Ways G-d Run’s the World – 8 Spiritual Reasons Why Trump will Win Election According to Torah

Just like in the physical world – nature exists – so too in the spiritual world. One may think  things happen through chance at times – but really everything is calculated precisely by G-d. In last week’s parasha / Torah reading we learned that G-d conducts the world in one of two ways – through the nature of the physical world or through miracles.

The concepts below are some ways that G-d runs the world. Looking at the concepts and the variables – it points to that Trump will win the election.

  1. Midah Keneged Midah / Measure for Measure

G-d acts with people measure for measure. If one does good – he receives good. If one does the opposite he receives the opposite. Trump did good for America and Israel in general – thus G-d will be good to him.

2. Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li / If I am not for myself who will be for me

Hillel said in pirkei avot – “If I am not for myself – who will be for me?” Meaning if one helps himself – G-d will help them. If one helps the country – G-d will help that person help the country. Trump has put the country’s interest first – before the interests of other countries.

3. Sonei Matenot Yichye/ those who hate gifts will live.

A person who avoids taking gifts will be more successful than one who does. Trump did not take a presidential salary. He took $1 – even though he deserves to be paid for his position.

4. Tefillah / Prayer & hakarat hatov / gratitude

Because of the positive things that Trump has done for the Jewish people – like recognizing the Israel as the Jewish Nation, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, helping to make peace between Israel and Arab nations and that he plans to do – the Jews will pray for Trump to win. They have hakarat hatov / gratitude for his acts.

5. Tzadik Gozer ve Hash-m Mekayem / The Righteous Declare and Hash-m Fulfills

If a righteous person – who follows Torah strictly – makes a declaration – G-d will fulfill it. Many righteous Jews are praying that Trump will win and supporting him.

6. Hamatchil BeMitzvah Omrim Lo Gemor / One who start’s a Mitzvah we tell him to Continue

When one starts doing a mitzvah – G-d helps him to continue. Trump started helping making peace between with the Arab nations and Israel – G-d will let him continue.

7. Time of Mashiach people will turn towards G-d

In the times of Mashiach – people will slowly turn to serving Hash-m. The Covid virus caused many to analyze their lives and introspect and search for G-d. People are becoming closer to G-d. Trump’s values are more in line with the 7 Noahide laws for all people than his opponent.

8. The Opponents of Trump are for Murder of innocent

Abortion in most cases is forbidden in Torah. One of the only time’s that it is permitted is if carrying the baby to full term will physically endanger the mother’s life. Late term abortions and abortions that do not fit the categories that are permitted by the Torah is prohibited.

Great Rabbis Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Ya’akov Kamenetsky and Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik called abortion murder.

In any case – whoever wins – lev hamelech biyad Hash-m the heart of the king is in the hand of G-d. G-d will ultimately guide the country in the the best way. Hash-m should help us to find the best leader to help the world live peacefully and with respect for one another. Amen.




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