The Proper Reaction to Antiemitism

At a wedding, a family member told me of some insulting comments towards Jews by some musician. I forgot his name.

He said it was important to let people know that Jews are good and to rebuff the Anti-semetic rhetoretic spewed by those Anti-semetic people.

So I told him that when you want to solve a problem, you try to find solutions to the root causes of the problem, rather than the symptoms. The Anti-semetic rhetoretic is a symptom. Apparently by trying to prove that the rhetoric they say is not true, you give credibility to their argument. You give their voice credibility.

Why does the Good G-d allow Antisemetic acts? To awaken Jews to remind them that they are Jews. So Let’s Awaken. A good article on the subject is : on – named Dear Antisemites, Thank You

If G-d is sending us a personal message – I would like to tune in.

What are Ethics.

I was thinking – who does ethics belong to? Really – it’s Hash-m’s world – so it is not for me to say what is right or wrong. It’s for me to understand what G-d wants from me. For me to posit my opinions of what is right or wrong – in contradiction to what G-d said – is nothing more than impudence. A king declares that you cannot steal in his country – and a minister says you can steal – that is impudence.

Torah Judaism is the only religion that had over 3 million witnesses who saw thunder and lightning and heard G-d speak at Mount Sinai – when the Jewish people with Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) received the Torah after leaving Egypt. Thus – before deciding if something is ethical or not – consult the Book of Ethics – the Torah or ask you local orthodox rabbi.

They’re Bothering You for a Reason

He has to catch the bus to work. his wife nags him – ”Why do you leave your bed unmade? Please Make your bed before you leave and pick up your clothes.” Reluctantly, the husband goes and does so, thinking ,,”ok I’ll be late 5 minutes. Better that than getting into an argument and be late half an hour.”

A man thinks – why is she nagging me? But really a wife is a reflection of her husband. Rabbi Meir Eliyahu said that the way a woman acts with her husband reflects the relation he has with Hashem. If she is makes dinner late – perhaps he comes to synagogue late.

In parasha Vayera Hashem asks Abraham, why did Sarah (his wife) laugh when she heard that she will have a baby at the age of 90. G-d reproched her lack of belief. Some commentators explain that Hashem wasn’t reproching Sarah’s conduct but Abraham’s level of belief because his wife’s attitude was a reflection on Abraham. Perhaps he had a slight imperfection in his belief. Perhaps he should have instilled in her or taught her more emuna – belief in Hashem.

So when one’s wife says something – it may be Hashem is sending him a message that he has to improve in a particular domain. Like cleanliness is next to godliness.

The Real Disadvantage of TV

I like statistics. Provided they are true, they help you decide more or less in an unbiased way.

I can drum up many statistics about TV. But I won’t.

Waiting for a minyan at our neighborhood synagogue I asked myself, why some people avoid the synagogue? I thought – in previous decades the synagogues were full.

What happened?

What happened? Before the center of one’s family life was the family and the synagogue. The synagogues and the Mitzvot allowed a family to connect in a positive, wholesome way.

The yetzer hara – evil inclination – said I’ll take care of that. I will replace the center of one’s family life with electronic media.

Today, walk into the average home – and the center of their life is centered around the TV.

Those who realize this will choose family over the screen. The synagogue over the social media.

In many Orthodox Jewish homes the TV is absent but family connection is not. They center around the coffee table to connect rather than having a screen that serves as an intermediary between them .

Learning to make decisions with foresight

I wish I knew that 10 years ago. I wish I has the foresight. We don’t see the the issue until we are faced with the situation.

OK. A course in foresight.

Take a situation. Like:

I am searching for a job. I am offered a job today. Should I take it? Fast forward 10 years in your mind. Now imagine you are 10 years older and still looking for a job. Do you regret the job you didn’t take 10 years ago (which is actually today)?

There are other methods of foresight – like listening to advice on your issue after asking a reputable Orthodox rabbi.

Doing Mitzvot also helps. Following Torah allows a person to structure their life and make good life decisions.

Once a person in Mexico City, who recently had decided to observe Shabbat, had a good deal to sell his office building. The buyer wanted to continue negotiating close to the entrance of Shabbat. The seller said he must stop to prepare for Shabbat. The buyer relinquished the deal. The week after an earthquake shook Mexico City. Due to the many buildings damaged and his remaining intact, he was able to sell his building at substantially more than had he decided to desecrate Shabbat and go through with the first deal.

Hashem has foresight. Observing his Torah allows us to tap into it.

There is Always a Silver Lining

My friend Meyer was talking about happiness. He said a formula where a person can be mostly happy.

There is always a silver lining

I knew of the concept, but he brought is out clearer.


We know Hash-m / G-d is good. G-d does good always.

Now if something happens that we think is bad – I hurt my ankle, someone yelled at me, someone called me a name – given the givens – we
should not be saddened. We should make an effort to brainstorm why that
could be actually good.

Someone I know was in a bus accident. They were hurt. They thought why did that happen – they were on the way to do a mitzvah. Afterwards the doctor proscribed time off from work – allowing them to take care of important business while being paid.

Technically one can be happy all the time. It’s a matter of understanding why what we think is bad is actually good. Looking at the silver lining in the cloud and putting our focus on the silver lining rather than the cloud – is the formula.

Having this attitude – one can be happy all the time.

The Healing Power of Reciting Shir HaShirim – Song of Songs

Song of Songs was written by the wisest of all men – Shelomo Hamelech/ King Solomon.

“All the healing in the world are alluded to and included in the book of Shir Hashirim – the Song of Songs”. Therefore, a person in need of healing or salvation of any kind can be endowed with the blessing of salvation and mercy by reciting the Song of Songs.” If the patient is not able to say it himself his family members or his friends may say it for him. As is explained in the book
“Maam Loez” (Song of Songs, at the end of the opening), And in the book “devarim niflaim ” – “Wonderful Things” (page 117).

Some say that the most propice time for reciting this is before the morning light. Thus is explained in the book yeshuat yaakov –
“Jacob’s salvation”.
A person who makes sure to read the scroll “Shir hashirim” Song of songs” are pleasant and sung every Friday evening – erev Shabbat- he is guaranteed to be forgiven for all wrongdoings

shir hashirim was written by Shelomo hamelech. rav nachman me breslev explains the power of its healing in sihot haran 243

Judging Your Fellow Favorably

A student of the baal shem tov – saw a fellow talmid – student praying on Yom Kippur.  The student – feeling weak – pulled out a box of tobacco snuff to take a sniff.  Noticing the gesture,  he looked at the act with derision. “on one of the holiest days of the year he is looking to sniff tobacco?” he thought.

The baal shem tov took note of this.  The student was studying one day before him.  He prayed that he would be distracted.  Distracted, the student could not concentrate.  He tried to concentrate to no avail.  Finally he took out his snuff box and took a sniff. He realized his distraction was due to his derision of the other talmid on Yom Kippur. He did teshuva – repented for his lack of judging favorably and was able to concentrate again.

A Secret on How to be Written in the Book of Life

Rosh Hashana is behind us. All Humanity of the world was judged- Jews and Gentiles. Hashem wrote his decrees.  We hope all of us received a good verdict for the new year.

Hashem gives us many chances to rectify our misdeeds. Yom Kippur – the day of atonement – is when Hashem seals his verdict.

I was thinking about the concept of what happens.  G-d has 3 books.  The book for the righteous – who are written in the book of life.  The book for the wicked – who are written in the book of death.  The book for the average – that are hanging by their deeds.

A common expression to express that you want nothing to do with a particular person is “I wrote him off.” Meaning – I am cutting him off from any relationship. If you think of it, when Hashem writes someone in the book for the wicked – He basically writes them off.

Hashem acts with us middah Keneged middah, measure for measure.  If we don’t write off people – God will not write us off. He will write us in the book of life.  Some people write others off for hours,  days, or life.  Forgiving and forgetting is an admirable trait – whose repercussions can improve our daily life and give us long life. Once a rabbi was on his death bed. He was judged and in heaven – they added years to his life. Why?  Because he never held a grudge- he always forgave people in his heart before going to sleep. [in the reading of the Keriat Shema on the bed.]

He forgave because he knew that any insult or suffering he endured was a message from Hashem due to his former deeds.  The person who meted it out was just the messanger.

Purify your heart and soul.

Shana Tova U Metukah – A Good and Sweet Year

The way something starts sets the tone for the continuation. Thus we make signs to eat in the Rosh Hashana Seder.

Once someone proposed a shidduch- match to a young bachur – Torah learner. He said – “ask me after Rosh Hashana – the new year. Because I didn’t pray to Hashem for a good shidduch last Rosh Hashana. I will pray on the new year so the prayer will be fulfilled and have an effect on the shidduch. “

Shana Tova.

When Your Child Stays Home from School – an Opportunity to Connect

The home-office concept was introduced to me many years ago when personal computers were just lads. The popular computers of those days were the trs-80, the Apple II plus, and IBM PC. I think I even subscribed to a magazine on the subject.

People working from home have challenges – like motivating oneself, being alone, and dealing with distractions like kid interruptions.

What to do when you have to take care of your child and you have work piled up to the ceiling?

Take a deep breath and think of your priorities. A healthy, happy child, in my humble opinion takes precedence of the company’s marketing mailing. Yes, the kid will distract you. so take advantage and connect with your child.

Read, tell stories and use the time to appreciate your own child. Realize how they are like you when you were their age.

Like I wrote in a precious post on connecting “his soul is bound with his soul” – every encounter is a chance to connect. Use your time wisely.