The Eye of the Earth – a Better Attitude in Life

In Parashat / the Torah Reading of Balak (Bamidbar / Numbers 22:2 – 25:8), Balak, the King of the nation of Moav – afraid of the Jews for he saw what they did to the Amorites – commissions a Gentile Prophet Bilaam to Curse the Nation. Balak describes the Jews as having covered the Eye of the Earth (22:5).

One commentator, Rabbi Elimelech Bidderman, explains the concept of covering the eye of the world. He says that the Jews have a different perspective than the world view. The general view of the world is that everything happens by chance or as a result of cause and effect. A man loses money – he was not careful to update his store merchandise. A woman loses a job – she was too talkative at work. These might be the symptoms – but the ultimate reason why things happen is because Hash-m / G-d wants them to happen.

G-d does everything for the good. If one takes that as an attitude – his depression can disappear. Maybe the man lost his money because G-d saw he was spending too much time working and not spending time with the family or learning Torah and He wanted him to find a more lucrative enterprise in which he would work less making more money allowing him to spend more time with the family.

Perhaps the woman lost the Job, so that she could be hired by another firm that is closer to her home or that would give her more responsibilities.

A man without the attitude that G-d does everything and everything He does is for the good – might take up drinking, or become a tyrant at home, or become depressed. With the attitude that G-d does everything good – the man will get up on his feet and look for another business. He will pray to Hash-m to help him find him the right way in life and for making a living and take action.

The woman – who lost her job might start having negative feelings towards her boss or towards her former co-workers that did not “stick-up for her”. She remains bitter towards the old staff. Even when she gets a new job she remains bitter towards them. But looking at the big picture G-d helped her to lose one job and find a much better position. So what’s the reason for the grudge? It wasn’t the co-workers it was G-d – doing it for her Good. The co-workers might have tried to help her – but she only sees the negative.

In Judaism we have laws of Lashon HaRa / Derogatory speech. We should not speak badly of a fellow Jew – without direct constructive purpose. Many a time a person speaks badly about others because they failed to see the hand of G-d. They fail to see the good in the “bad” that happened to them. Looking at the long term picture one can see the good that happened – so why blame others for your suffering. It is possible that much good came out from the difficult situation that one was in and overcame.

Look at the good that came as a result of a negative looking situation, and you won’t have to blame others. We’ll live life with a positive attitude – rather than with a grudge in our hearts.

It’s Just G-d Saying Hello.

About 10 years ago or so I was in Yeshiva with my friend Avraham. He told me that he was changing the names of his phone extensions in his rooms and somehow they got automatically changed to names that he wanted instead of the ones that he had entered. I told him, perhaps you were dreaming. No. Perhaps you programmed them and you forgot. No. Perhaps a friend came over and changed them. No. I tried to find a rational reason for how they changed. None of my propositions fit what actually happened.

He said “Hash-m” can do anything.” I agreed. “So what is the problem of Him changing the names of my extensions?”

I replied “Why would G-d do such a thing?” I can understand if he would make you meet someone to help you in some matter, but why would G-d want to change your phone extension names?”

“I don’t Know” he answered, “it just happened?”

This past Motzi Shabbat / Sortie of Shabbat, I was at a Melave Malka / the Fourth Meal after Shabbat. The speaker was Rabbi Feifer. He told 4 stories about Hashgacha Pratit / Individual Supervision by G-d.

Rabbi Feifer was in a local Kosher Mini-market. The manager, recognizing him, asked him if he had time to answer a question. Sure, he replied.

“Once a year I usually drive to Florida with my family after Shabbat. I went and stayed a week. After Shabbat was over I started driving back to New York. At about 7 o’clock in the morning – I was tired. I decided to pull off on one of the exits in North Carolina to get some sleep in a parking lot. After my nap, I go out of the car and I notice a fellow Jew. I approached him to say hello and the person turns out to be my old boss. I asked him what he was doing there. He said his daughter wanted to see one of the amusement parks in North Carolina. I asked myself, what are the odds of meeting my boss in the middle of North Carolina.” He asked the Rabbi “Why would G-d do such a thing?”

Some people would call it coincidence but – the Torah says everything is orchestrated by G-d.

The Rabbi thought of a story that happened recently in Israel. An organization in Israel – called Lev Le’achim – invites secular Jews to learn in a Yeshiva to acquaint themselves with Torah.The Yeshiva decide to take a group of boys to Tzefat for a Shabbaton / Shabbat Outing. A secular boy who was staying at the Yeshiva was invited to attend. They told him it would cost about 350 – 400 shekels. He replied, I’d really like to attend but I don’t have the funds. But I learned in the Torah this week that any expenses made for the honor of Shabbat will be reimbursed by Hash-m. “He says borrow on My account and I will pay.” So I will go but I will pay you after the Shabbaton. They agreed.

After the Shabbaton they made the calculation – each boy would have to pay 388 Shekels and 66 Agorot. He asked them for a couple days to pay for the trip. When He arrived to his dorm room, he saw a letter. “Dear Son, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday. As a gift we decided to give you one of each denomination of Israeli Currency.” There was a 200 Shekel note, a 100 shekel note, a 50, a 20, a 10 shekel coin, a 5, a 2 and a 1. A 50 agorot and a 10 and a 5 and a 1. Totalling – 388 Shekels and 66 Agorot.

Rabbi Feifer mentioned that in a taxi in Israel – the cab driver asked him how to say the hebrew word for “Nes” in English. He replied “Miracle.” He said “do you understand? It is 3 words?” “What 3 words?” “Mi Rak El” which translates to “Who? Only G-d.” (Some say Jews made the Latin Language.) He also mentioned the word “Coincident” is “Kah” – translated as G-d. and the word “incident.”

Rabbi Feifer said sometimes G-d just sends a message to say hello. I’m here. I just wanted to remind you. What we sometimes call coincidence – is really G-d saying Hello.

G-d’s Message of Love – the Heart in the Eggshell

G-d sends us messages every day. He answers your prayers – one has to be observant of their surroundings to notice it.

There is a Joke. A guy was looking for a parking spot. He was running late for a meeting. He prayed for a parking spot. “G-d please help me find a parking spot soon. If you do, I will be more careful to observe your commandments! Please help me!” He turns the corner and finds a the perfect spot right in front of his destination. “Wow, what a coincidence!” He says.

Finding a parking spot could be an answer to your prayer. I remarked that when I pray sincerely and specifically – about finding a parking spot quickly upon arrival to and close to my destination, I find them more quickly than when I do not.

Anyway, last night I was preparing instructional materials that explained that Hash-m / G-d Loves people.I searched for a nice looking heart graphic.

This morning – I prepared eggs for breakfast. I cracked one after the other. In one I cracked by the more narrow part of the egg.

I dropped the yoke in a cup – to assure there were no traces of blood in the egg. Then I put the egg from the cup into into the pan.

I looked at the shell. I noticed that the hole in the egg was in the shape of a heart.

This never happened to me before.

G-d sending a message?


You decide.

One can brush things off as coincidence or he can notice the prayers being answered – this is one way we develop a relationship with the Creator. Noticing the little things that happen to us due to our prayers. Noticing all our blessings is another.

Who loves you the most? G-d does. You Just Have to take the time to notice all the good He does for you and each and every one of us on a daily basis.

Can G-d Create a Rock He Cannot Lift? – and Answers to Other Atheist’s Questions

I was walking down the street and I met a person. Somehow we got into the discussion of the existence of G-d. They were a foreigner but spoke English.

I mentioned that it is easy to prove the existence of G-d.

The first Question I asked was – “If you were walking on a beach and you found a pencil – what would you say? Would you say that it was random sand that blew this pencil together? or Would you say an intelligent creature created it?”

“Obviously – if something less complex such as a pencil must have a maker – so something more complex – like a baby – must have a creator.”

Easy enough. One need not be a rocket scientist – to understand that logic.

She and her friend half-heartedly acknowledged it. Her friend did believe in G-d.

I pointed to the building behind and asked do you think this building was built with bricks flying together.

I proceeded to explain that there are four questions that through rationality and logic anyone can come to the conclusion that the true law of G-d is the Torah.

Finding G-d through Rational Thought

The Four Questions

G-d, our Father, like a human father – wants us to be successful. If one thinks things out he will be able to come to the conclusion that Torah is the true way of G-d and thus success. How? By asking four questions and answering them rationally.

The four questions are:
1. Is there a G-d?
2. Did G-d Give a Law?
3. What is that Law?
4. Did G-d Change His “mind”?


In short here are the answers:
1. Yes. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that random atoms formed the world and nature.


2. Yes. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that G-d created a magnificent world to allow others to destroy it.


3. The Torah. Rationally, G-d would have to give a law to millions of people, rather than one man, otherwise a person could always say – why should I believe that man. The Torah is the only Divine law given by G-d, witnessed by millions of people.


4. No. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that G-d, who knows all, is omniscient – knows past, present and future, is the most intelligent existence, will change his mind about His people or His laws.

She raised some objections but they were easily answered away.

Then she dropped her “bomb” question.

Can G-d Create a Rock He Cannot Lift?.

Before answering it – I’ll preface by saying it is important for all people to know themselves. To know what is driving them. To want to seek truth.

Many people say they seek truth but it is not so. They seek to justify their behavior. Why do people pick on the “goody-goody”? Because he makes them feel guilty that they are not living up to the standards they intuitively know that G-d wants from them. So instead of making the effort to improve – they put down the goody-goody. Not improving and basically fooling themselves.

Thus it is of utmost importance for a person seeking true self-improvement and connection with spirituality to have this motive of searching for truth. Willing to give up my lifestyle for truth.

Others have a lifestyle that they want to pursue and they seek to find the “truth” that suits their lifestyle. A religion that allows me to do what I want.

This is the real reason for anti-semitism – pick on the Jews because the Jews remind me that G-d wants me to be better. Hitler said it straight out – in Mein Kamf – “the Jews brought two problems to the world circumcision – [recognition that man is not perfect and we must make an effort to better ourselves – in short the pursuit of perfection] and the conscience [the belief that G-d is watching our actions].” To deal with it – Hitler – instead of trying to improve himself – he committed genocide. He wanted the earth to be a world of “civilized acting” barbarians.

This is the reason why many deny G-d. If I deny Him I don’t have to feel badly about doing wrong. A mature person takes responsibility for their actions and tries to improve when they missed the mark. G-d accepts their repentance. G-d allows them to wipe the slate clean.

Even scientists like Stephan Hawking and others fall into the trap. Ask Stephan – Come on the whole world, all nature, growth and movement, life all caused by random atoms? Not rational. I’d expect more from you Stephan.

The drive to cover up truth as long as I can do what I want is strong. Strong enough to blind scientists. Strong enough to cause people to support BDS and company. Strong enough for people to justify terrorism. Strong enough for the UN to make over 220 resolutions against Israel and remaining silent for atrocities in the rest of the world. Logically it makes no sense – but given the interest of justifying one’s behavior and avoiding having a guilty conscience – it all makes sense.

It happens to all of us. It happens in Judaism. The whole reason for the initial development of the reform, conservative, reconstructionist “movements” is because they want to justify doing what I want while not feeling guilty. It is irrational – to think that G-d given laws can be nullified by man.

I’m not trying to blame the world. But just pointing out that this will – to avoid feeling guilty for one’s bad actions – is a real driving force in the world and in the individual. Thus – we pray to Hash-m to help us find truth.

OK. So the answer to the question.

Can G-d Create a Rock He Cannot Lift?

here’s a better one:

Can G-d destroy Himself?

the answer to both is – NO.

G-d is all powerful. He can do whatever he wants.

The talked-out reasoning behind those questions is:

You say G-d is all powerful and has no weakness.

If G-d is all powerful and has no weaknesses then –

Can G-d Create a Rock He Cannot Lift?

The answer is – G-d is all powerful. He can do anything. But not being able to create a rock that He cannot lift is not a weakness – it is a strength. Not being able to be destroyed is a strength – not a weakness.

Let’s put the answer in positive terms – Any rock that G-d creates – He can lift. G-d cannot be destroyed. Those are both strengths – not weaknesses.

If we compare our existence to the pixels on a computer screen and G-d being the Programmer – just like the programmer can program whatever he wants – G-d can do whatever he wants.

She then asked another “bomb” question.

If G-d created the world – who created G-d?

That answer is also basically simple to answer.

G-d always existed. No one created G-d. G-d created time.

We live in a world that time is an integral part of existence. G-d created time. G-d did not just create the world and leave it on autopilot. G-d is creating the world and recreating it every second. Like pictures in the old movie reels. So it seems to us that there is time. But G-d is out of the world of Time.

There is a statement in Pirkei Avot (2:14) on

Torah Diligence & Knowing Why & for Whom You Toil

Rabbi Ela’zar says: Be diligent to learn Torah and know what to answer to the non-believer.  And know before Whom you toil and that Your Employer is trustworthy to pay you the reward of your labor.

It’s good to know the answers – but you don’t have to go out and debate everybody now – it is good enough for you to know the answers yourself. It seems that the Mishna above is telling you – if you will be influenced to deny G-d because the deniers promise you living a life – guilt free by denying the existence of G-d – that lack of guilt is no way worth the great reward and tremendous pleasure – in this world and in the next world (heaven) –  in serving G-d.

Seek truth.

Torah Word – What to Ask for in Prayer

The Parasha / Weekly Torah Reading – Behar – talks about Shmittah – letting the land rest from laboring the field every seven years.

If one does this G-d will give blessing in the sixth year that it will produce enough for 3 years. One for the sixth year, one for the seventh and one for the first year of the new Shmittah cycle. It says:

“if you follow my ordinances … You will dwell securely in your land . And I will give you fruit to your satiety. And If you will say “what shall we eat in the seventh year – for we will not plant and not harvest?”  I [Hash-m] will command My blessing that in the Sixth Year – it will provide [enough] produce  for three years.” (Vayikra / Leviticus 25:18-21)


*Question:* – It seems that a person that has a doubt as to relying on G-d by letting his land rest on the seventh year (because he asked “What shall we eat…”) G-d will give this blessing of “produce for three years”. Shouldn’t the blessing be given to people who have faith / Emunah in G-d that he will provide?

*Answer:*    There are two kinds of blessing – in quantity or in quality. A person who has doubts – G-d will give the blessing of quantity – so they can actually see with their eyes the blessing. The quantity of three years of produce.

To those that have faith – G-d will give the blessing of quality.  Their fruit will be so nutritious that one fruit will provide enough nutrition as 3 fruits.”

When asking blessing from Hash-m  – ask for quantity and quality.

Money that will be used for spiritual growth and helping Klal Yisrael & the world – not for Taxes or Medical expenses.

A soulmate that will have good midot / character traits, desire for growth, values and hashkafa / Torah outlook that will make me & Hash-m happy.

Children that will follow Torah and be righteous…

A path in life that will help me to find true spirituality, growth & truth & that will be pleasing to you Hash-m / G-d …

To get accepted into a school that will help me to achieve my potential in life …

Be specific and detailed – but not too detailed to give G-d “leeway” to give you good. Don’t pray to marry a particular person.  G-d knows best if a particular person is good for you to marry. Pray to Marry a person who will have the qualities that you desire – if it is good for you.

May our good prayers be answered* – Amen.


*Hash-m is the Name of G-d to whom we direct our prayers.

The Vegetarian Dilemma – Being Kind with Child’s Body & Soul

Ask your local Vegetarian or Vegan – why don’t you eat meat?

Many will answer, “I am against cruelty done to animals.”

That’s good.

Torah Against Animal Cruelty

The Torah is the first code with laws against cruelty to animals. “Tzaar Baalei Haim” – forbids causing animals to suffer. Ritual slaughter – Shechita – assures the animal feels little or no pain during the slaughtering process.  “Ever Min HaH’ai” – One of the Seven Noahide Laws for all humanity – prohibits eating a limb taken from a living animal. An animal must be dead – before chopping it up. For non-Jews death means the animal must have stopped moving. For Jews – that means that Shechita had to have been done.

Animals “Kosher” for Non-Jews

Judaism allows the eating of Kosher animals for Jews if it was properly slaughtered according to Jewish law. Torah allows gentiles to eat animals as long as the animal was dead before is was chopped up.

Vegetarian – the Ideal State of Man?

In the time of Adam – the first man – people were not allowed to eat animals. After the Flood of Noah, people were allowed to eat animals. Apparently being a vegetarian is the ideal state of man.

There is a statement in Talmud – meat should only be eaten by Torah Scholars – not an ignoramus. (Peachim 49b)

Animal Souls – the Gilgul & Dibuk

Why? One reason given is that they know how to do the ritual slaughter properly. Another is apparently – in an animal there is a soul. Every Animal has a low level soul. There are five levels of the soul – Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, H’aya & Yeh’ida. Animals have the lowest level – the Nefesh. Humans have the Ruach – apparently that allows people to talk. There is the Neshama – that are for people spiritually connected. Jews receive and extra Neshama on Shabbat. Rashi says – that’s one reason why people eat more on Shabbat.

Animals and plants are more spiritually connected than we would assume. Animals have a soul. Talk nicely to a plant and it will grow better. A Japanese scientist tried an experiment on water. He would talk nicely to water and freeze it. Other water he would speak not- nicely. The water that was spoken nicely to, had beautiful crystals formed. The water that was yelled at had irregular and non-symmetrical crystals formed.

Blessing Before Eating

This might be one reason, why we Jews say a blessing before eating anything. (We have a Blessing card for food available free at the Freebies / Store Section) (Gentiles can also say the blessing for food – provided they say “G-d of Israel” instead of “Our G-d” in the blessing.) When we say the blessing – we beautify the food physically – as shown in the experiment.

But more than that – we transform the physical into spiritual energy. Also we unlock the soul that was in the food.

Soul Transmigration

When a person sins – some are punished by their soul coming back to life in an object. It could be in a rock, a plant, a tree, a fruit or an animal or a person. (For instance – Kabbalah says – one who acts with immorality with a gentile or a Jew – their soul might come back incarnated as a dog.)

When a person says a blessing on the food – that soul is released from the object and is able to make a reparation and the soul is uplifted to another degree. ie, a soul that was in a fruit – is elevated and may be able to go into an animal body.

Apparently – that is one reason why only Torah Scholars should eat meat – by them saying the blessing on the meat or using the energy for a holy purpose – like learning Torah – they are able to make the proper reparation – Tikkun to the food – allowing the soul in the food to be elevated.

Helping the Soul in the Animal

If a vegetarian says the blessings on food – he might want to reconsider eating meat. Many a time he doesn’t want the animals to be hurt because his eating of the food – may cause hurt to the body of the animal. But if he or she really wanted to be considerate of animals – they would try to eat animals and say the blessing – thus helping the soul of the animal to receive a reparation. I guess they’ll just have to help the souls in the fruits and veggies.

Helping the Soul of the Children.

I hear parents shout at children – “no candy for you!” They recognize the importance of healthy teeth and bodies. The parents are concerned for the health of the child’s body. If only parents would be so concerned about the health of the child’s soul.

The child who is helped to follow Torah and Mitzvot – will have a healthy soul. For this a Jewish child must have a healthy diet – of Kosher food, Prayer, Torah learning, acting kind with others, following Jewish law / Shulchan Aruch – Love of Hash-m, Emunah, Shabbat meals, doing Mitzvot, Torah Day school. Just like a Jewish parent or child is well versed in the mathematics tables for being a good student – being well versed in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch / Abridged Code of Jewish Law is a way for a child to grow into and parent to raise spiritually well-balanced children. A non-Jewish child – should be taught the 7 Noahide laws from Torah by a reputable Orthodox rabbi.

Many parents disregard – intentionally or unintentionally – the child’s Spiritual health & well-being. They give in to the social mores of society yet disregard the spiritual consequences of their actions. They give a child an unfiltered cell phone or internet that causes them to fall prey to improper websites and activities. They send them to colleges – without protection from cults, drugs, drinking, fraternity initiations – that may cause their spiritual downfall.

Attaining Best of Material & Spiritual World

A caring parent – cares also for the spiritual welfare of the child according to Torah. G-d gives parents the tremendous gift of a child. He expects us to return the child as pure as he or she was – as when they were born. Thus prudence asks us to be concerned that our children will live a safe life – but also a life that their children will be worthy of receiving a place in heaven.

The path of the middle is correct. Spiritual, mental and physical health are all important factors of which to be prudent. A parent that has the primary goal that their child should receive a place in the world to come – through Torah & Mitzvoth – usually attains the best of both worlds – the physical and spiritual worlds.

In the Market for a New Religion? A Comparison to Consider

I meet a lot of different people. Most are pretty down to earth. Average Joes doing their 9 to five to make ends meet. Working hard. Working honestly.

That’s good. It is a Mitzvah / Commandment from Torah to work – for Jews and Non Jews. For through work one builds the world. G-d wants a world that is built up Thus it is also a Mitzvah for people – Jews and Gentiles to have children – because G-d wants a world that is populated – not desolate.

Thus people have satisfaction in working and having and raising children. It’s a Mitzvah. Mitzvah’s make you happy. For you are your soul and your soul feels satisfaction in doing Mitzvoth.

Proofs? Statistically Married people commit suicide less than single people. Statistically, suicides occur most on Sundays and Mondays – right after the weekend when people are not working. Also the Motivation theory of Theodore Herzberg demonstrates that people are more motivated when they are accomplishing things at work.

Sorry for the regression. In any case – I met people who go through religions like they go through clothing. One year they are this, the next that.

Some hit the bid. Some fly into another set of laws – uncomfortable for them or society.

There are thousands of religions. How does one find the right religion?


“I feel it is right?” As Spock would say – That is illogical.

Why – because Joe might feel that A is right for him and Jack would feel that B is right for him. Obviously G-d made a way to rationally determine what is his true law. It must be that every sane person in the world could come to this determination. Otherwise, a person would not be able to be judged after they pass on. They could always defend themselves to G-d and say “I thought my feeling was right?” And get off the hook. Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.

Obviously there must be a rational way – based upon logic and rationality – to determine G-d’s true law.

Four simple questions exist that one can come to the conclusion of the true religion of G-d. Each question must be answered rationally.

These are the four questions in short. (A previous post on The Four Question entitled – What G-d really Wants from You goes into the matter in more depth.)

  1. Is there a G-d

  2. Did G-d Give a Law?

  3. What is that Law?

  4. Did G-d Change His mind?

The rational answers are :

 1. Is there a G-d?

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean that you believe that man, the world, all nature, molecules, the universe, growth, order of the world, babies, the food chain comes from random atoms flying together. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a G-d.

2. Did G-d Give a Law? 

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean you believe that G-d created this magnificent world and not care about if people destroyed his nature or creatures. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a Law of G-d.

3. What is that Law?

Answer: The Torah. The Torah is the Only law in which millions of people, an entire nation of people, the Jewish People – heard G-d speaking and giving of the divine law the Torah at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. Not one person. Not two people. Not 5, not 10. But Millions of People. To say another law that was not heard by millions would be irrational. Why? Because if it was only one person, I would have no reason to believe one person over another person who says the exact opposite of the first person. Thus millions of people would have had to heard the divine law for it to be valid.

4. Did G-d change His mind?

Answer: No. To say G-d gave a law and changed his “mind” about the laws or people is irrational. G-d is omniscient. He know all the past the present and future. Not rational to say He gave a law and changed His mind.

A G-d that Answers when We Call

G-d is called Hash-m, which means “the Name”. One who prays to Him is answered. Once an african american woman went to see my friend the optometrist. She said she beacame a follower of the Noahide laws for Gentiles according to the Torah. He asked why? She said when she was following another religion, she prayed and was not answered. When she prayed to Hash-m, she was. So She became a righteous Gentile that follows the Seven Noahide laws.

Gentiles have tremendous Wisdom in Science. In Astrology. In Mathematics. The Torah says to believe in the Wisdom of the Gentiles. Yet, we do not believe in their laws that pertain to Spirituality. For the Jews are the recievers of the Torah. This is the expression –

Chochma Bagoyim Taamin Torah Bagoyim al Taamin. – Wisdom of the Gentiles Believe. The Divine Law of the Gentiles do not believe. Because G-d Himself taught the Jews the laws. Anything that differs cannot be believed – beacause we heard it from the mouth of G-d.

Like we mentioned above – After a person passes away they will be judged for their deeds and actions. The question is according to what law will they be judged? Is it according to the Torah? A person must be able to determine through rational thought what is the true law of G-d. Otherwise they would not be able to be judged fairly in the next world because they would always have the excuse “I thought that Judaism was not the true religion.”

For a claim to hold up in the heavenly court any person in the world could have figured this out. Below are some issues that help a person to decide the religion they should follow.

Here is a comparison that was compiled several years ago. Perhaps it can help those in search for the will of G-d.

Comparison of Judaism and Other Ideologies

In the left column is the ideal situation for a religion to be well founded.

The second column is what Judaism believes and is supported by fact.

The third column is an example of what some other religions believe.

The purpose of this comparison is for a person who is sincerely searching for the true religion and wants to get close to the true God to have a point of comparison between Judaism and other ideologies. The answers in the second column are provided for information purposes and the reader is free to enter the answers of their own religion’s stance on the issue to be able to compare it to the Torah.

The list below not only provides evidence of the veracity of Torah Judaism as the religion of G-d. It also shows that since most Jews believe in the basic principles of the Torah, it show that the Jews are spiritually connected to Hash-m.

What does this mean? This means that the through Torah – Jews can maintain a closer relationship with Hash-m by adhering to its principles. They can reach higher heights of perfection and their potential.

Though gentiles can reach a level of closeness to Hash-m, through exercising their own potential and attaining a higher degree of perfection through the Seven Noahide laws of the Torah, to attain a greater closeness to God they have the option of becoming full fledged Jews – by conversion through a competent Orthodox Rabbi. Those concerned about this, those that wish they could reach this closeness to Hashem – always have the option of conversion to Judaism open to them permitting them to reach this greater closeness.

Issue – the ideal answer.


Other religions

Law transmitted by God Himself not by an agent

Jewish people actually heard transmission of Torah from God Himself

Transmitted by a single human being to others

Transmission of law witnessed by millions people

The giving of the Torah by God Himself at mount Sinai was witnessed by over 3 million people. Of which 600,000 Jewish men between the age of 20 to 60 witnessed the event.

Witnessed by one individual or several individuals

Transmitted by a person who spoke directly to God face to face

Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses Our Teacher spoke to God face to face like a person would speak to another person, while he was completely awake and lucid.

Transmitted by a person who had a dream

Law conceived by God

God created the Torah and then created the world. The law is his law.

Group of people conceived law

God did open miraculous kindness for an entire nation

God sends plagues upon Egyptians and brings Jewish people out of Egypt in front of all the world.

Did not do miracles for entire nation.

Law is based upon principles that cannot be changed by man

God gave to Torah is written Torah and the Oral Torah. All laws must conform to what is written in the Oral Torah. (Which is now the Talmud)

People have discretion to change laws according to their whim

God changes nature for a entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt to punish Egyptians for pain they caused the Jews.

Does things for individuals

God punishes nations that hurt entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt because they caused suffering to the Jewish nation.

Does things for individuals

God helps entire nation to be victorious in war

God helps Jewish nation to be victorious over nations much mightier than them in the wilderness of Sinai

Win by force. (Of course with the will of G-d)

Explanation of God’s features makes logical sense

God is not physical nor spiritual. He is the essence of existence. Has no deficiencies or weaknesses. He is Perfect. He is One. He is Unlimited. He is everywhere.

Their concept of “gods” are illogical. It can be an animal or a man (either dead or alive) or an object – “that is dead, eventually dies or decays or can be destroyed. If a “god” dies, or is dead, decays or can be destroyed it has a weakness and logically cannot be the real god. Assumes G-d changes his mind after taking a well thought out decision – if G-d is perfect he wouldn’t change his mind.

Is Truth

Allows and encourages questions to arrive at the truth. Truth is not afraid of questions.

Use manipulative tactics to avoid truth or threats because their doctrine cannot stand up to the test of truth. Punish people who deny their doctrine.

Has detailed laws that deal with all situations.

Has specific and detailed laws that are either treated directly or can be derived from the Talmud.

Have vague laws based on general foundations of the religion. No specific details of cases.

Detailed Laws are based upon Torah’s Laws

Detailed laws that correspond directly with Torah Laws (ie, five books of Moses).

Have vague laws many of which have nothing to do with the Torah’s commandments or are against the Torah’s commandments ie, – “Do not make an image of G-d.”

Giving of law witnessed by trustworthy people

The Jews were on the level of righteousness so high that they attained prophecy when they received the Torah.

Was witnessed by harlots, immoral people or killers.

Transmitted by righteous people

Moshe Rabbeinu who transmitted the Torah was so righteous he was able to speak with God directly

Transmitted by killers and sinners “if they could kill they could lie also

Based upon logic, not miracles

Hash-m did thousands of miracles for the Jewish nation – “ten plagues, manna, splitting of the sea of reeds, etc. But belief in Torah is not based on miracles. It is based upon historical fact, G-d’s communication with the Jewish people, common sense and logic. See Rambam “ Laws of Mashiach / Messiah. Laws of Kings – chapter 11

Believe because one or more people were subject to or did miracles. Because of the existence of freedom of choice even wicked people can actually do “miracles” – ie, voodoo, black magic. Thus doing Miracles is not a proof of veracity.

Allows truths to be questioned and is open to questions – open minded to allow questions to arrive at the truth

Questions will surely encouraged – Anyone who learns Gemara or Talmud realizes how open the Torah is to questions

Religions censor people and works that are contrary to their beliefs in order that they do not discover the truth. They hide the truth or deny questions and provide roundabout answers. They Give very vague verses from the “Bible” to show their veracity – yet these verses are misinterpreted by them, because they did not receive the Oral Torah that explains exactly what the verse means.

Meaningful and well thought out laws, rituals and customs

Rituals are pleasant like having meals with the family on Shabbat and holidays. Prayer.

Have unusual rituals and laws sometimes subjecting followers to flagellate themselves, torturing themselves, throwing people into fire. They burn wives of upon death of husband. Some Religion leaders do not procreate – if all of the members of the religion would become leaders their would be no members of the religion after that generation.

Believe that God is an entity that is not physical or spiritual. It is not logical to say that God is physical or spiritual, because anything that is physical or spiritual can be created or destroyed. Anything that can be created or destroyed cannot be God.

Hash-m is not physical nor spiritual. He is the Essence of perfection and goodness.

Some propose God is physical. They may say he is a man, an object, or an animal. they attribute godly attributes to a mound of flesh Or to an inanimate a pile of stones or a statue. All these have the weakness “they can be destroyed. Therefore they cannot be the true god.

Common people who follow the religion are righteous.

The basic rule for the Jews is to love one’s fellow like one’s self. Observant Jews do many and exemplary acts of kindness.

Though many are righteous, many times in history the masses of people were killers and instigators in that they actively participated in in pogroms, crusades, blood-libels, aiding the Nazis, terrorism and anti-Semitic campaigns.

Top leaders are exemplary  righteous people

Top leaders are exemplary in morality, in kindness and in following the laws of the Torah.

Many scandals are surfacing against top leaders – stealing, killing, immorality, etc. Gurus make up their own set of laws ie – it’s OK to steal if the Guru gains money from it.

Foundations of the beliefs of the ideology are logical

Foundations are based upon solid evidence and logic (and see 13 principles of faith of the Rambam)

Believe because you have to believe (they force people to believe because their claims make are irrational like their “god” is a dead man.) To quell the masses they say it is improper to ask questions or to just believe on faith. No sane person would by a car on “faith” that it has an engine. Subscribing to a religion – that one’s life in heaven depends upon – should be subject to at least the same scrutiny.

Foundations of Religion are consistent with the Document of the Law

Foundations of Torah is that G-d is One, He is Perfect, He is not Physical. It says in the Torah “You shall not make any image that is on earth or in the Heavens” – The second of 10 commandments.

Their god is a physical entity or a physical entity represents their g-d which is explicitly forbidden in the 5 Books of Moses.

All people are treated with sensitivity

Each man must be respected because he was created in the image of Hash-m. Never killed innocent people on basis of the Torah.

Killed millions of innocent people in the name of “God” and their religion – historically and currently condone killing of innocent people who through terrorism, pogroms, violence, etc.

Are in sync with morality and common sense

Each person should be treated with respect and dignity.

Their law says “don’t kill.” Yet in actuality religions were at times one of the greatest terror organizations. Historically and currently condone killing of innocent people through terrorism, pogroms, violence, holy wars, holocaust, genocide, intifada, etc.

Number of witnesses to Origin of Religion

Millions of Jewish People “600,000 men witnessed and heard G-d’s voice at Sinai

Two harlots, person who had a dream, guru that got a divine message

Number of Adherents


Hundreds of Millions “number of adherents is not a testimony to the truth“ see below (If a million people say 1 + 1 = 3 and one person says 1 + 1 = 2. Who is right? The million people or the one person?) Easier to follow ones desires than to control ones desires. There was a point in time that a majority of the world believed the world was flat. Does that mean that the world was flat at that time point in time?

Claims to have millions of witnesses to transmission of the law – and has proof

Millions of Jewish people saw and heard Hashem –  G-d giving the Torah.

Don’t make any claims that millions of people witnessed giving or Re-transmission of the law

Claims G-d did not – “change his mind”

Hash-m is perfect. His knowledge is perfect. He knows the past and the future. He does not change his mind.

Say G-d changes his mind.

G-d did not change his people

Hash-m chose only the Jewish people to be the Chosen nation and they remain to be his Chosen nation. He never changed them with another nation.
There are proofs of this in Torah and according to logic. If someone employs a thousand people. If he decides to fire them he sends them pink slips. “Pink slips” or another declaration never was made that Hash-m rescinded his covenant with them. When one introduces a product they do much publicity if they wish to recall it they also use much publicity. It is an eternal covenant. Hashem forgave the Jews for any sins that they did. Mishkan Haedut “ the Mishkan is a testimony to the fact that Hashem forgave us for the sin of the Golden Calf.

Say G-d changed his people with another people.

The Law is Divine

The Torah is Divine. How do we know the Torah is Divine? Millions of witnesses heard transmission of law from Hash-m himself at Mount Sinai.

Law made up by men.

G-d did not change the original nation that he chose.

G-d does not change his mind. He has perfect knowledge and knows the future. He would not select a nation and then “change his mind.” The Jews were Hash-m’s chosen people and remain his chosen people and will remain to be his chosen people forever.

Other religions say G-d changed the original nation that he chose. This is the basis for their religion’s existence.

Treat non-members of the religion in respectful manner.

Even the most lowly of people “Bilaam” – the gentile prophet who was unable to answer the rebuke of his talking donkey – who wished to curse the Jews was spared embarrassment. Hash-m his donkey killed so that people wouldn’t point to the donkey saying “look that is the donkey that Bilaam couldn’t answer back” and embarrass Bilaam.

Vilify Jews and create hatred among their people of Jews. Teach children to Hate Jews from an early age – even in schools. Create heros out of those who commit violence against Jews. Call Jews the “Devils”. Create campaigns against Jews and make plots against Jews. Every new act or speech of violence against the Jews further detracts credibility of the validity of their religion.

God did not change his original nation that he chose for another nation. The nation he chose is the same nation forever.

God says in the scriptures and the Torah that the people of Israel are his chosen nation forever. “Six days you shall work and on the seventh day it is a holy day of rest to Hashem“ anyone who shall do work on the Shabbat day will …. And the children of Israel observed the Shabbat “to do the Shabbat throughout the generations – between Me (Hashem) and the children of Israel “ it is a sign forever. (Shemot 31:16-17) (Devarim/ Deut. 5:25)

God changes his mind. They disregard these verses.

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses to the most minute detail. Know all the details of the laws.

Those religions that claim their people to be the “replacement” of the Jewish people “ Do not even know the details of most of the commandments. They act contrary to the commandments. G-d said the seventh day of the week should be the Sabbath Day. The Jewish people observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day “others on the 6th day of the week and others on the first day of the week. This goes against an explicit law in the Torah. There are many more examples too numerous to list.

Follow the 10 commandments

Follow the 10 commandments with all the details.

“You shall not make an image of G-d that is from earth, the skies or the waters” – Those that worship – a man – a man is from earth“ thus it is forbidden from the 10 commandments to worship a man or treat any man as a representation of G-d. A cow is from earth, a tree is from earth“ all are forbidden to treat as images of G-d.

“Thou shalt not kill.” Many pogroms, killings done in the name of the religion.

“Thou shalt not steal” after the pogroms sanctioned by religions they stole goods that belonged to innocent people that they killed.

Observant Orthodox Jews are the only ones that consistently observe the laws of the 5 Books of Moses – eaning that we are the True representatives of the Torah.

Jews: Observe Passover, wear Tephillin, Observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day, eat Matzah, take the Lulav and Etrog, live in Booths, Celebrate the receiving of the Torah.

No other people observe the commandments of the Torah in their entirety and detail like the Orthodox Jews.

Philosophers admitted to the Truth of the Torah over their own Philosophy.

Aristotle wrote a letter to Alexander the Great at the end of his life testifying that he erred with his philosophy, he regretted teaching it and that he admitted to the Truth of the Torah. (see Meam Loez “ Parasha Yitro)

Do not present an insult to G-d

Jews Praise G-d for his Greatness every day. Believe that G-d is exactly they way that He is described in the Torah according to the RAMBAM. He is not physical, nor spiritual. He is all powerful. He has no weaknesses.

Present an insult to G-d. Say G-d is a man or a stone or a tree or a statue “who is limited and nothing in comparison to Hash-m. This is comparable to calling a mighty human king a dog. (See story of Rabbi Akiva)

Facts of science correspond to facts written in texts of the religion

Because Hash-m created the Torah and then created the world using the Torah as a blueprint facts about the world and nature must correspond to facts that are accepted in the Torah. For instance:

Torah states world is a sphere. World is a sphere.

Torah states Gestation period of a snake is 7 years. Gestation period of a snake is 7 years.

Torah states exactly how many stars in the Universe in Talmud Berachot. Current scientific calculations of number of stars corresponds to number of stars written in the Torah.

Time it takes for moon to revolve around the earth. Time stated by Torah (in Talmud) thousands of years ago corresponds exactly to time determined recently by NASA scientists.

There was a point in time which religions stated the world is flat. If they represent G-d, they should know a basic thing like that the world is not flat. Religions are historically against science.

People are Chosen People as it states in the Torah

Hash-m Chooses the Jewish nation to be a light to the world“ in terms of ethics and serving Hash-m. As it states in the Torah about the Jewish People “For you are a Holy nation to Hash-m Your G-d: You Hash-m your G-d chose to be a special nation to Him “ among all the nations of the world that are on the face of the Earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6)

Others religions say “Jews are devils, are the cause of the worlds problems, are the enemy” and cause Jews tremendous suffering in the name of the religion. Anti-semitism is prevalent.

(Asides the fact that it is strictly forbidden for a Jewish person to marry a gentile – this is one reason why even a totally assimilated Jew should not marry a gentile unless the gentile converts. Judaism doesn’t condone the killing of gentiles. Other religions historically and some currently condone and encourage the killing of Jews. Basically a person who associates themselves with a religion accepts their practices “ currently and historically.

So the Jewish partner should say to the non-Jewish partner “If you love me“ you wouldn’t want me to be killed. If you adhere to a religion“ that shows that you agree with that religion and their past and present practices. Your religion condones the killing of Jews “ and I am Jewish. If you actually love me show me through your action by abandoning your faith and become a sincere convert according to the Torah with a competent orthodox Jewish Rabbi.” If they convert this is a sign that they love you. If they do not accept to convert they surely do not love you. A person who loves another does not want any harm to come to the partner and even more they do not the death of the partner.

Gentiles have two possible paths to choose from in Judaism. To become a Righteous Gentile by following the seven Noahide laws proscribed by the Torah commandments and would not be able to marry a Jew. Or become a full-fledged convert to Torah Judaism by following the program proscribed by a competent Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. (Those already intermarried should contact a competent Orthodox Rabbi to seek guidance for Jewish Conversion).

Philosophies are logical

Solid logic applies to foundations, all law and all thoughts

Can an animal, man dead or alive, or a statue make a house from nothing (ex-nihlo) even more so the entire universe

The forefathers and Jewish people are the major subject of the Torah (Tanach “ Torah, Neviim / Prophets and Ketuvim / Writings)

Jewish nation occupies major part of the Torah

Ishmael is mentioned only briefly. Other guy is not mentioned even once. Ever heard of a novel where the main character is never mentioned once?

Law is Standard

There is only one version of the Torah “ the five books of Moses, Prophets and Writings. There is no difference between Torah of now and of three thousand years ago. Text of the Torah is standard where found geographically throughout the world, throughout various customs, throughout time.

Hundreds or thousands of different versions of their “bible”.

Witnessed by millions / Remembered by millions

An event of the magnitude of millions of people leaving a country accompanied by clouds and by miraculous events to an entire nation is an national unforgettable memory that people remember (see the kuzari principle “ david gottleib”?)

Reason for the existence of the religion makes sense

The reason for the Jewish religion is so that the Jews will serve as an example as the lights to the nations for them to know how to act in a moral and ethical manner and to become close to Hash-m. The Rambam -Maimonides –  writes the reason for why Hashem let other religions to develop is because before people were idol worshipers and their religion serves as a transition stage before they recognize the truth of the Torah.

Is the Oldest and Original Monotheistic Way of life

Judaism is the Original and the Oldest Monotheistic religion in the world. The others are offshoots. HaMotzi Mechavero Alav Haraya. If a person is holding an object we can assume that it belongs to him. If someone wants to take it from him the claimant must bring the proof. Judaism originally held the title of the one and only True Monotheistic religion. Other religions came after and wanted to falsely claim that title. Other religions have to bring proof of their authenticity because they are not holding on to the title. Rather than Judaism having to prove its authenticity.

Others are unfaithful imitations of the original.

Adam, Noah, Shem, Ever, The Forefathers, Matriarchs, Moses, David, Solomon, observed scrupulously the Torah as it is being observed by observant Jews today

The Torah was given to Adam and the Great Men of the Torah who observed it. They observed it in a form similar to the way it is observed today.

Other religions weren’t around to be observed by any great people of Bible.

The whole world was supposed to observe the Torah – the Seven Noahide Laws – when He gave them to Adam the First Man.


Issue – Ideal Answer


Other Religions

Did not kill innocent people in the name of the religion

Does not and did not kill innocent people in name of the religion.

Killed and tortured millions of people in the name of the “religion.” Committed tremendous crimes against humanity. Condoned the Nazis. Yet are supposed to be the upholders of morality.

Solid foundations

G-d is one. He is not physical. He has no deficiencies.

They say their god died. If a “god” dies it must mean that they are not the true G-d.

Not Contradictory

Laws and philosophies follow a directive of “Love your fellow as yourself.”.

Says “Love everyone” yet killed millions of people in the name of the religion.

Admit to the Truth of the Torah


Usually – when convenient.

Have a line of transmission from Mount Sinai till now

There are books that list the line uninterrupted transmission of the Torah from Moses till the recent rabbis. (See Rambam – Maimonides). This uninterrupted transmission spans over times where popular religions were started – showing that the other religions are man-made offshoots or novelties rather than a religion that was given by Hash-m himself.

No line of transmission. Or Contradictory Lines of Transmission.

Do not actively pursue converts – in order that only sincere convert

Do not encourage gentile people to convert to Judaism due to challenges of being a sincere Torah observer. Encourages gentiles to follow the law that is proscribed for them by the Torah “ the 7 Noahide laws.

Convert anyone, by force, threat of death, torture, bribery, tricks, money.

Proofs from the Torah that the Jewish Torah and Philosophy is True

“Hashem is one”;
“G-d is not a man.”

“G-d does not change his mind”

Mishkan Haedut – testimony that the Jews were forgiven.

Use truthful practices

Encourages questions and investigation of the religion.

Missionaries lie, make false interpretations of verses, are ignorant to true meaning of the verses.

Law remains the same over time

If it was forbidden to steal yesterday “ it is forbidden to steal today. Law is decided based upon new situations “ but law remains the same.

Law changes according to whim of people.

Institute punishment in a just manner

Have detailed laws of justice with strict laws for judges.

Kill innocent people because they don’t believe a dead human of flesh or a mound of clay is god.

G-d loves his own nation with a special love and his covenant with the Jews remains for at least a thousand generations (one generation is 20 years, 1000 generations is 20,000 – years the world has only been in existence for at least 5768 years ) – meaning that Hash-m never replaced his Jewish people with another nation.

“It is not because of your great number among the other people that Hash-m desired you and chose you – for you are the fewest of all people. Rather it is from the love of Hash-m towards you, and his guarding of the oath that he swore to your forefathers that Hash-m would take you out with a strong arm and redeem you from the house of bondage from the hand of Pharaoh – the king of Egypt. And you shall know that Hash-m your God – He is the God, and the faithful God who guards his covenants and kindness to those that he loves and those that guards his Commandments to the thousandth generation. And he pays His enemies before him and destroys them – He does not tarry to his enemies before him to pay them back. And you shall guard the Commandments and the laws and ordinances that I commands you today to do. (Devarim 7: 7 -11)

Hash-m loves the convert to Judaism. Enemies of the Jews, Esau and Amalek are Hash-m’s enemies.

Chosen nation has different laws than other nations (Gentiles shall not marry Jews)

“And you shall not marry them. Your daughter you shall not give to his son and his daughter to not take for your son. For he (the gentile father or mother) will remove your children from following after Me (Hash-m) and he will serve other gods and Hash-m will burn his anger against you and he will destroy you quickly. Rather this is what you shall do to them “their altars you shall break. “And their pillars you shall smash and their sacred trees you shall cut down and their idols you shall burn with fire.” (Devarim / Deut. 7:3 – 5)

Some Faiths people kill women that marry outside their faith.

Hash-m Loves His People and People that Follow his Laws (Gentiles that follow Noahide Laws and Jewish People who follow the Shulhan Aruch)

“Rather because of the desire towards your forefathers “ He loves you “ and he will select their seed “ from among them till today” (Devarim / Deut.10:15)

The Five books of Moses is accepted as True throughout the world by many people

The main basis of the observance of our Torah is the Five books of Moses that much of the world accepts as the Truth.

The basis of other religions are documents that the other people of the world dispute their veracity.

Jews have the Oral Law

Jews received the Torah and its explanation originally transmitted orally – which is the Talmud. Thus they know how to observe the Torah with all its details.

Other nations do not do or know how to do commandments properly.

 Jews Pray Directly to G-d – There are no Intermediaries Jews pray only to Hash-m. Intermediaries are are form of Idol worship according to Judaism. In the Generation of Enosh – People thought G-d is too great to pray directly to him – So they started to pray to intermediaries. This was the start of Idol worship. This eventually culminated in G-d’s destruction of the world through the flood. Many Religions condone  prayer to intermediaries – which was one of the causes of the destruction of the world.



Using Happiness to Eclipse Problems

A person has much to be thankful for. Regardless of what situation a person is in – and I am not judging those in pain – one can find at least one thing for which to be thankful – that they are alive. We create the reality that we are living by our attitude.

You have a “Poor Me” attitude – you will be sad. You have a “Thank G-d” attitude, you will be happy.

But some things annoy us in life. We all pass difficulties. I recently received a ticket. Yes, upsetting. But deep down I knew G-d had a reason. A reason for my best interest. So I felt a bit consoled.

Here is story I heard recently from the book “Living Emunah 2” – By Rabbi David Ashear. (p 168-170)

Once a person took upon himself a stringency to be careful not to sit next to a person of the opposite gender in a plane – to avoid temptation and bad thoughts. He got on to the airport early – to assure that the ticketing agent would book him next to a man. On the plane he realized that his seat was next to a woman.

He asked the stewardess if he could change his seat. She didn’t want to bother – so she told him “I am sorry that is impossible. If you do not stay in your seat, you will have to leave the plane and your baggages will not be removed from this plane and you will have to purchase another ticket.”

He responded calmly – “Ok. I guess I’ll get off the plane.” A bystander got up and said – “This person will not leave the plane! If he gets off I will get off! And I will take my baggages with me. I will make you go through all the baggages to get my baggages off the plane! You will be delayed until you find them!” The stewardess backed down from her “Don’t bother me” attitude. It took her a couple minutes to arrange seating that would accommodate the man.

After the flight the Jewish man went over to the other man. “I want to thank you for standing up for me. I Appreciate your effort.” The man responded “No problem. Really, I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me.”

He told him the following story –


“I have a friend. He was driving a Jewish passenger in his relatively new Taxi cab – he was an observant Jew. The car stalled and he wasn’t able to restart it. He assured the passenger that he’d be able to get him to the airport on time. He started tinkering with engine – He thought it was a minor problem. Finally when he realized time was short, he flagged down another cab for the passenger and they both got into the cab to London Heathrow Airport. They rushed to the gate. My friend pleaded with the gate attendants to let him on. They declined “Sorry – too late.”

He booked another flight and the cabbie went back to his cab. Surprisingly the taxi started immediately upon ignition. A few hours later they heard the news that the flight he was to take – exploded and all the passengers were killed. This was Pan Am flight 103, which was blown up over Lockerbie, England by a terrorist attack.

“From that story I realized that your G-d protects His people.” The man said. “So when I saw you boarding this flight I felt good, knowing everything would be Okay. But when I saw you were getting off, I got very scared and decided if you are leaving, I’m leaving too.”

A parent sometimes scolds a child. Sometimes he may even hit him. But the child understands that it is for the good – and although the scolding may hurt he understands that it is for his best interest.

When one’s child walks into the room – he can think “ok. what does he want now.” or “wow how great is G-d for giving me a child.” When he walks into his house he can think “I hope dinner is ready.” or “Wow. What a blessing G-d has given me such a house.” When he walks to the subway he can think “It’s so cold out” or “Wow. G-d is kind for giving me the ability to walk.”

If we were to look at all the blessings we have at the time we are annoyed or upset, we would let it slide. Our happiness would eclipse our sadness. Our happiness would eclipse our difficulties – especially knowing that G-d is a good G-d that will do the best for you.

Keep Smiling! You’re Alive!

lighten up – lightening your load physically, emotionally and spiritually


my shift-keys are not working.

thus i type lower case.

it’s ok.

it makes things easier.

there are ways to get around it. copy capital letters from other places. PUT ON CAPS LOCK. change the case in the word processor.

everything is good. even this.

i’ll deal with it eventually.

but now i’m happy. no need to shift.

G-d is good. He feeds the whole world. He sends our income and sustenance. He also sends difficulties and challenges. but all is for the good.

some people act like donkeys – not in the pejorative sense – but they take one problem and put it on their back. another one comes along. they hold on to the other problem. another. until the straw comes and breaks the ‘camel’s’ back. they snap.

it’s not supposed to be that way. G-d sends us challenges for our ultimate good. problems are like detours in the road that ultimate lead you to the good path.

a person should generally be happy with life. that should be their general mood – be happy. don’t worry – be happy is a Torah concept in 4 words.

so how does a person lighten up. bills are piling up. no job. no spouse. no income. no friends. what now. [the period should be a question mark. sorry – the shift problem.]

lightening up is easy. there are three venues – the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.

why be concerned about the physical. when one is in good health and shape they feel better. here are some tips.

physical lightening up

  1. eat a balanced diet
  2. don’t eat till you are hungry
  3. don’t eat till you are full – save some space
  4. walk a bit after a meal – it helps the digestion going.
  5. sleep on your left side – it helps digestion
  6. eat light meals.
  7. eat a good breakfast – before midday – with bread, preferably more than an ounce of whole wheat bread – without sugar or sweeteners in the bread – eaten within a span of less than 7 minutes. having a solid breakfast – with bread – will prevent you from snacking meals.
  8. eat healthy snacks.
  9. eat fruits and vegetables before meal.
  10. eat in moderation
  11. chew well
  12. eat in a calm, relaxed setting
  13. avoid too much meat [like Maimonides – the rambam – who was a doctor and rabbi, says]
  14. exercise. stay in shape.
  15. do needs regularly. [remember to say asher yatzar – prayer for good health]
  16. fast once a week – from morning to evening. [even if you have breakfast]

obviously, you must know your own constitution. what your own body needs. consult a doctor if necessary. some people avoid salt. others need salt for their constitution.

emotional and psychological lightness

a person’s emotions have an effect on their health. thus being emotionally healthy, helps a person to be physically healthy.

  1. avoid anger. if one is temperamental – it befits them to read books on the subject – like anger, the inner teacher by rabbi zelig pliskin.
  2. look at the positive in every situation.
  3. look at all the good you have in life
  4. don’t talk badly about others.
  5. don’t watch, read and listen to negative tidings – news, etc.
  6. avoid negative people.
  7. know that G-d is good and does good for us every moment – like a loving father.
  8. keep calm – Hash-m / G-d is in control
  9. believe it will be good and it will be good

spiritual lightness

after Yom Kippur – i feel lighter – not only because of the fast but also because i let go of a load of sins that kept me down. i relieved the load from my back. at times a person feels depressed because of the spiritual. they have everything they need physically, emotionally and psychologically – but they still feel sad. this could be a sign of spiritual deficiencies. i myself know, from experience, that transgression brings a person down emotionally. so if one wants a lift – and to lighten their load – the first step is to know the proper path to spirituality.

some think that spirituality is found in exotic places like the far east, or thailand or india. sorry – wrong address. why. because spirituality is closeness to G-d. G-d only appeared once in the history of mankind to an entire nation – composed of millions of people. they heard Him speak directly to them at the revelation at mount sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d doesn’t change his mind. so, obviously the Torah is the law that G-d gave to achieve ultimate spirituality. if a person took this to paragraph to heart – they would save thousands of dollars and much time and effort – by knowing that the address to spirituality starts with Torah. first one must find the right path, then pursue spirituality. if they do not, they end up churning water.

i tell you this from experience. i sinned. i ate non kosher. i didn’t observe the shabbat [a Gentile does not have to eat Kosher and does not observe the Sabbath]. i didn’t keep many other laws. when i transgressed i felt heavy. down. out of it. saddened. when i put my act together – and did teshuva / repentance – i felt lighter and happier. holiness and happiness are synonymous.

lightening up spiritually

  1. remove yourself from transgression – Jews follow the Shulchan Aruch – code of Jewish law and Gentiles follow – the seven Noahide commandments – given to the Jews at mount sinai in the Torah for all humanity to follow.
  2. do teshuva / repentance – the steps to teshuva include – 1. cessation – stopping doing the misdeed. 2. commitment – firm resolve never to repeat the deed. 3. regret – sincere remorse for wrong one did. 4. confession verbally admitting to G-d / Hash-m the wrong one did and asking forgiveness.
  3. learn torah – have a regular schedule to learn Torah through attending lectures, reading books, listening to audio etc. see the links sections
  4. eat kosher – eating kosher purges negative spirituality from one’s system. guard the mouth.
  5. avoid transgressions involving desires of the body. – ie, guard the eyes, the heart, the touch. celibacy is good to purge negativity and desire from one’s system. a person celibate can make a better decision for a marriage partner.
  6. purity in thought – think pure thoughts allows you to lighten your attachment to the physical.
  7. avoid listening and talking badly about others
  8. physicality can be used for spiritual or holiness. one should choose to use it the proper way. physicality can be used to bring a person up or down. a person eats Kosher food – brings himself up. a person who eats pork and non-kosher food brings themselves down spiritually.
  9. go to the mikve – purifying waters
  10. for married couples – keep family purity laws
  11. women – keep laws of tzniut. tzniut is loosely defines as modesty. it entails laws of how a Jewish daughter dresses. today’s society’s motto is dress to impress. to tell you the truth – i don’t need that pressure. remove that pressure – you remove a load. you would rather have a person appreciate you for your innner quality and beauty – rather than your outer garments – that have nothing to do with your inner self.
  12. do kindness with others – when you do you feel better about yourself and feel purpose in life
  13. know your purpose and pursue it – you have a particular purpose – find it out and go full speed ahead to achieve it
  14. keep yourself occupied with doing good for others. actively pursue doing good – according to Torah. If you are not sure if an activity you are involved with is good according to Torah – ask a competent, reputable orthodox rabbi.
  15. have a close relationship with G-d – call out to Him for anything. ask Him for all you need. express yourself to Him. ask Him to direct you, guide you, show you the proper path in life, protect you. He is your loving father. you always have someone who loves you, will listen to you, and will help you through any ordeal or concern – no matter how big or small. you can never ‘bother’ G-d / Hash-m. He always answers anyone who calls out to him sincerely.
  16. solve your problems – don’t complain. take action to improve your lot. at times G-d sends difficulties for a person to become closer to him. resolving to follow in His ways can solve problems two-fold. one – G-D no longer has any reason to send you difficulties – if you are following his path. two – following the torah path helps a person avoid difficulties. a example is a person who eats Kosher will likely not get swine-flu. or a person who is celibate will not likely not get herpes. or a person who keeps Shabbat – will have better family relations – because they eat meals together at least once a week.
  17. be happy with what you have.
  18. be thankful to G-d and to people around you
  19. have a positive attitude
  20. Have emunah and bitachon in Hashem – having faith that G-D is good and does only good to you – is one way to lighten your load. read the book ‘living emunah – a guide to serenity in daily living’ – first and second edition – by david ashear is an excellent book to help a person built this attitude.

G-d wants you to be happy. you just have to believe in Him and yourself and your half-way there to lightening up your load.