Happiness in His Abode
After eating a Bread meal, we say Birkat HaMazon / Grace After Meals. If 3 men ate together one invites the others to say the blessing together – zimmun. If newlyweds are present – we say in Zimmun – “Blessed is our God, in Whose abode is joy [and] we have eaten of His bounty and through His goodness we live.”
Happiness is Where Hash-m is / Hash-m is Where Happiness is
This means that dwelling in G-d’s presence brings joy. What is the reason for happiness or sadness? It is a reaction. Generally – it is our own choice. When someone loses money – the natural reaction is to be upset. But really – we can choose to be happy. If we bring Hash-m into the equation – Who does only good – If we think – Hash-m knows why I lost that money and He has a good purpose for it – I can be happy for a supposedly negative occurrence. Be creative and you can find a positive reason for a negative occurrence.
Joy & Spiritual Pleasure
I mentioned in other posts – that the reason why people lack happiness is because of a misconception – that physical pleasure brings joy. The real equation is – spiritual pleasure brings joy. Meaning – that giving the body pleasure will not bring happiness. Giving your soul pleasure will bring happiness. What are those things that give the soul pleasure – Learning Torah, Doing Mitzvot and Doing Acts of Kindness.
The Correlation of Closeness to Hash-m and Happiness
Why? Because the real happiness comes when one is close to Hash-m. When one feels far – they may experience sadness. Sadness itself is caused by the evil inclination – to drive a person away from G-d.
Doing Mitzvot for Joy
So it seems to be a catch 22 – a MeMah Nafshach. In either case – if you are sad – you feel far from G-d. If You are far from G-d you may feel sad. What is the solution? To be happy – do kindness, learn Torah and do Mitzvot. Even something small is a great step. Even giving a dollar to a poor person is a good start. Learn 5 minutes in an English Book about Torah. Wash your hands when you get up in the morning. (Take a Large cup of water. pour on right hand, then left, then right, then left, then right then left).
It takes time to develop the joy – but pursue the path above and you will get there.
A New Concept in Removing Negativity & Being Happy
The above was an introduction to this powerful message. Torah is more powerful than therapy. (Obviously a person in need should not refrain from seeing a good therapist with a proper Torah Hashkafa / Outlook) Therapy teaches us how to cope with difficult situations. Torah does the same and gives you the tools not to fall into these emotional challenges.
Usually a therapist or a friend will tell you or teach you tools to not to be negative and then you will be positive.
That is one approach. Another approach is to push yourself to be happy – which will automatically remove the negative. Why do we do bad things – because we feel badly or badly about ourselves. If we are happy we have no desire to do bad. It’s more deep than that. Meaning – when you are happy – you become an abode for Hash-m’s divine presence. With the divine presence with you – it is automatically going to flush away negativity from your system.
This is what it may mean – that the Simha / Joy is in (Hash-m’s) abode. If you make your heart an abode for Hashem by being happy – it will automatically drive away negative thoughts, desires & sadness. Be happy by smiling, thinking positive, pushing yourself to be thankful for all you have – and that will drive away the negativity.