The Mathematics of Happiness – Equations for Life Satisfaction

MP900399539bIn school, Math was one of my better subjects. I used to be a Math Tutor.

I still am in sorts.

One does not need to be a Math Genius to find happiness – but knowing simple math helps.

Let’s explain.

Mistakes in the Equations

Pleasure = Happiness
Pleasure + Pleasure = Happiness

One of the Mistakes in finding happiness is the assumption that the pursuit of pleasures will allow one to attain happiness.

Why? Because they think :

One’s Self = Body

We see people with all the wealth in the world and access to all the pleasures and are still sunken in depression. Why? Apparently many think that the above is the equation for happiness.

It is not.

There is some truth to the equation but it must be modified. We’ll see below.

Happiness is a inner feeling of satisfaction with oneself, one’s situation and life in general. It’s a feeling that “I am accomplishing my purpose.” “I am doing good and bringing good to the world. I am making a difference of the world.”

Why do many people do all kinds of kindnesses? It brings them happiness.


The Torah says this the equation of a person:

One’s Self = Body + Soul

Apparently because G-d built us this way that we are pleased when we do good – as defined by Him. When we give pleasure to the soul we are happy. Torah is the guidebook of pleasure to the soul. It is likely this is the reason why the Gallup Poll found that people who observe Torah Judaism carefully are the happiest with life out of all other groups in the USA.

So for them it is much easier because they already have the guidebook to happiness – the Torah. For Jews the Mitzvot from the Torah make them happy. For Gentiles it is following the 7 Noahide laws from the Torah that make them happy.

Let’s Modify the Equation.

There are pleasures that make a person happy – like those that are congruent with Torah.

There are pleasures that sadden a person – like following the desires that distance a person from G-d and the Torah.

So the Revised Equation is:

Pleasures that Bring a Person Closer to Hash-m + Pleasures that Bring a Person Closer to Hash-m = Happiness


Pleasures to the Soul + Pleasures to the Soul = Happiness


Mitzvah + Mitzvah = Happiness

I found out through experience. When I pursued pleasures contrary to Mitzvot I was left feeling empty and abandoned. When I pursued those that were congruent with Torah and brought me closer to Hash-m (G-d) I found satisfaction.

Achieving One’s Purpose

But really the equation above is a bit simplified.

Here is the real equation

Happiness = *Healthy Personal Relationships with Others + Mitzvot + Having Proper Torah Outlook + Achieving One’s Purpose + Continual Improvement + Torah Study + Doing Kindness + Trying to Be Happy – Transgression

(*a relationship that is deemed healthy by Torah standards)

That is the real equation.

Doing Addition and Subtraction

Another reason why a person is sometimes depressed is because they do not know how to do addition and subtraction.

The Grass is greener on the Other Side.

This is addition of what others have over what you have.

The Equation they Use is

What Others Have > (greater than) What I Have

Meaning if I add what Others Have to What I have I will be Happy.

The Equation they use is :

What I Have + What Others Have = Happiness


What I Have + Particular Situation = Happiness

But this is not so because G-d gives you exactly what you need to serve him properly. So Happiness is in your realm of possibility at any moment in time.

Really One should Do the Opposite – Look at what others lack and compare your own situation to Theirs. Meaning

What I Have > (is greater than) What Others Have

Meaning they Should Subtract

My Life is better because I Have what Others do not have.

Many people have good lives but they also have problems and challenges.

We tend to look at the good that others have and ignore their problems.

If we put more emphasis on that we have and look less at what others have and look at the problems that others have that we don’t have will help us to be happy.

This is one of the interpretations of Pirkei Avot

Who is Wealthy? The One Who is Happy with One’s Lot. (Talmud: Avot 4:1)

Also Being Happy that Others Have What they Have is another interpretation of the quote from Avot Above. Being happy for others makes you happy.

Happiness = Happy for What You Have + Happiness that Others Have What They Have

Usually it is not what you have what makes you happy – It is what you do.

Do Good and Feel Good.

Please your soul and you are on the road to happiness.

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