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Berakha Card / Blessings on Food (Business Card)

brachacardContains the blessings on food items. Like Motzi for bread and Mezonot for Cake. Makes knowing the Bracha easy. Laminated. Business card Size.

ברכות האכילה

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Bracha Card – tells us the correct bracha / blessing to recite before eating. Contains the blessings on food items. Like Motzi for bread and Mezonot for Cake. Makes knowing the Bracha easy. Laminated. Business card Size.

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Price: $0.00

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Berakha Card / Blessings for Aromas

Bracha Card / Blessings for Aromas

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Bracha Card – tells us the correct bracha / blessing to recite before enjoying aromas.


Price: $0.00

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Asher Yatzar – Blessing for Good Health (Quarter Page)

Asher Yatzar – Blessing for Good Health (Quarter Page)

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Asher Yatzar – Wondrous Creation of Man Blessing (for Good Health). Prayer recited after washing hands after one's needs. This is a segula for good health. Asher Yatzar is a way to thank the Crea-tor for the Proper Functioning of the Body. One who recites it regularly may be able to achieve Healing.


Price: $0.00

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Birkat Hamazon / Grace After Meals – ABRIDGED

Birkat Hamazon Abridged (Short Version) – recited after eating a meal with bread (if it is difficult to recite the long version)

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Birkat Hamazon Abstract – recited after eating a meal with bread (if it is difficult to recite the long version)

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Combination of product variants is not available

Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Shidduch Tehillim (Psalm 121) / Lost Objects Prayer

Shidduch Tehillim (Psalm 121) / Lost Objects Prayer

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Part of Tehillim Card Series – for Finding a Soul Mate and to find lost objects


Price: $0.00

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Happiness Card / 13 Principles / 6 Constant Mitzvot Card

Happiness Card / 13 Principles / 6 Constant Mitzvot Card

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Happiness Card – The 13 principles of Judaism of Maimonides. And 6 constant mitzvot / commandments – that a person receives a reward just by thinking about them. The Gallup organization also conducted a study on life satisfaction – they found that people who follow the rites of the Torah are the happiest. Seven categories that summarize the benefits of the Torah.


Price: $0.00

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Jewish Happy Pack

Jewish Happy Pack

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10 Jewish Cards & Candy in Envelope – Includes 1) Bracha Card, 2) Abridged Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals),3) Asher Yatzar Card, 4) Shema Yisrael Card, 5) Aleph-Bet Card, 6) Happiness Card – which includes 13 Principles of Fact of the RaMBaM (Maimonides) and 6 constant Mitzvot 7) Tefilat HaDerech / Shiviti – For Protection on Trips and in General 8) Jewish Activity & Websites Card, 9) Good Person Card – Character traits of a Good Person, 10) Material Success Card

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Material Success Tehillim (Psalm 24) Card

Material Success Tehillim (Psalm 24) Card


Price: $0.00

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Aleph Bet Card (Business Card)


Aleph Bet Card (Business Card)


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Aleph Bet Card (Half-Page)



Aleph Bet Card (Half-Page) – A comprehensive chart of the Hebrew Alphabet – includes Hebrew Print Letters, Hebrew Script Letters, Rashi Script Letters, Names of letters, sounds of each, Hebrew keyboard display, Hebrew Vowel Names, Hebrew Vowel Keys, Hebrew Vowel Sounds, examples of words, English transliteration of words, numerical value of Hebrew letters


Price: $0.00

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Shema Yisrael (Business Card)

Shema Yisrael (Business Card). Select Either in Hebrew and English.

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Shema Yisrael – to be recited twice a day – early morning and evening – after dark.

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Combination of product variants is not available

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Shema Yisrael (Half-Page)

Shema Yisrael (Half-Page)

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Shema Yisrael – to be recited twice a day – early morning and evening – after dark.


Price: $0.00

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Menorah / Divine Protection (Business Card)

Has Tehillim in Form of Menorah. Good for Divine Protection and to Keep on Dashboard of Automobile.
King David had this Menorah on his Shield.

– Tefilat HaDerech / Wayfarer’s Prayer is in Hebrew, Transliteration & English

– Tehillim 91 & 121 are in Hebrew

The Menorah

Extract of all the qualifications to be reciting Tehillim 67 – Lamnatzeah’ BiNginot / Psalm 67 / “A Song of the conductor” in Hebrew in the shape of Menorah – with the Menorah held Upright

A. It has many virtues, such as King David would go to war would defeat the enemy and they would fall in before him

B. Find favor and grace in the eyes of G-d and man.

C. Protect from bad decrees on the congregation.

D. No bad decree will occur to him.

E. Read Upright, It is Considered before G-d “as if he lights candles in the temple.

F. He is Guaranteed a place next world.

G. No harm will occur to him in the entire year.

H. He will be successful in his actions

I. He will have peace and success.

J. Life will be added on those who hold (of doing) it.

K. In its merit they will merit to greet the candle of the Messiah.

L. Saves him from the judgment of purgatory

M. It protects and shelters
Note : These benefits accrue to those who read it in the shape of the Menorah (in Hebrew) Upright daily. Usually one reads it from a parchment written by a Sofer / Torah Scribe. It is possible that these benefits occur for those who read it from a Menorah on paper. The menorah was on David’s Shield – so either you could say that it was written on a parhment and stuck to the back of his shield (thus one should read it on the parchment) or it was engraved on his metal shield (and thus one could get the benefit even if it is not written on parchment.)

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Shiviti / Menorah – For Protection & To Guard from Aveiras / Transgression. King David Had this Menorah inscribed on his shield. When focused on, he received divine protection. Tefilat HaDerech – the wayfarers prayer – the Tefilat / prayer recited before a big trip for protection during travel. Shiviti is also a protection (I put it in my car in front of me).


Price: $0.00

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Travelers Prayer / Tefilat Haderech – Rabbi Picture

Travelers Prayer / Tefilat Haderech – Rabbi Picture –

A Business Card Sized Card that Has the Traveler’s Prayer in Hebrew, English and Transliteration. Picture of a Rabbi on Other Side or Other Prayer.


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Aleph Bet

Aleph Bet Coloring Book


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Jewish Activity Card & Websites

Jewish Activity Card & Websites – Jewish Websites & Apps for Smartphones

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Web-sites and Jewish restaurants in Manhattan.


Price: $0.00

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Pirkei Avot – Card of Pirkei Avot – Table of Contents of Subjects

Pirkei Avot – Card of Pirkei Avot – Table of Contents of Subjects


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Pirkei Avot

Pirkei Avot


Price: $0.00

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Shabbat Care Package

Shabbat Care Package – Includes –  My Little Siddur (containing Weekday Morning prayers, Shema, “How to Do Shabbat” info, Candle Lighting Prayer,- with Kiddush & Havdala) Tealight Candles & Berakha Cards


Price: $0.00

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Shabbat Guide (Half-Page)

Shabbat Guide (Half-Page)


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Index of Tehillim for Respite from Concerns – Business Card

Index of Tehillim for Respite from Concerns


Price: $0.00

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Noahide Laws for all Humanity – Sheva Mitzvot B’nai Noach (Business Card)

noahpic2Laws for all Humanity – Sheva Mitzvot B’nai Noach – The Seven Noahide Laws (Business Card)

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7 Laws of Noah – The laws given to Adam, and after to Noah and finally to Moshe / Moses, Our Teacher, for all mankind – even non-Jews. A Non-Jew does not need to be Jewish to have a part in the future world.


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Noahide Laws for all Humanity – Sheva Mitzvot B’nai Noach (Half-Page)

Laws for all Humanity – Sheva Mitzvot B’nai Noach – The Noahide Commandments in Detail – Has thirty Commandments in Total (Half-Page)

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7 Laws of Noah – The laws given to Adam, and after to Noah and finally to Moshe / Moses, Our Teacher, for all mankind – even non-Jews. A Non-Jew does not need to be Jewish to have a part in the future world.


Price: $0.00

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Ahavat Yisrael / Love Fellow

Ahavat Yisrael / Love Fellow


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Essential Guide for Jewish Women

Essential Guide for Jewish Women


Price: $0.00

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Eshet Chayil Card / Shopping Guide for Jewish Woman – Tzniut / Jewish Modesty Card

tzniutcardtzniutcard2Tzniut / Jewish Modesty Card

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Shopping Guide a Jewish Woman – a King's Daughter


Price: $0.00

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You Are Special Card

Contains 34 reasons that give you hope and purpose in life. Even when you are feeling down, you can pick yourself up.

You Are Special–Torah Outlook to Live/Self-worth,Love,Coping,Active Good בס’ד

1. You are Unique -There never was & never will be a person exactly like you in the world. You make a difference in world. Appreciate & Believe in yourself.
2. You Have Specific Purpose in the World that only you-w/your qualities & personality can achieve (Path of Just-ch1) World was made for you
3. Hash·m Has Faith in You – that you can do any Mitzvah -Modeh Ani. You have great potential to do good.
4. Part of Chosen People-You are child of Hash·m, the King, making you a Prince(ss).
5. Think Positive! Your Self-Worth is Determined by Your Goodness- Quickly Remove Negativety. Improve daily – it’s in your control -& improve your own self-esteem.
6. You Are Judged for Effort You Make – more than results. More effort-more reward. If on road to improve you’re a new person. You’re always succesful if you try!
7. You Can Always Do Teshuva (repent) – for past & will be forgiven by G·d for any sin with sincere teshuva. Done for love of G·d–sins become Mitzvas.

8. Hash·m (G·d) Loves You more than anyone in the world & He is in control. He wants you healthy.
9. Hash·m Is Good & always does good for us even if we don’t understand now. A Problem is opportunity in disguise. Believe He’s doing good for you now & He’ll do good for you in future & solves any problem.
10. You Are Happy When You Are You. You are your soul. Happy is soul when pleased w/ pleasures compatible w/Torah. Sins sadden it.
11. The Greatest Pleasure is Having a Close Relationship with Hash·m, achieved through Torah study & Mitzvot. Difficulties arise at times to become closer with Him. Make effort & solve problems. Do good & feel good.
12. People Can Help You achieve, overcome challenges & enjoy relationships. Reach out. Improve observance to be matched w/better mate
13. Listen to Positive & Forgive Others
14. Love Yourself – for yourself. Challenges help you grow.

15. Believe it will be good & it will be good
16. There’s Always Hope –w/sincere prayer
17. Things Can Change for Better in a second
18. Also This Will Pass – know it will pass.
19. Power of Heartfelt Prayer–changes decrees
20. Learning Torah Soothes the Soul
21. Recite Tehillim/Psalms- for respite & healing
22. Do Mitzvot to Bring Light to Life
23. Insults & Pain are for a Purpose & cleanse soul from greater suffering & bring you closer to Hash·m. Bring yourself up, not others down.
24. All Loses are Retrievable – money can be made back, life extended, friends remade
25. Afterlife Exists–one receives great reward for good done in life & sees lost relatives
26. Don’t Worry–Past has passed, future is unknown & present passes in blink of eye. G·d gives only what you can handle
27. It is a Mitzvah to be Happy & G·d wants you to be Happy & to Enjoy Life. Smile 🙂

28. A Mitzvah You Do Lasts Forever. You achieve your purpose only through them.
29. Doing Good for & Seeing Good in Others satisfies you. Torah Study unlocks your Potential.
30. Focus on Giving rather than what you are lacking to improve your outlook. Give & Forgive
31. Emulate Hash·m in His attributes & by doing kindness. (Tomer Devora, Orchot Tzadikim)
32. Being Happy With What You Have makes you wealthy (Avot 4:1). Be Happy! Prefer happiness to being ‘right’.
33. Learning Torah & doing Mitzvot give one unimaginable reward & joy to soul. Set time 4 Lrng.
34. With Prayer & Proper Effort you will be able to achieve whatever you want. Reach out
35. G·d Runs World Measure for Measure – Do good & receive good. Speak well of others & be judged favorably. Make peace & live peaceably. Forgive & Be Forgiven By G·d.
36. Every Day is a New Beginning Even good fail, but get up. Improve daily & Improve Lot. / 718.962.4872 /


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Asher Yatzar / Prayer for Good Health (Business Card)

Asher Yatzar is a way to thank the Crea-tor for the Proper Functioning of the Body. One who recites it regularly may be able to achieve Healing.

– Available in English, Hebrew, French, Russian, Spanish & Portuguese

Default Nusach / Tradition is Sephardic with English Text – If you want different variation make selection below:

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Asher Yatzar – Wondrous Creation of Man Blessing (for Good Health). Prayer recited after washing hands after one's needs. This is a segula for good health. Asher Yatzar is a way to thank the Crea-tor for the Proper Functioning of the Body. One who recites it regularly may be able to achieve Healing.

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: $0.00

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Physician’s Prayer from Rambam (Business Card)

Physician’s Prayer from Rambam for Doctors to Say before doing the work of Healing – in Hebrew / English – Laminated Business Card

תְּפִלַּת הָרוֹפֵא מְהַרָמְבַּ’ם רַב מֹשֶה בֵּן מַיימוֹן – Physician’s Prayer // Physicians Prayer / Tephillat HaRofeh


Price: $0.00

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Ein Od Milevado Card (There’s Only Hash-m) (Business Card)

Ein Od Milevado Card (There’s Only Hash-m) (Business Card) – On Back has Nulifying Power’s Segula


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Shalom / Peace Card – Tehillim for Peace/Psalms 98, 110, 120, 71/ תהלים למען השלום צח קי קכ עא

Tehillim to Say to Promote Shalom / Peace between people – Tehillim for Peace/Psalms 98, 110, 120, 71/ תהלים למען השלום צח קי קכ עא


Price: $0.00

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Good Card – Good Person – Positive Character Traits – R. Zelig Pliskin’s “Gateway to Happiness”

Lists many Positive Character Traits Found in the Book Gateway to Happiness of Rabbi Zelig Pliskin to Remind You how Good You are –

Grateful Handy
Influences others

● Noble ● Novel ● Obedient ● Objective ●
Open ● Optimistic ● Orderly ● Organized

Original ● Outgoing ● Outspoken ● Painstaking ●
Patient ● Peace of mind ● Peaceful ●

Perspective ● Persevering ●
Persuasive ● Poised ●Polished ● Polite ●
Popular ● Potential ●
● Precise ● Productive ● Prompt ● Prudent
● Punctual ● Quiet ● Quieting ● Rapport

with people ● Rational ●
Realistic ● Reasonable ● Refined ● Relaxed ●
Reliable ● Resourceful

Respectful ● Responsible ● Righteous ● Saintly ●
Scholarly ● Scrupulous ● Selfless ● Self
● Self-esteem ● Self-respect ● Self-sacrificing
● Sense of humor● Sensible● Sensitive●

Serene ● Serious ● Sharp ●
Sincere ● Skillful ● Smart ● Sociable ●
Speedy ● Spirited ●
● Stable ● Steadfast ● Steady ●
Straightforward ● Studious ● Sweet ● Swift ●

Sympathetic ● Systematic ●
Tactful ● Talented ● Tasteful ● Thankful ●_
Thorough ●
Thoughtful ●
Thrifty ● Tidy ● Tolerant ● Tranquil ●
Trustful ● Trustworthy ● Truthful ●

Unafraid ● Understanding ●
Upright● Venturesome ● Vigorous ● Virtuous ●
Warm ●
Wholehearted ●
Wise ● Will-power ●


Price: $0.00

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Long Life / Guard Your Tongue Card (Business Card)

Has the Pasuk / Torah Verse that mentions the commandment of guarding the tongue from speaking badly about others to remind us. It also has a prayer to guard one’s tongue from speaking badly.


Price: $0.00

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Traveler’s Prayer / Tefilat HaDerekh – Safety in Driving & Parking Segulah / Prayer

A Verse that is said in addition to prayer that helps one find parking.


Price: $0.00

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My Mini-Siddur / Prayer Book

The Easy Guide to Judaism

Most Jews are connected to Judaism. Listen to their conversations. One will say “Shalom” when seeing someone who looks Jewish. Another will advocate for the State of Israel. One will tell Jewish Jokes or talk about Jewish celebrities. Most all will be careful to observe their particular Mitzvah – like doing acts of kindness, giving charity, volunteering, visiting the infirm. Most eat Matza on Passover. It means that all Jews have some kind of inner spark that pulls them to keep a connection with Judaism, whatever level that may be.

This Mini-Siddur / Prayer Book is for those that have a basic interest in Judaism to help them observe the rudimentary but essential Mitzvot in the Torah to supplement that interest.

In English, Transliteration Hebrew (Pronunciation of Hebrew written in English Letters), Hebrew side-by-side.


Morning Blessings – To Thank G·d for all He provides Daily
Ashrei – Happy – To Declare Our Happiness in G·d’s Service
Shema Yisrael / Hear Oh Israel To accept Yoke of Heaven & Declare G·d’s Oneness (said in morning & at night)
Amida – Standing Prayer to Express thanks & Needs
Aleinu – Prayer Conclusion Appreciating Our Lot
Kaddish – Mourners Kaddish – in memory of departed
Tehillim / Psalm 84 – Thanks for G·d’s Dwelling places / To find one
Blessings before Food – To Bless G·d for Food before eating it
Blessings after Food – To Thank G·d for Food after a meal
Asher Yatzar – Good health Blessing said after bathroom
How to do Shabbat – Easy Shabbat Observance Guide
Candle lighting -Said on 2 Candles before Shabbat or Holiday
Kiddush – Prayer said on a Cup of Kosher Wine or Grape Juice to Sanctify the Shabbat
Havdala – After Shabbat, Saturday Night we distinguish Holiness of Shabbat from the rest of week

Also Includes: Hebrew Alphabet, Shabbat Guide, Lost Item Prayer (p. 22), Travelers Prayer (p. 25), Psalms List, Ramban’s Letter, 7 Noahide Laws.

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My Mini Siddur is a perfect abridged Prayer Book for those that want to pray the basic prayers of the morning.


Price: $0.00

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Shabbat Candle Lighting / Kiddush Card

On Shabbat we recite special blessings.

On Candles – Friday Night.
On Wine – Friday Night and Saturday Lunch
Havdala – To Say Farewell to the Shabbat Queen.

All these plus the Blessing for the children and for washing hands and bread are included on a folded card.

In English, Transliteration Hebrew (Pronunciation of Hebrew written in English Letters), Hebrew side-by-side.

Note: The Text is also included in “My Mini-Siddur” / free Jewish Prayer Book.


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Kosher Animal Coloring Book

A Coloring Book that Even Adults can learn from. Pictures of Kosher Animals, Birds and Fish. Includes the Names of Animals in English, Transliteration and Hebrew. Signs of Being Kosher. Kosher Symbols and Links. Hebrew Alphabet. (5.5″ by 8.5″)KosherColoringBook2


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Safety Coloring Book – English

Jewish Coloring Book that Teaches Child About Safety


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Teshuva / Repentance Card – 24 Things

Tells Four Steps of Sincere Repentence and 24 Things that Prevent Teshuva / Repentance from the Rambam / Maimonides.


Price: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Safe & Healthy – Interactive Safety – English / English

Jewish Coloring Book that Teaches Child About Safety

A Coloring Book with which a Parent can use to explain safety concerns to children.

Topics Include:

General Safety & Health
Know About & Eat Healthy Food / Food Pyramid
Eat Kosher Food
Brush Teeth Twice And After Sugar
Don’t Smoke
Don’t Throw Toys
Don’t Put Objects In Our Ears Or Nose Or Mouths –
Don’t Put A Balloon Or Penny In Our Mouth
Don’t Take Medicine By Yourself
Don’t Try To Hurt Or Bite Anyone
Don’t Let Grown-Ups Do Things That Make You Uncomfortable
Tell Mommy & Daddy If Someone Makes You Uncomfortable
Your Body Is Yours – Know About Acceptable & Unacceptable Touching
Know Who Are People You Can Trust
Don’t Go With Someone To A Place Where You’ll Only Be The Two People
Always Daven To Hashem To Keep You Safe

Outdoor Safety
Don’t Play Ball Near The Gutter Or Don’t Play Or Run In The Streets
Don’t Chase Balls Or Run After Big Boys Into The Street
Stop On Red (Hand) , Walk On Green (or With Walk-Man)
Never Run Across The Street Even If You See Bubby Or Zaidy / Grandma Or Grandpa
Hold Hands When Crossing Street.
Stay Away From Dogs That Bite
Don’t Push In Or Cut The Line

Indoor Safety
Don’t Play With Plugs Or Electricity – Don’t Overload An Electric Socket
We Don’t Open Or Play With Chemicals That Mom Uses To Clean
Fire Safety
Don’t Play With Touch And Iron, Don’t Leave Iron Unattended
If There Is Fire On Clothing Or Body – 1. Stop 2. Drop 3. Roll

Travel Safety
We Don’t Run Ahead Or Stay In Back
Stay far from Cars. Run Away & Scream If A Stranger Asks You To Get In A Car
If Lost, Call Parents. Ask a Mother With Children Or Police Person For Help


Price: $0.00

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Traveler’s Prayer – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai

A Business Card Sized Card that Has the Traveler’s Prayer in Hebrew, English and Transliteration. Picture of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai on Other Side.


Price: $0.00

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Hash-m Loves Me / I Love Hash-m

Card that Says “Hash-m Loves Me” on one side and “I Love Hash-m” on other.


Price: $0.00

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Blessing Card on Food – Quarter Page

Teaches You Blessings or Prayers on Food on a Business sized Card
– Available in English, Hebrew, French, Russian, Spanish & Portuguese


Price: $0.00

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Full Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) – Sephardic

Full Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) in Hebrew on Business Card – Sephardic


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Prayer For Healing when Taking Medication

Short Prayer to Say When Taking Medication – Segulah for Healing & Good Health

Saying to Say for Positive Outlook in Life – All that the Merciful One Does He Does for the Best.


Price: $0.00

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Prayer for Man to Find Soul Mate

Prayer for Man to Find Soul Mate from the Hida – Rabbi Haim Yosef David Azoulay.

A Person Known to Me Read it Daily for 3 Months and Found a Wife.


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Prayer for Woman to Find Soul Mate

Prayer for Woman to Find Soul Mate from the – Shlah HaKadosh

Also contains the qualities that are important for a woman to find in a mate.


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Thank You Hash-m Prayer

Prayer to Say thanks to Hash-m for Good and challenges in life.

Positive Outlook – Looking at the Cup Half-Full Not Half-Empty


Price: $0.00

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Belief in G•d Card


Belief in G•d – 4 Questions to Arrive at True Law of G•d Rationally

1. Is There a G•d?
2. Did G•d Give a Law for People to Follow?
3. What is That Law?
4. Did G•d Change His Mind About People or Law?


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Birkat Hamazon / Grace After Meals) – COMPLETE

Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) – Said after Eating a Meal with Bread

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Birkat Hamazon Abstract – recited after eating a meal with bread (if it is difficult to recite the long version)

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Combination of product variants is not available

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Brit Milah Guide

Includes – Order of Brit and
Birkat HaMazon & Special Blessings for Brit


Prayer for Mother at the Time they Enter Son for Circumcision
תפילה לאם הבן בשעת מסירתו למילה
Prayer for Father
תפילה לאב
תפילה לאב (מספר שרביט הזהב)
Prayer for Sandak
תפילה לסנדק (מספר שרביט הזהב )
תפלה לסנדק (מספר עבורת הקודש)
Prayer for Mohel
תפילה למוהל (מספר שרביט הזהב )
עוד תפלה למוהל (מספר זכר דוד)
 עוד תפלה למוהל (מספר יסוד יצחק)
עוד תפלה למוהל (מספר עבודת הקודש )
Prayer for All At time the Baby Cries
 תפילה הנאמרת בזמן הברית
תפילה הנאמרת בזמן הברית
Songs for Brit
אערוך מהלל ניבי
פצחו ברנה אמוני
יהי שלום בחילנו
פזמונים לסעודת ברית מילה וברכת המזון
יום ליבשה
נודה לשמך
Order of the Brit Milah
סדר ברית מילה
According to Sephardic Custom
למנהג עדות המזרח
Order According to Ashkenazi Custom
סדר ברית מילה למנהג האשכנזים
Blessings on Food
Blessings on Food Said Before Eating
Grace After Foods & Snacks – Like Cake, Beverage or Fruits & Vegetables
Grace After Meals of Meal with Bread
Good Health – Blessing of the Wondrous Creation of Man – Asher Yatzar
Ways to Wash Hands
Candle Lighting
Prayer After Lighting (optional)
Kiddush Of Friday Night
Blessing of Children (optional)
Blessing before Washing for Bread
Blessing before Bread
Saturday Lunch Kiddush
Havdala / Separation from Shabbat
Tehillim / Psalms Directory for Relief of Concerns
Letter of the Ramban / Iggeret HaRamban
Prayer for Man to Find Soul Mate
Prayer for a Woman to find Soul Mate


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Keep Calm Card – Don’t Get Angry Segulah

Card that has a Torah Verse that is Used for Angry Person to Calm Down


Price: $0.00

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Letter of the Ramban / Rabbi Moshe ben Nah’man – Nahmanides / Iggeret HaRamban

Letter of the Ramban / Iggeret HaRamban – English

This letter was sent by the Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Nahmanides), zt”l, from his city (of Acre in Eretz Yisrael) to his son in Catalina, Spain to impart to him to act with humility. He instructs him to read it once a week & that others (like his children) should learn it with him as well. He should learn to read it by heart to learn the fear of Heaven from his youth. He informs him that on the day that he reads this letter, all that he asks, will be answered by heaven. And whoever will accustom themselves to saying it will spare themselves from all pains & they are assured to inherit the world to come. (From book Me’ulephet Sappirim.)

Business Sized Card


Price: $0.00

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Jewish History Card

A Business Sized Card that has Almost 6000 years of Jewish History with Hebrew and Gregorian Dates. Includes also a timeline from the time of the creation of the world.


Price: $0.00

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Hanukkah Super Fun Book!

Hanukkah Super Fun Book!


Hanukah Pictures, Word Search, Connect-the Dots, Maze and Much More!
Discuss the Jewish Holiday! of Hanukkah.
Show Children Each Page and Discuss.
Enjoy & Have a Good Time!


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Jewish Calendar

Calendar for Jewish Year 5778

16 Month Jewish Calendar – with

Sep ‘17 – Dec ‘18 (16 Month)

– Calendar Includes – Shabbat Lighting Times, Recipes, Chart of Jewish History & Yartzeit Dates of Great Rabbis


Price: $0.00

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The Morning Blessings – Sephardi – Quarter Page

Morning Blessings in Hebrew and English on Laminated Business Sized card. (From Elokai Neshama… till Yevarekha…


Price: $0.00

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Hebrew Happiness Card

Hebrew Happiness Card / כרטיס אושר – ארבע עיקרי מצוות, שבע מצוות תמידים ובני נח ,עשר זכירות // שלשה עשר עיקרים Hebrew


Price: $0.00

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7 Conditions for Constructive Speech

7 Conditions for Talking Derogatory Speech About a Person for a Constructive Purpose
Hafetz Haim – Laws of Derogatory Speech –Ch. 10, Sec. 1
חפץ חיים – הלכות לשון הרע י · א


Price: $0.00

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Safety Board Game

An Old French Board Game published by the National Safety Institute Adapted by Ohr Binyamin (Translated & reprinted) that Teaches Children About Safety


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Ohr Binyamin Truck Cut-Out

A Card-stock Truck – that can be cut out and assembled into a Truck.


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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My Tzedaka Box

A Card-stock Tzedaka Box – that can be cut out and assembled into a Charity Box


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Morning Blessings Card – Sefardi / Edut Mizrach

Morning Blessings & Prayers said daily on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Blessings Upon Awakening Card

Blessings Said upon Awakening in the Morning – Modeh Ani, Washing of Hands Blessing & Asher Yatzar / Prayer after one’s needs. Also includes 3 ways to wash hands – on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Teshuva / Repentance & Emulate G-d Card – Tomer Devora

Tells Four Steps of Sincere Repentance – Repentance from the Rambam / Maimonides.

and 13 Atributes of the Mercy of G-d to Emulate from

the Book “Tomer Devorah” the Palm Tree of Devorah of R. Moshe Cordevero



Price: $0.00

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Aleph Bet Card (Quarter-Page)



Aleph Bet Card (Quarter-Page) – A comprehensive chart of the Hebrew Alphabet – includes Hebrew Print Letters, Hebrew Script Letters, Rashi Script Letters, Names of letters, sounds of each, Hebrew keyboard display, Hebrew Vowel Names, Hebrew Vowel Keys, Hebrew Vowel Sounds, examples of words, English transliteration of words, numerical value of Hebrew letters


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Love Shalom / Peace Card

Prayer to Say to Guard One’s Tongue & Advice to Promote Shalom / Peace between people


Price: $0.00

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Women’s Mitzvot Card – 10 Categoies

10 Categories of Mitzvot Done by a Woman – on Business sized Card

1. Taharat Hamishpacha – Family Purity (search
2. Hafrishat Challah – Separating Challah when baking Bread
3. Hadlakat Nerot – Shabbat & Holidays
4. Tzniut – Jewish Modesty
5. Limud HaTorah – Send Children to Torah Day School and Encourage Husband to Learn
6. Shmirat HaLashon – Guarding the Tongue
7. Ahavat Hash·m – Love of Hashem
8. Emunah – Faith in G-d
9. Hesed – Kindness
10. Personal Growth


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Positive Attitude Card

Jewish Hashkafa / Outlook – A Positive Attitude Can Be Obtained By Regularly Saying:
I Put Hash·m Before Me at All Times
It is the Kindness of Hash·m
All that the Merciful One (G·d) Does, He Does for the Good
Also This is for the Good.
Blessed Be G·d / Thank G·d
With the Help of G·d
If G·d Wills
Also This Will Pass
There is only Hash-m
Without Commitment
The Salvation of G·d / Hash-m comes in the blink of an eye
Serve Hash·m with Joy. Come in His Presence with Joyful Song. (Tehillim / Psalm 100:2)
Believe it will be good & it will be good!

and the Power of Saying Amen!

(Jewish “Mantras” on Business Sized Card)


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Tefillin Card

How to Put on Tefillin Properly – with diagrams for head & hand Tefillin on Business sized Card

The Bayit Shel Yad / Hand Tefillin בס’ד
The Bayit shel yad must rest on the center of the width of the biceps muscle of the weaker arm leaning slightly toward the heart. According to the Shulchan Aruch and the Rama, no part of the Bayit shel yad may rest any higher than the midpoint of the humerus bone. The Bayit shel yad must not rest below the lower point of the biceps muscle. Some say that the lowest edge of the biceps muscle is determined when the arm is outstretched and relaxed. Others say that the lowest edge of the biceps muscle is determined when the arm is bent at approximately 90°. Verify that the Bayit is not positioned too low by locating the base of the muscle with one’s finger and making sure that the front edge of the base is above it. If one can place the pinky, ring, and middle fingers between the cleft of the arm and the front edge of the base while the arm is outstretched, then it is most likely in the proper position according to the opinion that the base of the muscle is determined when the arm is outstretched and relaxed. If one can place the index and middle finger between the cleft of the arm and front edge of the base while the arm is bent at approximately 90° then it is most likely in the proper position according to the opinion that the base of the muscle is determined when the arm is bent at approximately 90°.

Tefillin is the crown that we Jews wear daily to remind us of our royal status of being the children of the King of Kings – Hash·m.
The entire bayit shel rosh must rest above the original hairline, which is determined by the hair’s roots. It’s suggested to allow a finger’s width of leeway. One whose hairline has receded should continue to place the Bayit shel rosh above his original hairline, even though hair no longer grows there. Feel along the hairline with the length of the index finger or with the tips of his fingers to verify that the Bayit is resting above it. Draw the index finger and pinky or the index finger and thumb from the sides of the base down to the eyes to verify that the Bayit is centered. The back edge of the Bayit can reach until the top of the head, which is equivalent to the end of the soft spot on a baby’s head. Proper head tefillin placement. Identify this point by running the tip of a finger straight up from the front of the ear. The majority of the knot must rest on the center of the base of the skull. The remainder of the knot may rest just below it in the indentation on the nape. Verify that the majority of the knot is resting on the base of the skull by pressing on the upper part of the knot. If one feels the small, round, protruding bone when pressing, then the knot is in position. If by pressing on the lower part of the knot one feels that it’s in the indentation of the neck, then that verifies that it’s centered. (


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Be Calm – Emuna & Bitachon / Faith in G-d Card

How to Live a more Peaceful Existence through Faith in Hash-m / G-d
– Also includes Laws of Entrance of Shabbat & Order of Cutting Nails


Price: $0.00

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Blessing Card – on Separation of Challah

Blessing Said Upon Separating Challah when making bread on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Self-Worth Card

Recognizing Self-Worth /Shaarei HaAvodah-Gateways of Divine Service-R. Yonah on Business Sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Stay Calm – Hash-m / G-d is in Control Card

Stay Calm – Hash-m / G-d is in Control Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Prayer Before Learning Torah Card

Prayer Before Learning Torah Card on Business sized Card – Hebrew & English


Price: $0.00

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Guard Your Eyes Card

To place before eyes (ie, on computer screen) to avoid transgression
Has Name of G-d / thus must be placed in Sheimos to Discard


Price: $0.00

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Blessing the Children Card

The Blessings said for each Child at Friday Night Kiddush on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Letter of the Ramban / Rabbi Moshe ben Nah’man – Nahmanides / Iggeret HaRamban – Hebrew

Letter of the Ramban / Iggeret HaRamban

This letter was sent by the Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Nahmanides), zt”l, from his city (of Acre in Eretz Yisrael) to his son in Catalina, Spain to impart to him to act with humility. He instructs him to read it once a week & that others (like his children) should learn it with him as well. He should learn to read it by heart to learn the fear of Heaven from his youth. He informs him that on the day that he reads this letter, all that he asks, will be answered by heaven. And whoever will accustom themselves to saying it will spare themselves from all pains & they are assured to inherit the world to come. (From book Me’ulephet Sappirim.)

Business Sized Card


Price: $0.00

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Letter of the Ramban / Rabbi Moshe ben Nah’man – Nahmanides / Iggeret HaRamban- Quarter Page

Letter of the Ramban / Iggeret HaRamban – English / Hebrew

This letter was sent by the Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Nahmanides), zt”l, from his city (of Acre in Eretz Yisrael) to his son in Catalina, Spain to impart to him to act with humility. He instructs him to read it once a week & that others (like his children) should learn it with him as well. He should learn to read it by heart to learn the fear of Heaven from his youth. He informs him that on the day that he reads this letter, all that he asks, will be answered by heaven. And whoever will accustom themselves to saying it will spare themselves from all pains & they are assured to inherit the world to come. (From book Me’ulephet Sappirim.)

Quarter Page Sized Card


Price: $0.00

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Passover – Pesach Laws Card

Quick Pesach / Passover Guide – Teaches You Passover Laws – What Kind of Wine is Preferable, Amounts of How much Matza to eat &  Wine to Consume on Pesach // Amount of Matza on Business sized Card –


Price: $0.00

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Good-Health – Bread in the Morning Card

Explains the Benefits of eating Bread in the Morning / Pat Shaarit – Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Rabbi of Talmud Card

Lists Tanaim & Amoraim of the Talmud


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Donor Blessing Card

Card that Contains a Blessing for those that give Tzedaka to Torah Causes on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Jewish Holiday Card

Basic Laws of Jewish Holidays on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Keep Smiling – You’re Alive / Website Card

Ohr Binyamin Business Card with Jewish Links on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Part of the Tribe

Jewish Coloring Book that Teaches Child about the Flags of the Tribes of the Jewish Nation

It also includes an adventure board game and other activities


Price: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Passover Children Hagada

Jewish Coloring Book that Teaches Child about Passover


Price: $0.00

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The Loving Jewish Mother Card

Has 8 Points by the Steipeler Gaon, zt”l on How through Jewish Spirituality a mother can help her child be successful.

The Loving Mother Card – By the Steipeler – R. Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky – “There is no Fate in Educating Children”
The Education of the Children depends upon that which the mother does. [Like] When the mother acquiesces to her husband even in privacy & does not comment.
Children, raised in a home that the mother davens / prays [the tefilla / prayer] word for word, understand the Gemara / Talmud & Mishna better than any other child!
Children, raised in a home that the mother recites each Berakha / Blessing (ie, on food, morning blessings, etc) slowly & calmly – they have better character traits & less h’utzpa / arrogance.
A mother that prays each day & lifts her eyes to Heaven (to Hash·m), her children are more successful than other children.

Children, raised in a home that the mother acquiesces to her husband & does not comment, have good middot / character traits & a higher level of emotional nourishment than any other child.
Greater than any educational tape (audio) in the world is that she recites the blessing of ‘Shehakol Nihya Bidvaro’ (‘that all was [created] with His word’ / a blessing on beverages & other foods) that a Jewish mother says aloud in the home.
Children, raised in a house that the mother Says Birkat Hamazon / the Grace After Meals aloud, have protection from illnesses & from road accidents & are greatly shielded in Heaven.
A mother that mentions the Name of Heaven / (Hash·m); Yistabah’ Shemo / “Blessed be His Name”; Be’E’zrat Hash·m / “with the help of Hash·m” – each day to her children – there is the grace of Yosef haTzadik (the Righteous – The Son of Jacob) on their faces. – from “Hinukh HaMalkhut” – Education of Royalty


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YES I CAN / You’re Doing Great Card

Inspirational Card to Keep in Front of You.


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Coloring Book – Food Blessings & Good Qualities

The Berakha Coloring Book

Kids want to have fun. Fun is what we give them in this coloring book to help them learn to say the blessings on food and to be a better person.

It teaches the basics of saying the blessings before one eats. It is packed with puzzles, mazes, Hebrew words, pictures to color, brain teasers, Lego Instructions, word search, color-by-number and more!

version 1.1


Price: $0.00

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Jewish Beginners Package

A Package for Beginners to Judaism – Includes a Siddur / Prayer Book (My Little Siddur) and a Variety of Berakha Cards – Like Food Blessings, Asher Yatzar for Good Health and the Abridged Grace after meals.


Price: $0.00

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Jewish College Campus Organization Package

Includes 26 My Little Siddurs – 50 Berakha Cards and 50 Asher Yatzar Cards and Card Display Stand


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Standing Prayer – First Paragraph ● פרק ראשון מעמידה

Standing Prayer – First Paragraph בסד פרק ראשון מעמידה

has each word of the first paragraph of Amida on a laminated quarter page card


Price: $0.00

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Brit Milah Card -Quarter Page

Has Prayers for those who attend a brit in English and Hebrew – and Tehillim / Psalm 6

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Jew-Do – the Jewish Adventure Card Game

Jew-Do ™ is a game that is similar to PokeMon and Yugio. Instead it has Jewish Characters – from the Torah. It is more educational for the characters are accompanied with sources of where they come from. The player can get more information by looking up the sources.

Beta Version


Price: $0.00

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Tikun haKelali Card

A Set of All 10 tehillim / Psalms of R. Nachman MeBreslev – 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150 that are a (tikun) remedy and reparation for past misdeeds.


Price: $0.00

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Shemirat HaBrit Prayer / Prayer for Guarding the Brit Pure – from Ben Ish Hai

Prayer for a man to resist temptations of the world. In Hebrew and English


Please God, for Your Great Name’s sake & for Your Mercy & Kindness, Help Me. Help me to keep pure the Brit / sign of the Covenant which You have signed in our flesh. Save me from all sin & all evil & corrupt thoughts & save me from all impurities of the Brit / Covenant · in thought, speech, deed, sight & hearing or with any other faculties. And in all of them · may I act with purity, with holiness of the Brit / Covenant without any defect or contemplation of evil at all. May I overcome the Yetzer Hara / Evil Inclination & my mind be bound & adhering to holiness at all time. For in Your many mercies, You chose us from all nations & exalted us from all tongues, & distinguished us from all their impurities.
I give thanks, O GOD · our God & the God of our fathers, that You brought us out of the land of Egypt, & redeemed us from the house of bondage & for Your Brit / covenant You made in our flesh, & for Your Torah which we learned, & the laws of Your Will that we proclaimed, & for life & food with which You sustain us. Please, Hash·m “G·d You created me with a pure heart · renew my spirit within me with righteousness.” Let me think thoughts of holiness, purity, clear & proper & I will always have a happy heart to do Your service. Help me in the honor of Your Name from now & evermore. Amen. May it be Your Will. ” (Ben Ish Hai · Halachot · Re’eh · Year 1 · Section 17).




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Segula Against the Plague

Amulet Against a Plague – from the Ari”zl

Contains Names of G-d and Wording that deter the plague from entering a premises. Widely used during the plague of Cholera. Re-printed – with clear lettering. Also has a prayer from the H’ida for good health and healing.


Price: $5.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Coloring Book – Safe & Healthy – Interactive Safety – eng / heb

Jewish Coloring Book that Teaches Child About Safety

A Coloring Book with which a Parent can use to explain safety concerns to children.

Topics Include:

General Safety & Health
Know About & Eat Healthy Food / Food Pyramid
Eat Kosher Food
Brush Teeth Twice And After Sugar
Don’t Smoke
Don’t Throw Toys
Don’t Put Objects In Our Ears Or Nose Or Mouths –
Don’t Put A Balloon Or Penny In Our Mouth
Don’t Take Medicine By Yourself
Don’t Try To Hurt Or Bite Anyone
Don’t Let Grown-Ups Do Things That Make You Uncomfortable
Tell Mommy & Daddy If Someone Makes You Uncomfortable
Your Body Is Yours – Know About Acceptable & Unacceptable Touching
Know Who Are People You Can Trust
Don’t Go With Someone To A Place Where You’ll Only Be The Two People
Always Daven To Hashem To Keep You Safe

Outdoor Safety
Don’t Play Ball Near The Gutter Or Don’t Play Or Run In The Streets
Don’t Chase Balls Or Run After Big Boys Into The Street
Stop On Red (Hand) , Walk On Green (or With Walk-Man)
Never Run Across The Street Even If You See Bubby Or Zaidy / Grandma Or Grandpa
Hold Hands When Crossing Street.
Stay Away From Dogs That Bite
Don’t Push In Or Cut The Line

Indoor Safety
Don’t Play With Plugs Or Electricity – Don’t Overload An Electric Socket
We Don’t Open Or Play With Chemicals That Mom Uses To Clean
Fire Safety
Don’t Play With Touch And Iron, Don’t Leave Iron Unattended
If There Is Fire On Clothing Or Body – 1. Stop 2. Drop 3. Roll

Travel Safety
We Don’t Run Ahead Or Stay In Back
Stay far from Cars. Run Away & Scream If A Stranger Asks You To Get In A Car
If Lost, Call Parents. Ask a Mother With Children Or Police Person For Help


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Full Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) – Ashkenaz

Full Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) in Hebrew on Business Card – Sephardic


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Index of Tehillim for Respite from Concerns – Quarter Page

Index of Tehillim for Respite from Concerns


Price: $0.00

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Keep Smiling – You’re Alive / Respite from Concern Selected Tehillim

Keep Smiling – You’re Alive / Respite from Concern Selected Tehillim

Ohr Binyamin Business Card with Jewish Links on Business sized Card


Price: $0.00

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Pal Patrol – the MINYAN MAKERS

Pal Patrol(tm) is a group of boys that get together once a week at the local synagogue to do hesed / kindness together. After they gather – they get on their bikes in search of Mitzvahs to do.

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The Derech Eretz / Proper Conduct Card

Derech Eretz / Proper Conduct

General – כבוד הבריאות – ‎We honor everyone‏ ‎who comes our way – Be always sensitive to each others feelings · Treat others the way we want them to treat us · Try to be our very best & Hash·m will help us do the rest · show respect In all we do & say · Respect classmates · Say Good Morning · Middos Tovos · Show Derech Eretz at all times · Say Hello when coming home · Behave with siblings · Say Good Night · Say Thank You · Say Good-Bye · Give Tzedakah · bikur holim · ‏Greet a person with a smile when you meet them · Think you are AN IMPORTANT PERSON!!!
Respect for Property – ‏כבוד לרכוש – Respect for Property · take care of our earth and all living things · Take care with other peoples things ·
Appreciation – When saying Modim in Amida, did you feel thankful to Hash·m for all the good that He bestows upon you?
When your father or mother refused to give you something you wanted badly did you accept their decision courteously & happily?


Price: $0.00

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The Gratitude Card

My heart is full of הכרת הטוב‎‏ for You.
You Really Helped Me,
When you did that Kindness for me, I felt happier.
May Hash·m Bless you with
all the Good Blessings from the Torah.

Basket of Compliments
I like your handwriting.
You never get angry or annoyed.
You are always first to help whoever needs help.
You are the best kind of friend.
I think you have the best Middos.
You always share snack with me.
You always worry & care so much,
when I’m missing something.
You always care – you always ask me how I’m feeling.
You always like to do Chesed in class.
When I am absent, you always call me up.
When I am sad you always cheer me up.
When you smile at me you make me feel really good inside.
You like to help everyone.
You are always around when I need you.
You have a great attitude, you are positive even when things are hard.
You are good to me.
You are sensitive, and care about my feelings.
You save me a place next to you.
You have a sense of humor.
We grew up together.
We like to do the same things.
You are so smart.
You invite me to your house.
You share your things with me,
You like me and I like you.
You always smile at me
You are very polite.


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Prayer for Protection of Children & How to Show Your Love & Appreciation

Prayer for the Children: A special prayer of Parents for the protection of children – a prayer from ‘Otzar Hatefilot’ Siddur

Master of all worlds, Merciful King, have mercy on me and on my sons who are born to me from my wife / from my husband (Hebrew first name “son / daughter of” mother’s name) and open their hearts like the door of an entrance hall, so that they may understand the depths and reasons and secrets of your Torah for Your Sake. And give them a long life and blessed years and prolong their days and years. And may they merit to have kosher descendants, living and well for many Years, and may they be filled with Torah and wisdom and the fear of sin, and they will be loved above and beloved below and may they have grace and good intellect in the eyes of G·d and man. And save them from the evil eye and the evil inclination and from all kinds of troubles that cause trembling and come into the world. And may my wife / my husband and I raise them and may they not die in my life and not in the life of my wife / husband. Please do not return empty-handed from before You, for You hear the prayer of all mouths in Mercy. Blessed are you who hears prayer. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be before you, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Show Your Love / Show Your Appreciation – Ways to do both


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Tehillim for Shalom Bayit – Peace in the Home – Psalms – ch. 119

For Shalom Bayit – read from Tehillim, Chapter 119 – the letters of ש ל ו ם ה ב י ת


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Morning Blessings Card – Ashkenaz

Morning Blessings & Prayers said daily on Business sized Card


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Prayer for Healing or Any Matter – Maran HaH’ida // Tehillim 20

Prayer for Healing or Any Matter – Maran HaH’ida // Tehillim 20 – for Healing


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Coloring Book – Kosher Animal Coloring Book – big

A Coloring Book that Even Adults can learn from. Pictures of Kosher Animals, Birds and Fish. Includes the Names of Animals in English, Transliteration and Hebrew. Signs of Being Kosher. Kosher Symbols and Links. Hebrew Alphabet. (7″ by 8.5″)KosherColoringBook2


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Women’s Mitzvot Card – Blessings on Candles & Challah

10 Categories of Mitzvot Done by a Woman – on Business sized Card

1. Taharat Hamishpacha – Family Purity (search
2. Hafrishat Challah – Separating Challah when baking Bread
3. Hadlakat Nerot – Shabbat & Holidays
4. Tzniut – Jewish Modesty
5. Limud HaTorah – Send Children to Torah Day School and Encourage Husband to Learn
6. Shmirat HaLashon – Guarding the Tongue
7. Ahavat Hash·m – Love of Hashem
8. Emunah – Faith in G-d
9. Hesed – Kindness
10. Personal Growth

– Blessings on Candles & Challah


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The Symbolism in the Shofar

One of the main mitzvot of Rosh Hashana is to hear the sound of the Shofar. The Shofar is a Ram’s horn. It is narrow at one end and wide at the other.

One reason is to remind us that Hash-m says to us “Pitchu Li Petach Shel Mahat…” Open for Me an needle sized opening and I will open an opening as great as a hall.

Meaning – we just have to take a small step to turn to G-d and He will open all doors for us. Saying Berakhas on food, attending services at an Orthodox Synagogue, putting on tephillin are good openings.

In an article in Ohr Somayach website

it brings 10 reasons for the mitzvah of blowing the shofar, based on Rav Saadiah Gaon

The Meaning of the Shofar

Rosh Hashanah is the day that commemorates the creation of the world and it is described as the “coronation” of Hashem (G-d). As it is customary to sound a trumpet at a king’s coronation so we blow the shofer on Rosh Hashanah.


By blowing the shofar we recognize the “purpose” of the creation.


The shofar blast marks the beginning of a period of amnesty which is known as The Ten Days of Repentance. Repentance is based on the fact that since humanity has been given free-will, and our actions are not pre-determined, we must take responsibility for our actions. The ability to repent teaches us that our future is not bound by our past and that by changing our behavior we have the ability to change our past.

When the Jews accepted the Torah at Mount Sinai, the sound of the shofar is described as “continuously increased and was very great” (Exodus 19:19). The shofar serves to remind us of the revelation at Mt. Sinai and therefore to renew our commitment to Hashem and to accept that Torah morality is absolute and G-d given – not relative, nor does it depend on human understanding.

The prophets called out to the Jewish People and aroused them to improve their ways. The shofar reminds us of the admonitions of the prophets and their calls to repentance. We should be aware of the fact that Hashem communicated with us, via the prophets, and displayed through them His desire to perfect us and not to punish us.

The shofar reminds us to pray for the rebuilding of the Temple where trumpets and shofars were sounded. Just as Hashem manifests His presence in the world in specific places like the Temple in Jerusalem. He also manifests His presence at special times, such as the Ten Days of Repentance.

The ram’s horn reminds us of the Binding of Isaac when Abraham demonstrated his absolute faith in Hashem by being prepared to sacrifice his son. Hashem demonstrated His absolute love for Abraham by having him sacrifice a ram in his place.

The sound of the shofar is supposed to inspire fear in the hearts of those who hear it. It allows one to dwell upon fear of punishment, to progress from there to fear of doing evil and then to fear of G-d. Finally one arrives at the feeling of awe of G-d.

The shofar reminds us of the day of judgment in the future. And inspires us to pray for the perfection of world, all of mankind and the Messianic era.

The sound inspires us to yearn for the ingathering of the Exiles, that will be heralded by the sound of a shofar. There will be absolute unity amongst the Jewish People and our connection to Land of Israel will again be absolute.

The shofar recalls the resurrection of the dead which will be accompanied by the sound of a shofar. As G-d is the source of all life and the creator of all existence so He has complete control over death.

Additional reasons from other sources:

The shofar ushers in the Divine court session and shows our trust in Hashem’s judgement. By showing our eagerness to be judged by Hashem we thus confuse the heavenly prosecutor, the Satan.

Shofar blasts were sounded preceding a war – to rally the troops for action and to call the people together for prayer and repentance. The shofar is therefore like an air raid siren that alerts us to danger, and summons us to action.



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Pizza Man ™ Hand Washing Cup

This is the official Pizza Man Hand Washing Cup. Perfect for Netilat Yadayim / Washing your hands in the morning, after using the washroom or before eating bread – or Pizza – if you eat enough slices.

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Price: from $8.00

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Meet Pal Patrol – The Interactivity Book

Pal Patrol(tm) is a group of boys that get together once a week at the local synagogue to do hesed / kindness together. After they gather – they get on their bikes in search of Mitzvahs to do.

They are on the lookout to do good to others.  They help the young and old, the needy and well-off. They actively do good for others.

This Activity Book has activities, stories, coloring pages, and questions for parents to interact and connect with children on their own level.


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Pizza Man ™ – The Chidren’s InterActivity Book

Pizza Man ™ is a mild mannered Pizza Man that rides his scooter to look for mitzvot (Good Deeds / Commandments to do). He is on the lookout to do good to others.  He helps the young and old, the needy and well-off. His goal is to actively do good for others.

This Activity Book has activities, stories, coloring pages, and questions for parents to interact and connect with children on their own level.


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It’s Purim – Purim Sameach – Children’s Interactivity Book

Purim is the Jewish Holiday that the Jews were saved from the wicked Haman by Hash-m through the actions of Esther and Mordechai.

This Activity Book has activities, stories, coloring pages, and questions for parents to interact and connect with children on their own level.


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Pizza Man ™ Lunch Snack Box

This is the official Pizza Man ™ Lunch Snack Box. Perfect for taking to school – will fit a sandwich or bagel, small salad, or small pizza. Keep your snacks there to share with friends at school. Plastic – 118 fl oz / 3.5 liter / 25 by 17.5 by 11 cm / made in Israel


Price: $12.00

Shipping: $3.00

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Pesach Colring Book (Coming Soon)

Pesach / Passover is a Jewish Holiday to celebrate freedom and that Hash-m took us out of Egypt / Mitzrayim.

This Activity Book has activities, stories, coloring pages, and questions for parents to interact and connect with children on their own level. (available Soon)


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Pizza Man ™ Snack Box

This is the official Pizza Man ™ Snack Box. Perfect for taking to school – will fit small snack bags or bagel or a pizza bagel. Keep your snacks there to share with friends at school. Metal – 9″ by 4.25 by 2.5 inches


Pizza Man ™ Coin Bank

This is the official Pizza Man ™ Coin Bank. Perfect for saving your coins and money. You can use it to save money to buy what you want – like your favorite Kosher Pizza or as Tzedaka Box / Puska – for great Torah Organizations like Ohr Binyamin. Plastic.

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Pizza Man ™ Cold Drinking Cup

This is the official Pizza Man ™ Cold Drinking Cup. Perfect for cold drinks to drink with your food or Pizza. Plastic. About 16 Oz.


Price: $10.00

Shipping: $1.00

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PAL PATROL ™ Coin Bank

This is the official PAL PATROL ™ Coin Bank. Perfect for saving your coins and money. You can use it to save money to buy what you want – like a Bicycle to go on Mitzvah Team Rides or as Tzedaka Box / Puska – for great Torah Organizations like Ohr Binyamin. Plastic.


Price: $7.00

Shipping: $0.00

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PAL PATROL ™ Cold Drinking Cup

This is the official PAL PATROL ™ Cold Drinking Cup. Perfect for cold drinks to drink with your food or Pizza at the Snack time before the Mitzvah Hike. Plastic. About 16 Oz.


Price: $10.00

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PAL PATROL ™ Lunch Snack Box

This is the official PAL PATROL ™ Lunch Snack Box. Perfect for taking to school – will fit a sandwich or bagel, small salad, or small pizza. Great to eat at the Synagogue before you go on your Mitzvah Hike. Keep your snacks there to share with friends at school. Plastic – 118 fl oz / 3.5 liter / 25 by 17.5 by 11 cm / made in Israel

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Pal Patrol ™ Snack Box

This is the official Pal Patrol ™ Snack Box. Perfect for taking to school – will fit small snack bags or bagel or a pizza bagel. Keep your snacks there to share with friends at school. Metal – 9″ by 4.25 by 2.5 inches


Price: $10.00

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Pizza Man ™ – The Chidren’s InterActivity Book

Pizza Man ™ is a mild mannered Pizza Man that rides his scooter to look for mitzvot (Good Deeds / Commandments to do). He is on the lookout to do good to others.  He helps the young and old, the needy and well-off. His goal is to actively do good for others.

This Activity Book has activities, stories, coloring pages, and questions for parents to interact and connect with children on their own level.


Price: $0.00

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Activity Book – Mitzvah Kids

Children Learn About Mitzvas with Parents


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Activity Book – It’s Purim

Children Learn About Purim with Parents


Price: $0.00

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Activity Book – Passover Hagada

Children Learn About Passover with Parents


Price: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00

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