what Torah says or ask a competent “Orthodox” rabbi what it says about a particular issue.

Years ago someone asked “what should be done with a person on life support”? I didn’t know the answer. I asked a Posek (a Rabbi qualified enough to make Halachic / Jewish law decisions) on “pulling the plug from life support.” I explained the case – He said it was forbidden. I told the family.

They followed and were happy with their decision. They did not live a life of regret asking “Did I do the right thing?” They knew they did the right thing for they based their decision upon Torah.

My Life of Picking and Choosing

I was in the situation of picking and choosing what is convenient for me.The “This doesn’t fit my lifestyle” attitude – until I chose to get off this “double citizenship” – of on one hand following Torah when it’s convenient and not when it is not. It took time. As they say “slowly but surely wins the race.” But once I did commit to follow Torah based upon what it said to do rather than what I thought is convenient – I changed myself and changed my life for the better.

I didn’t choose what I should do and not. I knew I had to do all – my choice was relegated to choosing what I was ready to take upon myself. At one time I took complete eating Kosher inside and out of the house. Then I took complete Shabbat observance. Then I took wearing a Kippah. Then I took Daily Torah study. Each one has their own path to Judaism. I’m still trying to grow. But at least I have a path. Some don’t know the path exists.

Achieving Your Purpose in Life

That same path in Judaism – that brings spiritual satisfaction – brings one to achieving their personal potential and purpose in life. Apparently they are related.

The Real Thing

I don’t want that Kosher style lifestyle. I want the real thing.

I won’t lie. It takes effort. It takes sweat. Going against the grain. Breaking the mold that society builds for you. Moving Forward day by day. Overcoming the challenges – but you know in the end you have a Hand that carries you. A good G-d that watches over you.

Anyone – regardless of their level of righteousness – can have emunah / trust in Hash-m’s / G-d’s providence and He will help them. G-d will even help the thief who prays to Him to be successful in his endeavor to steal from a house. Anyone can repent and start over.

But strong connection takes work. Work at it. Be ready to go the whole 9 yards. And you’ll never be or feel alone. You’ll always be directly connected to the One above.

In the Market for a New Religion? A Comparison to Consider

I meet a lot of different people. Most are pretty down to earth. Average Joes doing their 9 to five to make ends meet. Working hard. Working honestly.

That’s good. It is a Mitzvah / Commandment from Torah to work – for Jews and Non Jews. For through work one builds the world. G-d wants a world that is built up Thus it is also a Mitzvah for people – Jews and Gentiles to have children – because G-d wants a world that is populated – not desolate.

Thus people have satisfaction in working and having and raising children. It’s a Mitzvah. Mitzvah’s make you happy. For you are your soul and your soul feels satisfaction in doing Mitzvoth.

Proofs? Statistically Married people commit suicide less than single people. Statistically, suicides occur most on Sundays and Mondays – right after the weekend when people are not working. Also the Motivation theory of Theodore Herzberg demonstrates that people are more motivated when they are accomplishing things at work.

Sorry for the regression. In any case – I met people who go through religions like they go through clothing. One year they are this, the next that.

Some hit the bid. Some fly into another set of laws – uncomfortable for them or society.

There are thousands of religions. How does one find the right religion?


“I feel it is right?” As Spock would say – That is illogical.

Why – because Joe might feel that A is right for him and Jack would feel that B is right for him. Obviously G-d made a way to rationally determine what is his true law. It must be that every sane person in the world could come to this determination. Otherwise, a person would not be able to be judged after they pass on. They could always defend themselves to G-d and say “I thought my feeling was right?” And get off the hook. Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.

Obviously there must be a rational way – based upon logic and rationality – to determine G-d’s true law.

Four simple questions exist that one can come to the conclusion of the true religion of G-d. Each question must be answered rationally.

These are the four questions in short. (A previous post on The Four Question entitled – What G-d really Wants from You goes into the matter in more depth.)

  1. Is there a G-d

  2. Did G-d Give a Law?

  3. What is that Law?

  4. Did G-d Change His mind?

The rational answers are :

 1. Is there a G-d?

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean that you believe that man, the world, all nature, molecules, the universe, growth, order of the world, babies, the food chain comes from random atoms flying together. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a G-d.

2. Did G-d Give a Law? 

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean you believe that G-d created this magnificent world and not care about if people destroyed his nature or creatures. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a Law of G-d.

3. What is that Law?

Answer: The Torah. The Torah is the Only law in which millions of people, an entire nation of people, the Jewish People – heard G-d speaking and giving of the divine law the Torah at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. Not one person. Not two people. Not 5, not 10. But Millions of People. To say another law that was not heard by millions would be irrational. Why? Because if it was only one person, I would have no reason to believe one person over another person who says the exact opposite of the first person. Thus millions of people would have had to heard the divine law for it to be valid.

4. Did G-d change His mind?

Answer: No. To say G-d gave a law and changed his “mind” about the laws or people is irrational. G-d is omniscient. He know all the past the present and future. Not rational to say He gave a law and changed His mind.

A G-d that Answers when We Call

G-d is called Hash-m, which means “the Name”. One who prays to Him is answered. Once an african american woman went to see my friend the optometrist. She said she beacame a follower of the Noahide laws for Gentiles according to the Torah. He asked why? She said when she was following another religion, she prayed and was not answered. When she prayed to Hash-m, she was. So She became a righteous Gentile that follows the Seven Noahide laws.

Gentiles have tremendous Wisdom in Science. In Astrology. In Mathematics. The Torah says to believe in the Wisdom of the Gentiles. Yet, we do not believe in their laws that pertain to Spirituality. For the Jews are the recievers of the Torah. This is the expression –

Chochma Bagoyim Taamin Torah Bagoyim al Taamin. – Wisdom of the Gentiles Believe. The Divine Law of the Gentiles do not believe. Because G-d Himself taught the Jews the laws. Anything that differs cannot be believed – beacause we heard it from the mouth of G-d.

Like we mentioned above – After a person passes away they will be judged for their deeds and actions. The question is according to what law will they be judged? Is it according to the Torah? A person must be able to determine through rational thought what is the true law of G-d. Otherwise they would not be able to be judged fairly in the next world because they would always have the excuse “I thought that Judaism was not the true religion.”

For a claim to hold up in the heavenly court any person in the world could have figured this out. Below are some issues that help a person to decide the religion they should follow.

Here is a comparison that was compiled several years ago. Perhaps it can help those in search for the will of G-d.

Comparison of Judaism and Other Ideologies

In the left column is the ideal situation for a religion to be well founded.

The second column is what Judaism believes and is supported by fact.

The third column is an example of what some other religions believe.

The purpose of this comparison is for a person who is sincerely searching for the true religion and wants to get close to the true God to have a point of comparison between Judaism and other ideologies. The answers in the second column are provided for information purposes and the reader is free to enter the answers of their own religion’s stance on the issue to be able to compare it to the Torah.

The list below not only provides evidence of the veracity of Torah Judaism as the religion of G-d. It also shows that since most Jews believe in the basic principles of the Torah, it show that the Jews are spiritually connected to Hash-m.

What does this mean? This means that the through Torah – Jews can maintain a closer relationship with Hash-m by adhering to its principles. They can reach higher heights of perfection and their potential.

Though gentiles can reach a level of closeness to Hash-m, through exercising their own potential and attaining a higher degree of perfection through the Seven Noahide laws of the Torah, to attain a greater closeness to God they have the option of becoming full fledged Jews – by conversion through a competent Orthodox Rabbi. Those concerned about this, those that wish they could reach this closeness to Hashem – always have the option of conversion to Judaism open to them permitting them to reach this greater closeness.

Issue – the ideal answer.


Other religions

Law transmitted by God Himself not by an agent

Jewish people actually heard transmission of Torah from God Himself

Transmitted by a single human being to others

Transmission of law witnessed by millions people

The giving of the Torah by God Himself at mount Sinai was witnessed by over 3 million people. Of which 600,000 Jewish men between the age of 20 to 60 witnessed the event.

Witnessed by one individual or several individuals

Transmitted by a person who spoke directly to God face to face

Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses Our Teacher spoke to God face to face like a person would speak to another person, while he was completely awake and lucid.

Transmitted by a person who had a dream

Law conceived by God

God created the Torah and then created the world. The law is his law.

Group of people conceived law

God did open miraculous kindness for an entire nation

God sends plagues upon Egyptians and brings Jewish people out of Egypt in front of all the world.

Did not do miracles for entire nation.

Law is based upon principles that cannot be changed by man

God gave to Torah is written Torah and the Oral Torah. All laws must conform to what is written in the Oral Torah. (Which is now the Talmud)

People have discretion to change laws according to their whim

God changes nature for a entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt to punish Egyptians for pain they caused the Jews.

Does things for individuals

God punishes nations that hurt entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt because they caused suffering to the Jewish nation.

Does things for individuals

God helps entire nation to be victorious in war

God helps Jewish nation to be victorious over nations much mightier than them in the wilderness of Sinai

Win by force. (Of course with the will of G-d)

Explanation of God’s features makes logical sense

God is not physical nor spiritual. He is the essence of existence. Has no deficiencies or weaknesses. He is Perfect. He is One. He is Unlimited. He is everywhere.

Their concept of “gods” are illogical. It can be an animal or a man (either dead or alive) or an object – “that is dead, eventually dies or decays or can be destroyed. If a “god” dies, or is dead, decays or can be destroyed it has a weakness and logically cannot be the real god. Assumes G-d changes his mind after taking a well thought out decision – if G-d is perfect he wouldn’t change his mind.

Is Truth

Allows and encourages questions to arrive at the truth. Truth is not afraid of questions.

Use manipulative tactics to avoid truth or threats because their doctrine cannot stand up to the test of truth. Punish people who deny their doctrine.

Has detailed laws that deal with all situations.

Has specific and detailed laws that are either treated directly or can be derived from the Talmud.

Have vague laws based on general foundations of the religion. No specific details of cases.

Detailed Laws are based upon Torah’s Laws

Detailed laws that correspond directly with Torah Laws (ie, five books of Moses).

Have vague laws many of which have nothing to do with the Torah’s commandments or are against the Torah’s commandments ie, – “Do not make an image of G-d.”

Giving of law witnessed by trustworthy people

The Jews were on the level of righteousness so high that they attained prophecy when they received the Torah.

Was witnessed by harlots, immoral people or killers.

Transmitted by righteous people

Moshe Rabbeinu who transmitted the Torah was so righteous he was able to speak with God directly

Transmitted by killers and sinners “if they could kill they could lie also

Based upon logic, not miracles

Hash-m did thousands of miracles for the Jewish nation – “ten plagues, manna, splitting of the sea of reeds, etc. But belief in Torah is not based on miracles. It is based upon historical fact, G-d’s communication with the Jewish people, common sense and logic. See Rambam “ Laws of Mashiach / Messiah. Laws of Kings – chapter 11

Believe because one or more people were subject to or did miracles. Because of the existence of freedom of choice even wicked people can actually do “miracles” – ie, voodoo, black magic. Thus doing Miracles is not a proof of veracity.

Allows truths to be questioned and is open to questions – open minded to allow questions to arrive at the truth

Questions will surely encouraged – Anyone who learns Gemara or Talmud realizes how open the Torah is to questions

Religions censor people and works that are contrary to their beliefs in order that they do not discover the truth. They hide the truth or deny questions and provide roundabout answers. They Give very vague verses from the “Bible” to show their veracity – yet these verses are misinterpreted by them, because they did not receive the Oral Torah that explains exactly what the verse means.

Meaningful and well thought out laws, rituals and customs

Rituals are pleasant like having meals with the family on Shabbat and holidays. Prayer.

Have unusual rituals and laws sometimes subjecting followers to flagellate themselves, torturing themselves, throwing people into fire. They burn wives of upon death of husband. Some Religion leaders do not procreate – if all of the members of the religion would become leaders their would be no members of the religion after that generation.

Believe that God is an entity that is not physical or spiritual. It is not logical to say that God is physical or spiritual, because anything that is physical or spiritual can be created or destroyed. Anything that can be created or destroyed cannot be God.

Hash-m is not physical nor spiritual. He is the Essence of perfection and goodness.

Some propose God is physical. They may say he is a man, an object, or an animal. they attribute godly attributes to a mound of flesh Or to an inanimate a pile of stones or a statue. All these have the weakness “they can be destroyed. Therefore they cannot be the true god.

Common people who follow the religion are righteous.

The basic rule for the Jews is to love one’s fellow like one’s self. Observant Jews do many and exemplary acts of kindness.

Though many are righteous, many times in history the masses of people were killers and instigators in that they actively participated in in pogroms, crusades, blood-libels, aiding the Nazis, terrorism and anti-Semitic campaigns.

Top leaders are exemplary  righteous people

Top leaders are exemplary in morality, in kindness and in following the laws of the Torah.

Many scandals are surfacing against top leaders – stealing, killing, immorality, etc. Gurus make up their own set of laws ie – it’s OK to steal if the Guru gains money from it.

Foundations of the beliefs of the ideology are logical

Foundations are based upon solid evidence and logic (and see 13 principles of faith of the Rambam)

Believe because you have to believe (they force people to believe because their claims make are irrational like their “god” is a dead man.) To quell the masses they say it is improper to ask questions or to just believe on faith. No sane person would by a car on “faith” that it has an engine. Subscribing to a religion – that one’s life in heaven depends upon – should be subject to at least the same scrutiny.

Foundations of Religion are consistent with the Document of the Law

Foundations of Torah is that G-d is One, He is Perfect, He is not Physical. It says in the Torah “You shall not make any image that is on earth or in the Heavens” – The second of 10 commandments.

Their god is a physical entity or a physical entity represents their g-d which is explicitly forbidden in the 5 Books of Moses.

All people are treated with sensitivity

Each man must be respected because he was created in the image of Hash-m. Never killed innocent people on basis of the Torah.

Killed millions of innocent people in the name of “God” and their religion – historically and currently condone killing of innocent people who through terrorism, pogroms, violence, etc.

Are in sync with morality and common sense

Each person should be treated with respect and dignity.

Their law says “don’t kill.” Yet in actuality religions were at times one of the greatest terror organizations. Historically and currently condone killing of innocent people through terrorism, pogroms, violence, holy wars, holocaust, genocide, intifada, etc.

Number of witnesses to Origin of Religion

Millions of Jewish People “600,000 men witnessed and heard G-d’s voice at Sinai

Two harlots, person who had a dream, guru that got a divine message

Number of Adherents


Hundreds of Millions “number of adherents is not a testimony to the truth“ see below (If a million people say 1 + 1 = 3 and one person says 1 + 1 = 2. Who is right? The million people or the one person?) Easier to follow ones desires than to control ones desires. There was a point in time that a majority of the world believed the world was flat. Does that mean that the world was flat at that time point in time?

Claims to have millions of witnesses to transmission of the law – and has proof

Millions of Jewish people saw and heard Hashem –  G-d giving the Torah.

Don’t make any claims that millions of people witnessed giving or Re-transmission of the law

Claims G-d did not – “change his mind”

Hash-m is perfect. His knowledge is perfect. He knows the past and the future. He does not change his mind.

Say G-d changes his mind.

G-d did not change his people

Hash-m chose only the Jewish people to be the Chosen nation and they remain to be his Chosen nation. He never changed them with another nation.
There are proofs of this in Torah and according to logic. If someone employs a thousand people. If he decides to fire them he sends them pink slips. “Pink slips” or another declaration never was made that Hash-m rescinded his covenant with them. When one introduces a product they do much publicity if they wish to recall it they also use much publicity. It is an eternal covenant. Hashem forgave the Jews for any sins that they did. Mishkan Haedut “ the Mishkan is a testimony to the fact that Hashem forgave us for the sin of the Golden Calf.

Say G-d changed his people with another people.

The Law is Divine

The Torah is Divine. How do we know the Torah is Divine? Millions of witnesses heard transmission of law from Hash-m himself at Mount Sinai.

Law made up by men.

G-d did not change the original nation that he chose.

G-d does not change his mind. He has perfect knowledge and knows the future. He would not select a nation and then “change his mind.” The Jews were Hash-m’s chosen people and remain his chosen people and will remain to be his chosen people forever.

Other religions say G-d changed the original nation that he chose. This is the basis for their religion’s existence.

Treat non-members of the religion in respectful manner.

Even the most lowly of people “Bilaam” – the gentile prophet who was unable to answer the rebuke of his talking donkey – who wished to curse the Jews was spared embarrassment. Hash-m his donkey killed so that people wouldn’t point to the donkey saying “look that is the donkey that Bilaam couldn’t answer back” and embarrass Bilaam.

Vilify Jews and create hatred among their people of Jews. Teach children to Hate Jews from an early age – even in schools. Create heros out of those who commit violence against Jews. Call Jews the “Devils”. Create campaigns against Jews and make plots against Jews. Every new act or speech of violence against the Jews further detracts credibility of the validity of their religion.

God did not change his original nation that he chose for another nation. The nation he chose is the same nation forever.

God says in the scriptures and the Torah that the people of Israel are his chosen nation forever. “Six days you shall work and on the seventh day it is a holy day of rest to Hashem“ anyone who shall do work on the Shabbat day will …. And the children of Israel observed the Shabbat “to do the Shabbat throughout the generations – between Me (Hashem) and the children of Israel “ it is a sign forever. (Shemot 31:16-17) (Devarim/ Deut. 5:25)

God changes his mind. They disregard these verses.

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses to the most minute detail. Know all the details of the laws.

Those religions that claim their people to be the “replacement” of the Jewish people “ Do not even know the details of most of the commandments. They act contrary to the commandments. G-d said the seventh day of the week should be the Sabbath Day. The Jewish people observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day “others on the 6th day of the week and others on the first day of the week. This goes against an explicit law in the Torah. There are many more examples too numerous to list.

Follow the 10 commandments

Follow the 10 commandments with all the details.

“You shall not make an image of G-d that is from earth, the skies or the waters” – Those that worship – a man – a man is from earth“ thus it is forbidden from the 10 commandments to worship a man or treat any man as a representation of G-d. A cow is from earth, a tree is from earth“ all are forbidden to treat as images of G-d.

“Thou shalt not kill.” Many pogroms, killings done in the name of the religion.

“Thou shalt not steal” after the pogroms sanctioned by religions they stole goods that belonged to innocent people that they killed.

Observant Orthodox Jews are the only ones that consistently observe the laws of the 5 Books of Moses – eaning that we are the True representatives of the Torah.

Jews: Observe Passover, wear Tephillin, Observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day, eat Matzah, take the Lulav and Etrog, live in Booths, Celebrate the receiving of the Torah.

No other people observe the commandments of the Torah in their entirety and detail like the Orthodox Jews.

Philosophers admitted to the Truth of the Torah over their own Philosophy.

Aristotle wrote a letter to Alexander the Great at the end of his life testifying that he erred with his philosophy, he regretted teaching it and that he admitted to the Truth of the Torah. (see Meam Loez “ Parasha Yitro)

Do not present an insult to G-d

Jews Praise G-d for his Greatness every day. Believe that G-d is exactly they way that He is described in the Torah according to the RAMBAM. He is not physical, nor spiritual. He is all powerful. He has no weaknesses.

Present an insult to G-d. Say G-d is a man or a stone or a tree or a statue “who is limited and nothing in comparison to Hash-m. This is comparable to calling a mighty human king a dog. (See story of Rabbi Akiva)

Facts of science correspond to facts written in texts of the religion

Because Hash-m created the Torah and then created the world using the Torah as a blueprint facts about the world and nature must correspond to facts that are accepted in the Torah. For instance:

Torah states world is a sphere. World is a sphere.

Torah states Gestation period of a snake is 7 years. Gestation period of a snake is 7 years.

Torah states exactly how many stars in the Universe in Talmud Berachot. Current scientific calculations of number of stars corresponds to number of stars written in the Torah.

Time it takes for moon to revolve around the earth. Time stated by Torah (in Talmud) thousands of years ago corresponds exactly to time determined recently by NASA scientists.

There was a point in time which religions stated the world is flat. If they represent G-d, they should know a basic thing like that the world is not flat. Religions are historically against science.

People are Chosen People as it states in the Torah

Hash-m Chooses the Jewish nation to be a light to the world“ in terms of ethics and serving Hash-m. As it states in the Torah about the Jewish People “For you are a Holy nation to Hash-m Your G-d: You Hash-m your G-d chose to be a special nation to Him “ among all the nations of the world that are on the face of the Earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6)

Others religions say “Jews are devils, are the cause of the worlds problems, are the enemy” and cause Jews tremendous suffering in the name of the religion. Anti-semitism is prevalent.

(Asides the fact that it is strictly forbidden for a Jewish person to marry a gentile – this is one reason why even a totally assimilated Jew should not marry a gentile unless the gentile converts. Judaism doesn’t condone the killing of gentiles. Other religions historically and some currently condone and encourage the killing of Jews. Basically a person who associates themselves with a religion accepts their practices “ currently and historically.

So the Jewish partner should say to the non-Jewish partner “If you love me“ you wouldn’t want me to be killed. If you adhere to a religion“ that shows that you agree with that religion and their past and present practices. Your religion condones the killing of Jews “ and I am Jewish. If you actually love me show me through your action by abandoning your faith and become a sincere convert according to the Torah with a competent orthodox Jewish Rabbi.” If they convert this is a sign that they love you. If they do not accept to convert they surely do not love you. A person who loves another does not want any harm to come to the partner and even more they do not the death of the partner.

Gentiles have two possible paths to choose from in Judaism. To become a Righteous Gentile by following the seven Noahide laws proscribed by the Torah commandments and would not be able to marry a Jew. Or become a full-fledged convert to Torah Judaism by following the program proscribed by a competent Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. (Those already intermarried should contact a competent Orthodox Rabbi to seek guidance for Jewish Conversion).

Philosophies are logical

Solid logic applies to foundations, all law and all thoughts

Can an animal, man dead or alive, or a statue make a house from nothing (ex-nihlo) even more so the entire universe

The forefathers and Jewish people are the major subject of the Torah (Tanach “ Torah, Neviim / Prophets and Ketuvim / Writings)

Jewish nation occupies major part of the Torah

Ishmael is mentioned only briefly. Other guy is not mentioned even once. Ever heard of a novel where the main character is never mentioned once?

Law is Standard

There is only one version of the Torah “ the five books of Moses, Prophets and Writings. There is no difference between Torah of now and of three thousand years ago. Text of the Torah is standard where found geographically throughout the world, throughout various customs, throughout time.

Hundreds or thousands of different versions of their “bible”.

Witnessed by millions / Remembered by millions

An event of the magnitude of millions of people leaving a country accompanied by clouds and by miraculous events to an entire nation is an national unforgettable memory that people remember (see the kuzari principle “ david gottleib”?)

Reason for the existence of the religion makes sense

The reason for the Jewish religion is so that the Jews will serve as an example as the lights to the nations for them to know how to act in a moral and ethical manner and to become close to Hash-m. The Rambam -Maimonides –  writes the reason for why Hashem let other religions to develop is because before people were idol worshipers and their religion serves as a transition stage before they recognize the truth of the Torah.

Is the Oldest and Original Monotheistic Way of life

Judaism is the Original and the Oldest Monotheistic religion in the world. The others are offshoots. HaMotzi Mechavero Alav Haraya. If a person is holding an object we can assume that it belongs to him. If someone wants to take it from him the claimant must bring the proof. Judaism originally held the title of the one and only True Monotheistic religion. Other religions came after and wanted to falsely claim that title. Other religions have to bring proof of their authenticity because they are not holding on to the title. Rather than Judaism having to prove its authenticity.

Others are unfaithful imitations of the original.

Adam, Noah, Shem, Ever, The Forefathers, Matriarchs, Moses, David, Solomon, observed scrupulously the Torah as it is being observed by observant Jews today

The Torah was given to Adam and the Great Men of the Torah who observed it. They observed it in a form similar to the way it is observed today.

Other religions weren’t around to be observed by any great people of Bible.

The whole world was supposed to observe the Torah – the Seven Noahide Laws – when He gave them to Adam the First Man.


Issue – Ideal Answer


Other Religions

Did not kill innocent people in the name of the religion

Does not and did not kill innocent people in name of the religion.

Killed and tortured millions of people in the name of the “religion.” Committed tremendous crimes against humanity. Condoned the Nazis. Yet are supposed to be the upholders of morality.

Solid foundations

G-d is one. He is not physical. He has no deficiencies.

They say their god died. If a “god” dies it must mean that they are not the true G-d.

Not Contradictory

Laws and philosophies follow a directive of “Love your fellow as yourself.”.

Says “Love everyone” yet killed millions of people in the name of the religion.

Admit to the Truth of the Torah


Usually – when convenient.

Have a line of transmission from Mount Sinai till now

There are books that list the line uninterrupted transmission of the Torah from Moses till the recent rabbis. (See Rambam – Maimonides). This uninterrupted transmission spans over times where popular religions were started – showing that the other religions are man-made offshoots or novelties rather than a religion that was given by Hash-m himself.

No line of transmission. Or Contradictory Lines of Transmission.

Do not actively pursue converts – in order that only sincere convert

Do not encourage gentile people to convert to Judaism due to challenges of being a sincere Torah observer. Encourages gentiles to follow the law that is proscribed for them by the Torah “ the 7 Noahide laws.

Convert anyone, by force, threat of death, torture, bribery, tricks, money.

Proofs from the Torah that the Jewish Torah and Philosophy is True

“Hashem is one”;
“G-d is not a man.”

“G-d does not change his mind”

Mishkan Haedut – testimony that the Jews were forgiven.

Use truthful practices

Encourages questions and investigation of the religion.

Missionaries lie, make false interpretations of verses, are ignorant to true meaning of the verses.

Law remains the same over time

If it was forbidden to steal yesterday “ it is forbidden to steal today. Law is decided based upon new situations “ but law remains the same.

Law changes according to whim of people.

Institute punishment in a just manner

Have detailed laws of justice with strict laws for judges.

Kill innocent people because they don’t believe a dead human of flesh or a mound of clay is god.

G-d loves his own nation with a special love and his covenant with the Jews remains for at least a thousand generations (one generation is 20 years, 1000 generations is 20,000 – years the world has only been in existence for at least 5768 years ) – meaning that Hash-m never replaced his Jewish people with another nation.

“It is not because of your great number among the other people that Hash-m desired you and chose you – for you are the fewest of all people. Rather it is from the love of Hash-m towards you, and his guarding of the oath that he swore to your forefathers that Hash-m would take you out with a strong arm and redeem you from the house of bondage from the hand of Pharaoh – the king of Egypt. And you shall know that Hash-m your God – He is the God, and the faithful God who guards his covenants and kindness to those that he loves and those that guards his Commandments to the thousandth generation. And he pays His enemies before him and destroys them – He does not tarry to his enemies before him to pay them back. And you shall guard the Commandments and the laws and ordinances that I commands you today to do. (Devarim 7: 7 -11)

Hash-m loves the convert to Judaism. Enemies of the Jews, Esau and Amalek are Hash-m’s enemies.

Chosen nation has different laws than other nations (Gentiles shall not marry Jews)

“And you shall not marry them. Your daughter you shall not give to his son and his daughter to not take for your son. For he (the gentile father or mother) will remove your children from following after Me (Hash-m) and he will serve other gods and Hash-m will burn his anger against you and he will destroy you quickly. Rather this is what you shall do to them “their altars you shall break. “And their pillars you shall smash and their sacred trees you shall cut down and their idols you shall burn with fire.” (Devarim / Deut. 7:3 – 5)

Some Faiths people kill women that marry outside their faith.

Hash-m Loves His People and People that Follow his Laws (Gentiles that follow Noahide Laws and Jewish People who follow the Shulhan Aruch)

“Rather because of the desire towards your forefathers “ He loves you “ and he will select their seed “ from among them till today” (Devarim / Deut.10:15)

The Five books of Moses is accepted as True throughout the world by many people

The main basis of the observance of our Torah is the Five books of Moses that much of the world accepts as the Truth.

The basis of other religions are documents that the other people of the world dispute their veracity.

Jews have the Oral Law

Jews received the Torah and its explanation originally transmitted orally – which is the Talmud. Thus they know how to observe the Torah with all its details.

Other nations do not do or know how to do commandments properly.

 Jews Pray Directly to G-d – There are no Intermediaries Jews pray only to Hash-m. Intermediaries are are form of Idol worship according to Judaism. In the Generation of Enosh – People thought G-d is too great to pray directly to him – So they started to pray to intermediaries. This was the start of Idol worship. This eventually culminated in G-d’s destruction of the world through the flood. Many Religions condone  prayer to intermediaries – which was one of the causes of the destruction of the world.