The Religion of Secularism & the Congregation of Conformists

w-edwards-deming-it-is-not-enough-to-do-your-best-you-must-know-what-to-do-and-then-do-your-best1In the quality revolution companies adopted new programs to improve the quality of world manufacturing and service industries. One such a program is called Continuous Improvement.

Using quality circles and quality tools employees aim to continuously improve production quality and efficiency.

Continuous Improvement is a Torah Concept.

In Torah, Either you are growing or falling. Staying the status quo is equivalent to stagnation.

Keeping to your ideas because you inherited them from your parents is stagnation.

Following the trends is stagnation.

Many hold tight to their ideas because they are popular. Many hold onto ideas because it is convenient. It feels right.

But this is lack of using a precious recource called the brain.

Conforming is a bit of death to one’s individuality. I let go of what I am to be accepted.

Living a life void of Torah is a religion.

It is the religion of conformity. What I feel is good is good, even though it is not particularly good.

Secularism is a religion. It’s the religion of following whatever is comfortable. It leads to falling to the lowest common denominator. What is acceptable to one group and unacceptable by another becomes acceptable to society. What is unacceptable in one year becomes acceptable the next year – until society falls into the abyss of immorality. That is what happened in Sodom. Giving charity became forbidden. Doing Kindness became forbidden. Their moral compass became corrupt. Their morality became ridiculous.

Once Eliezer – the Servant of Avraham Avinu / Abraham our forefather went to Sodom. He brought a man to the Court of Law because – he threw a rock at him. The Judge ordered Eliezer to pay the man who wounded him. He said to Eliezer – “You owe this man money. He performed beneficial bloodletting for you.” Eliezer, appalled at the justice, took a rock and threw it at the judge. He told the Judge “Now you owe me money for bloodletting! Pay the man that you said I owe money.”

The destruction of the People of Sodom was sealed for what they did to a young girl who gave food to a poor person. Doing kindness to strangers was forbidden. They took her – smeared her with honey and hung her up until bees stung her to death. Her cries to G-d caused Sodom’s fate to be sealed.”

Following truth is not religion. It is using one’s mind to do the true.

Thinking out our actions is what G.d wants from us. This is what ultimately makes us free. Free from the shackles of fad and fashion. Free from the shackles of conformity.

Sims Clothing used to have a slogan “Our best customer is an educated consumer”

A Jew’s obligation in Torah is to follow Shulchan Aruch – the Jewish Code of Law. A Gentile is to follow their 7 Noahide Laws from the Torah. This is the beginning of freedom.

This is the meaning of Pirkei Avot :

“The only free person is the one who delves into Torah.”

Why? because most people follow their desires. The Torah teaches us how to overcome our base wants to become a more noble individual. This is true freedom.

The Prophet & The King – Living Through Nibiru / Planet X

Beautiful-Rain-HD-Wallpaper-For-DesktopDon’t Stop the Rain.

On Yom Kippur, one of the Holiest Days in the Jewish Year we say a prayer for G-d not to listen to the wayfarers. Travelers, may pray for no rain to fall on their journey. We need rain. Without rain, no vegetation. No Vegetation – no food. We ask G-d not to listen to that prayer.

The rain serves another purpose. Cleanliness is close to G-d-liness. (see Mesilat Yesharim). G-d wants a clean world. The world is washed through rain.

Messianic Times – Cleansing the World from Evil

For thousands of years, the Jews yearned for a time where peace will reign in the world. When we and all people can serve G-d without burdens or bother.

This is called the period of the Messiah. The Messiah will be a great person who will bring peace to the world.

We are very close to Messiah. One of the goals of Messiah is to cleanse the world from Evil. Those elements that act contrary to G-d’s laws. Those that don’t believe. Those that care not about spirituality or truth.

 Power of Repentance

But those people are not doomed. Repentance is always possible for these people. If they didn’t believe in the G-d of Israel, they can start believing. If they had a hatred for Jews, they can change their attitude. If they committed sins in the past according to the Torah, they can separate from these sins, commit not to do them more and ask for forgiveness.

G-d is very forgiving. In the great flood at the time of Noah, G-d waited for the last moment, hoping people would repent. If they did, G-d would have cancelled the flood. Unfortunately, people didn’t repent. If a person repents sincerely, to do the will of G-d as explained in the Torah, a person can be more likely saved from calamity. A Jew follows the Shulchan Aruch – code of Jewish Laws. A Gentile follow the 7 Noahide laws – as explained in the Torah.

Why Should one follow Judaism?

The Torah offers two paths. One for Jews and one for non-Jews / Gentiles. Jews follow the 613 commandments. Gentiles Follow the 7 Noahide commandments. It is possible to come to the conclusion that the Torah is G-d’s law. How? In History, the Torah was the only Divine law given before millions of people. All other laws, were transmitted by one man. The Torah was transmitted by G-d Himself, witnessed by millions of people.

God is Good – His Laws Are Just & Kind

G-d’s laws from the Torah are for the good of man. Unfortunately, many do not understand that.

Let’s take the law in the Torah that prohibits Homosexuality for Jews or Gentiles.

Who is kinder? The US Supreme Court – that permitted same-gender marriages or G-d that forbids it?

Giving a person what they want is not necessarily kind. Is giving a person cigarettes, or an alcoholic whiskey, or a druggie drugs – being kind? No.

So how are we to understand how G-d is infinitely kind? Or that the Laws of the Supreme Court are actually tremendously cruel?

I met many people who are support same gender marriage. If someone were to say – let’s do away with these people – they would be considered cruel. And to suggest terminating their descendants is also very cruel.

In reality the Supreme court has achieved this goal of destroying the future generations of all people who participate in same-gender marriages. If same-gender marriage was outlawed, many people among them, would have reverted to a traditional marriage – between male & female. They could have descendants that could bring much good to the world. The Supreme Court’s ruling – terminated generations of good people with one stroke of the pen.

Some will say – ok, but these people can adopt. Answer: They will never have children that have their genes. Their children will never be raised by their biological parents. Their descendants will not be a unique individual from the mutual genes of the partners. The Supreme court has “robbed” the world of the descendants of these people.

The Prophet Who Condemned the King

Hezkiahu was a king of Israel. The prophet Isaiah came up to him to tell him a message from Hash-m / G-d. He said the King “will die and not live.” The question is posed – why the double language. Obviously if one will die, they will not live. The Torah answers – that King Hizkiyahu was to die in this world and not live in heaven. Hizkiyau was a righteous king. What was his transgression that warranted this punishment?

He refused to have children. With an understandable reason – he saw through Ru-ah’ HaKodesh / A Holy Vision – a manner of seeing the future – that his descendant would be Evil in G-d’s eyes.

The Prophet Isaiah told him – this is not your concern. You must do the will of G-d as it says in the Torah. One of the Commandments of the Torah is to Be Fruitful & Multiply – for Jews & Gentiles. Regardless of the character of your descendant – whether you had a vision that he would be evil or righteous – you must fulfill the commandment of the Torah. King Hizkiyahu agreed. He Decided to marry the daughter of the Prophet Isaiah in hopes that the merit of the righteous father, mother & grandfather – the resulting child would be righteous.

Hizkiyahu’s descendant – the Child that they had – was evil. He served idols. He Killed and committed other transgressions to anger G-d. One day he was being pursued by his enemies and he called out to all his false gods. He received no answer. The enemies were still in hot pursuit. Then He called out as a challenge to the G-d of Israel – “G-d of Israel – if you really exist and you save me – I will repent.” G-d did save him and He did repent.

G-d gave us a commandment to have children. Regardless of ones reasons not to have children – they will be held accountable for not bringing a unique individual into the world.

Survival from Nibiru – Reinforcing the Spiritual Torah Values.

Nibiru or Planet X is approaching. Many people have taken pictures of it. It is possible it is the star that passed by the earth about 3,600 years ago that caused the great flood of Noah. It is possible that this is the Star that the Gentile Prophet Bilaam Talked about in his prophesy in the Torah – Darach CoChav MiYaakov – A Star from Jacob will trample … (Bamidbar /. Numbers 24: 17 -18). Some explain that this star will cause mass havoc. That It will cause inhabited places to become uninhabitable. The Chance of Survival – apparently is one in three. I believe that that is the statistic that is quoted in the Torah about the survivors.

So Aligning oneself with Torah Values – whether one is Jewish or Gentile – is the best spiritual preparation for surviving Nibiru. (Ie, accepting the Torah as one’s guide – by accepting to eventually do the 7 Noahide laws – for Gentiles or Accepting to follow the 613 Commandments from the Torah – as written in the Shulchan Aruch / Code of Jewish Law by R. Yosef Karo.) Just as it was for in the time of the Flood. Unfortunately, then many people didn’t believe or didn’t repent. Hopefully, this time around many more people will survive.

Removing the Thorn From Your Heart

TulipsI’ve encountered a variety of responses to a simple question –

“Hello. Do You Know the Time?”

– It’s 6:45.
– “Sorry, I don’t have a watch.”
– Ignore
– “What’s the matter? You can’t say please!”

One may encounter people who act or react out of the normal range of behavior.

Yes, we must try to be sensitive to people’s sensibilities. But we can train ourselves to not be ruffled by those who respond in a aberration to the normal.

The Rambam wrote about a person who was traveling on a ship. He was sleeping under the stairs. A wealthy individual, who disdained the poor man decided to urinate on him. The poor man, was surprised but not upset or ruffled by this gross demonstration of disrespect.

The poor man was actually happy. He said it was one of the happiest days of his life. When he reached a level to not be upset by the behavior of others towards himself, he realized that he was truly independent. Independent from the thoughts and acts of others.

His happiness was completely dependent upon himself. Others could not ruffle him or cause him sadness.

Some live their lives based upon what others will think. If others praise them, they are happy. If others denigrate him, he is sad.

The Torah teaches us various lessons to become a person, independent of other’s actions.

1. Judge others favorably – is someone did something against you , you can judge them with the benefit of the doubt.

2. Build your self esteem, to not need approval of others for happiness.

3. Focus on Making Hash-m happy. If that is one’s main concern, what others do or say become secondary or close to irrelevant. As long as I am doing what G-d wants from me from the Torah, I am doing fine.

Apparently that’s what it means in Pirkei Avot “Jealousy, Pursuit of Honor and Desires take a man from the world.” Why those things? Apparently when one lets the above three rule his life, he is dependent upon others for happiness.

If one instead puts G-d’s satisfaction as his or her primary concern, he or she puts their happiness in their own hands. Their happiness in not dependent on others.

At times we ourselves act with hostility or anger. It is up to us to discover and pinpoint what causes this negative attitude.Was it a lack of respect on the part of the other? Chalk it up to a bad day.

Is it something they did? Forgive and forget!

But also we can ask ourselves why is that a sensitive point for me? Once you have an answer you can work on strengthening your resolve to not be affected. Eventually, you live a better life – for it becomes impervious to the arrows (intentional or unintentional) of others.

Secrets in the Torah – How to Decipher Them

MP900390131The Zohar – book of Jewish Mysticism – says


“Hash-m (G-d) looked into the Torah and created the world.”


The Torah is the blueprint of creation. Laws of Nature of the physical world and Nature of the Spiritual world follow the Torah.

The Torah contains all information. It contains it in a system called PaRDeS – an acronym for the hebrew words Pshat (the Simple Explanation), Remez (Allusion), Drush (Exposition), and Sod (Secrets).

To understand DNA one must know how to decipher the information.

To understand the secrets of Torah One must just know to decipher it as well.

Torah Codes

People were astounded by the Torah codes.

The Torah codes contain information that was not available to humans at the time of the giving of the Torah about 3,300 years ago.

How do Torah Codes Work?

Take a segment of text from the Hebrew text of the Torah – that was given by G-d to the Jews at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago. This is the same text we have today written in our sepher Torahs / Torah Scrolls.

One way to find information encoded is to take the first letter of each word – Notarikon.

For example :

Almond Milk is a teriffic eating alternative for ingesting gum.

If you take the first letters you find

Ami ate a fig.

Another way to find info encoded is:

take a letter and then count every other x-th letter and you find a word. See what the verses the letters are found in and you found a code.

Please place Roe’s document loads in the trunk.
iF nO lOaD fItS sHrEd RoE’s documents.

Take every second letter from the first F and you find


This is called ELS – Equidistant Letter Sequences.

Can you find three encoded words in the sentence below?

This event can amaze every person.

The first letters of the last five words spell “peace” backwards.
Starting from the “enn” in “event” and counting every three letters, you find “name”.
The last letters, starting from “can” spell “yen” backwards.

More detailed info on Torah codes here
Torah Code Tutorial
Torah Code Explanation
A Seminar on Torah and Science / more info

The Torah contains encoded info on

Names of Great Rabbis, their dates of birth and dates of passing away like on

Rabbi Moshe Cordovero , author of Tomer Devorah – a work on how to perfect oneself through emulating Hash-m / G-d

and many other great Torah sages

Historical events, like:

Jonathan Pollard’s Captivity
9/11 – The Twin Towers
The Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Meltdown
Information Regarding G-d & His Name

The first word of the Torah – Bereishit – contains tremendous information – like all Torah Commandments.

A person once asked the Vilna Gaon – how do we find Pidyon Haben – the commandment of redeeming the first born male child in the word Bereishit – he gave an acronym – “ben rishon acharei shloshim yom tifdeh” – the first son you shall redeem after thirty days.

The 10 commandments – contains all the 613 commandments incumbent upon the Jews.

In the Torah are prophesies of the Holocaust, Gulf War and the 9/11 and many other historical events.

Apparently the codes are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other ways that information is coded – like Gematria – where numerical values for each letter of a word are summed up to find similar values between words.


the Hebrew words
yayin – wine (yud, yud nun = 10 + 10 + 50 = 70)
sod – secret (samech, vav, dalet = 60 + 6 + 4 = 70)
have the same numerical value of 70.


When wine enters (a person) secrets are revealed.

Veracity of Torah Seen From Predictions and Prophesies Fulfilled

The Zohar, the Mystical Work of Torah, also describes current events, like 9/11 saying “On the 23 [corrected by the Vilna Gaon] of the Month of Elul… Three Towers will fall, and a Great Wall …in that Town of  Rome, ” (Parashat Balak).

On 9/11 the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, less than an hour after being hit, and at 10:28 am the North Tower collapsed. Later that day, 7 World Trade Center collapsed at 5:21 pm.

The Pentagon was also attacked on that Day .. “the Great wall.”

Defining Humanity – The Seven Noahide Laws for All Nations & World Peace

The Kindness of G-d

G∙D Does Great Kindness To Us Each Day. He gives us life, food, air, shelter & clothes. G∙d gave Jews His Law, the Torah at Sinai, that provides 7 Laws for all Humanity, for a peaceful world. Only once in History did a Nation of millions of people hear G∙d & witness the giving of a Divine Law – when G∙d gave the Torah to the Jewish people. Moses taught detail. G∙d’s Existence is Evident by observing the order & beauty in nature. It testifies to a Creator. G∙d is One, Omniscient, changes not His mind & has no body.

The Seven Laws for All People
The Noahide Laws are Seven Divine Laws for all humanity to observe. They are immutable laws essential for world peace. Hash-m (G-d) gave these laws to Adam, the first man. They were commanded to Noah – for these are the laws that were required for humanity to observe after the flood to assure the survival of the world – thus their name. They were again transmitted by G-d, to Moses to the Jewish people when they received the Torah at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago – the only time in history that G-d appeared to a nation in history. G-d gave two sets of laws. One set for all Humanity to observe – called the Seven Noahide laws and another set for the Jewish people to observe – called the Taryag (613) Mitzvot. By following their respective commandments each will receive a portion in Heaven. A gentile who observes these laws is called a Ben Noach / a Child of Noah (Benei Noach is the plural) Thus a Gentile need not convert to Judaism, ie become Jewish, to receive a portion in heaven. He or she must just observe the Seven commandments of the Torah only for the sake of Hash-m (G-d) – because He commanded them in the Torah.

How to Receive a Place in Heaven

To Receive a Place In Heaven, one accepts Torah as G∙d’s true Law. A Jew observes Torah’s 613 Laws. A Gentile observes Noahide laws as stated in Torah & thus receives title of Ben Noah’ / Child of Noah! Learning our own laws enables us to be refined, kind & wise. We discover meaning, our purpose & our personal potential in perfecting the world. We learn how to be good in G∙d’s eyes, ways of self-improvement & how to have a relationship with Him. Everyone can improve & be good. G∙d Loves Those Who Keep His Laws.

What is important in life?

If you are asked “what is most important in life?” What would you answer. Most people will likely answer – to be a good person. What many consider to be good is not what others consider to be good. Some think by hurting innocent people they will receive a place in heaven. Obviously this is not so. Some think by disagreeing with others point of view – that is also not proper. That is not so either. Obviously, one who disagrees must do so without becoming disagreeable.

There is a middle ground.

So, Who is to say what is right or wrong? Or is there really a right and wrong in life?

Most people know by intuition – what is right and wrong. Most people will tell you killing or stealing is wrong. But who determines these laws? The Nazis – acted with much etiquette – but were evil.

Religions say be good but – many have killed in the name of their religion. Where is the truth?

Before Hash-m (G-d) Created the world, He was the only Existence. Hash-m created the world and Adam. Adam, the first man, had direct communication with Hash-m. He knew that Hash-m was the One and Only G-d. The descendants of Adam knew that Hash-m was the true G-d – but felt He was too powerful to pray to. So they started using intermediaries to pray to Hash-m. Eventually they forgot Hash-m and just prayed to the intermediaries. This is origin of idolatry.

Avraham, returned the Crown to Hash-m by teaching the world monotheism – that there is only One G-d. (see youtube Jerusalemlife Channel for proof of G-d) . He is All-Powerful, Omniscient. He Has no body, no physical or spiritual form. He is the Prime Existence that all depend upon Him, but Who depends upon no one. This is the Message of Avraham. Afterwards people disregarded Avraham’s message. This message in it’s pure form continues to be transmitted by the Jewish People, the receivers of the Torah. The Torah is the Only Divine Document, that was given by G-d to a nation of millions of witnesses. No other document or religion can or does claim this. The Torah contains seven commandments for all mankind to observe. These are called the Noahide laws. One who follows hem scrupulously is promised a place in heaven. People who pray only to Hash-m will be answered.
(Commandments below From Eser Maamarot-Hoker Din 3:21 / Rav MePano)

The Noahide Laws

The Torah, given by G∙d to the Jews at Sinai, provides 7 Laws for all Humanity, for a peaceful world. Only once in History did a Nation of millions of people hear G∙d & witness the giving of a Divine Law – the Torah. Moses taught detail. Omniscient, G∙d changes not His ‘mind’. To receive a place in heaven, Jews & Gentiles accept Torah as G∙d’s true Law & observe their respective Torah laws.

Finding the Answers

A seemingly simple question : “Why is it basically permitted to kill animals, yet it is wrong to kill humans? What is the difference?”

Ask a group of people and a variety of answers will be offered.

A reasonable answer is: for the good of society is murder forbidden. Other possible answers are humans are more intelligent than animals or because man can think.

The problem with any of these answers is: using this reasoning – murder of the innocent can be justified. If we do not kill because humans are more intelligent, we can justify killing an unintelligent person. Thus obviously this cannot be the reason why murder should be forbidden.

Proposing that laws of murder exist for the good of society is also incorrect. If we find a reason why letting certain people live is not good for society, genocide can be justified. This was the reason for the laws of the Nazis – they justified genocide for the good of their society.

It is the reason for acts of Terrorists – they justify killing innocent people for the good of a particular society. Obviously both are evil. Both are wrong. The point being that any reason given to justify a law can also be used to use the law for evil.

The Reason Murder is Forbidden
So what is the reason why murder should be forbidden? Which reason will not allow us humans to justify murder and other atrocities? There is only one – because G-d has said “Do Not Kill.” If we accept the laws of God, they cannot be overturned or used to justify committing evil – for God does not change his mind.

It is true that G-d’s laws are for the good of the society, but the reason for observing the laws must be because G-d said to observe these laws, not because it is good for society.

Thus it is a problem to create a law that goes against the law of G-d.

Problem of Changing G-d’s Laws
Once Divine law is placed in the dominion of human hands to be “changed” this opens the door for other laws like laws against murder to be debated as well, causing every law to fall prey to being used for evil. This is only one of the problems of the laws permitting – marriages that are against G-d’s law. Society has opened up the door to determining laws based upon the reasoning of humankind – that can now be used to justify genocide.

There are Seven laws in the Torah that G-d gave for all humanity to observe – They are called the Noahide laws (Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach). These laws ensure the proper functioning of the world.

The Only Time in History that G-d Appeared to an Entire People and Gave a Law
There was only one time in history where G-d appeared to an entire nation of millions of people and gave them a document with very specific laws of conduct – when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d gave laws for Jews and laws for gentiles. In the Torah – it explains in detail what these laws are. A person who follows these laws because G-d gave them in the Torah – is called a Ben Noah and will inherit a portion in Heaven.

The Seven Noahide Laws
They are seven major categories – that with their details consist of 30 laws.

1) Respecting G-d – Not to blaspheme.

2) Being Faithful to G-d – Not to Commit Idolatry.

3) Respecting Human Life – Not to Kill.

4) Respecting One’s Fellow’s Property – Not to Steal.

5) Respecting the Integrity of the Family – Not to commit forbidden relations – which includes prohibitions of adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality.

6) Respect of Life
– Not to eat a limb taken from a living animal.

7) Law and Order
– Establishing courts of law to enforce these laws.

These are the Major Categories of Laws. But really there are 30 sub laws. And some say 66 laws all together. The details can be found in a book called the Path of the Righteous Gentile.

The Noahide laws are the laws that people should lobby congress and governments to adapt for the sake of G-d and the sake of the true good of society. Adapting laws according to the prevalent values of the country – that are contrary to the Torah’s seven laws for humanity – will ultimately lead to the downfall of nations. Most societies – ancient and modern – that eventually disappeared – usually fell due to their adaptation of values contrary to the Torah.

Fall of Nations Due to Immorality
Examples abound. Ancient Rome fell due to the lack of population needed to defend the country – for their acceptance of marriages forbidden by the Torah. In the end of their civilization they had to employ mercenaries to defend their country because of the breakdown of the traditional family. Nazi Germany fell due a world response against their evil laws.

When society will recognize this principle – and put the Torah’s Seven Noahide laws for humanity into effect for the sake of G-d – we will live in a much safer society. We will live with peace of mind in a peaceful society – where the burden of fear is on the wrongdoers – “the fear to commit crimes” – and not on the innocent people – so they can walk safely in the streets.

The Thirty Laws

1. FIRST [commandment] – [Prohibition of] IDOL WORSHIP (ie, any other “god” other than Hash-m – the One and Only G-d, the true G-d of the Jews and the world) and included in this are the prohibitions of:

2. Passing one’s child through fire – (Devarim / Deut. 18:10) this is the service of molech (a false god), where one puts a fire on two sides and passes them (his children) between them. (sifri 171, sanhedrin 64a-b) – Rashi there

3. Divination – (Devarim / Deuteronomy 18:10) kosem kesamim -who is a kosem? One that holds his staff and says if one should go or not go and also says people they ask his piece of wood and his staff will tell him. (hoshea 4:12, sifri ibid)

4. Astrologer / Lucky times – [Do not believe in lucky times] language [means] times or hours – that one says day x is good to start a job, this hour is not propitious [or favorable] for going out. (sanhedrin 65b) rashi vayikra / leviticus 19:23. (Devarim / Deut. 18:10) Rabbi Akiva says this is one that gives (propitious) times – that he says this time is good to start (ie, a project), and the sages say one who does illusions (ie, magician) -rashi there (sifri – ibid)

5. Reader of omens – [To not rely on] basing ones decisions on superstitions – for instance those that commit sorcery with weasels and birds (torat kohanim perek 7:2) -if bread fell out of ones mouth [one erroneously believes that it will not be a good day for business] or if a deer traversed his path [one thinks it is bad luck] – (sanhedrin 65b) rashi vayikra / leviticus 19:23. ie, today – black cat passes a person, walking under a ladder. (Devarim/Deut. 18:10) Rabbi Akiva says this is one that gives (propitious) times – -if bread fell out of ones mouth [one erroneously believes that it will not be a good day for business] or if a deer traversed his path [he thinks it is bad luck], or if ones staff fell out of his hand -rashi there

6. Sorcerer

7. Animal Charmer – that one gathers snakes or scorpions or other animals to one place (sifri 172) using magic

8. Warning to the practicer of ov and yedoni. Ov is having dead speak from under the armpit.

9. Yadoni – places a bone of an animal called the yadua in his mouth and the bone speaks. (torat kohanim 7:10 / sanhedrin 65a-65b) (rashi vayikra)

10. Invoking the dead – this might include using an ouija board. This goes according to Rabbi Yosi who said all that is said [in regards to the commandments] in the parashat (Vayikra / Lev. 19:23-20 / Kedoshim) of mechasef – a Ben Noach is also commanded upon them. Behold these are ten commandments

11. SECOND [PRINCIPAL] – IMPROPER RELATIONS – (LIT, REVELATION OF NAKEDNESS) – certain women are forbidden for a man to marry – a man’s mother, the wife of the father, his sister from his mother, the wife of a man. Bestiality is also prohibited.

12. Be fruitful
13. Multiply

14. Homosexual Relationship (males) even just making a document of marriage (between them)
15. Breeding different species of animals
16. Castrations
17. Grafting

18. THIRD [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Spilling Blood / Murder
19. One who strikes the cheek of a Jew.

20. FOURTH [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Blasphemy
21. Honoring the Torah

22. FIFTH [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Stealing
23. Not to delve into the Torah for it is an inheritance to us [the Jews]. This applies to the parts of the Torah that are not relevant to gentiles. But if a gentile intends to learn the seven commandments – he can learn anything that pertains to them. Also he can learn Tanach – Torah (5 books of Moses), Neviim (the prophets), and Ketuvim (the writings).

24. SIXTH [Major COMMANDMENT] Establishing courts of law
25. The settlement of the world
26. Not to have a Sabbath rest.

27. SEVENTH [Prohibition of eating] a limb taken from a live animal
28. Eating blood from a live animal
29. Eating an animal that dies on its own
30. Eating the flesh of a dead [person]

Here are some
Articles on Seven Noahide Commandments:
Noahide Nations
Aish Hatorah
7 Noahide Commandments Card
Laws for Non-Jews

Defining Humanity – The Seven Noahide Laws for All People

A seemingly simple question : “Why is it basically permitted to kill animals, yet it is wrong to kill humans? What is the difference?”

Ask a group of people and a variety of answers will be offered. A reasonable answer is: for the good of society is murder forbidden. Other possible answers are humans are more intelligent than animals or because man can think. The problem with any of these answers is: using this reasoning – murder of the innocent can be justified. If we do not kill because humans are more intelligent, we can justify killing an unintelligent person. Thus obviously this cannot be the reason why murder should be forbidden.

Proposing that laws of murder exist for the good of society is also incorrect. If we find a reason why letting certain people live it is not good for society, genocide can be justified. This was the reason for the laws of the Nazis – they justified genocide for the good of their society. It is the reason for acts of Terrorists – they justify killing innocent people for the good of a particular society. Obviously both are evil. Both are wrong. The point being that any reason given to justify a law can also be used to use the law for evil.
So what is the reason why murder should be forbidden? Which reason will not allow us humans to justify murder and other atrocities? There is only one – because G-d has said “Do Not Kill.” If we accept the laws of God, they cannot be overturned or used to justify committing evil – for God does not change his mind.
It is true that G-d’s laws are for the good of the society, but the reason for observing the laws must be because G-d said to observe these laws, not because it is good for society.
Thus it is a problem to create a law that goes against the law of G-d. Once one Divine law is placed in the dominion of human hands, this opens the door for other laws like laws against murder to be debated as well, causing every law to fall prey to being used for evil. This is only one of the problems of the laws permitting – marriages that are against G-d’s law. Society has opened up the door to determining laws based upon the reasoning of humankind – that can now be used to justify genocide.


There are Seven laws in the Torah that G-d gave for all humanity to observe – They are called the Noahide laws (Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach). These laws ensure the proper functioning of the world. There was only one time in history where G-d appeared to an entire nation of millions of people and gave them a document with very specific laws of conduct – when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d gave laws for Jews and laws for gentiles. In the Torah – it explains in detail what these laws are. A person who follows these laws because G-d gave them in the Torah – is called a Ben Noah and will inherit a portion in Heaven.


They are seven major categories – that with their details consist of 30 laws.
  1. Respecting G-d – Not to blaspheme.
  2. Being Faithful to G-d – Not to Commit Idolatry.
  3. Respecting Human Life – Not to Kill.
  4. Respecting One’s Fellow’s Property – Not to Steal.
  5. Respecting the Integrity of the Family – Not to commit forbidden relations – which includes prohibitions of adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality.
  6. Respect of Life – Not to eat a limb taken from a living animal.
  7. Law and Order – Establishing courts of law to enforce these laws.


The Noahide laws are the laws that people should lobby congress and governments to adapt for the sake of G-d and the sake of the true good of society. Adapting laws according to the prevalent values of the country – that are contrary to the Torah’s seven laws for humanity – will ultimately lead to the downfall of nations. Most societies – ancient and modern – that eventually disappeared – usually fell due to their adaptation of values contrary to the Torah.


Examples abound. Ancient Rome fell due to the lack of population needed to defend the country – for their acceptance of marriages forbidden by the Torah. In the end of their civilization they had to employ mercenaries to defend their country because of the breakdown of the traditional family. The USSR fell due to the corruption in the Government. Nazi Germany fell due a world response against their evil laws.


When society will recognize this principle – and put the Torah’s Seven Noahide laws for humanity into effect for the sake of G-d – we will live in a much safer society. We will live with peace of mind in a peaceful society – where the burden of fear is on the wrongdoers – to not commit crimes – and not on the innocent people – to walk safely in the streets.
