Say Goodbye to Morning Anger

I wake up and say Modeh Ani. I thank G-d that I am alive.

In Modeh Ani – Upon awakening, one says:

I am grateful before You, Living & Eternal King, that You returned my soul to me with grace. Great is Your faithfulness. / faith [in me.]

Then I wash my hands ritually.

Two things I do in the morning that help me deal with the day ahead.

Saying thanks to G-d that I am alive keeps me positive to know that life is a gift to be treasured every day. But Modeh Ani / I thank You G-d… also has an interpretation that great is G-d’s faith in me.

I can be happy that G-d believes I can overcome any challenge the day imparts.

3 reasons to be thankful.

1. You are alive
2. G-d / Hash-m is faithful to you to only do good for you
3. G-d has faith in you.

[Then I say the morning blessings further enunciating the things for which to be thankful.]

Washing the Anger Away

Washing the hands / Netilat Yadayim also removes evil spirits that rest on the hands when a person sleeps. I don’t know about others – but in the morning I feel my hands have some kind of impurity on them. I wash them with a washing cup – pouring enough water to cover the right hand and then the left and repeat this 3 more times. This removes impurity from the hand. And I believe helps give me a better attitude.

[then I say the washing the hands blessing}

Being ready at every moment to fulfill your purpose

Connected to the fact that G-d believes in You is that you have a very specific purpose to fulfill in the world. Only you can achieve it. So you are to be ready at every moment to fulfill that purpose.

Let’s say you have a van. G-d gave it to you to not only serve your family – but to help others. You love to drive people to their destination.

Let’s say a family member is coming in with family – to your area. they call you the night before to tell you they are arriving. They have a hotel next to your house. You have extra time – once you take care of your family – you can cheerfully go and pick them up. The idea is that you have a purpose from the moment you awake. Be ready at every moment. If your purpose that day is to help this family – then do it cheerfully. Even if they call you later than you expected.

Being angry in the morning will make you lose many opportunities for kindness. “I am too grumpy to pick them up in the morning.” Ok. So be less grumpy.

You think – I am too grumpy to say “good morning” to the doorman.

I am too grumpy to respond that person’s “good morning” in the elevator.

OK. Become less grumpy. It’s in your own hands.

Remember G-d believes in You – that you can perform any Mitzvah that comes before you, that you can overcome any challenge, that you can achieve your purpose in life, that you can be a good person – so why not believe in Yourself.

Believe [in yourself] and achieve.

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