You are in a rush. You’re traveling down the big boulevard – encountering a series of non-synchronized stoplights.
You now consider the Yellow light to mean – “speed up” instead of “slow down”. Not prudent – but you are late.
The stop lights in life allow us to recompose our thoughts. We may treat it as a minor annoyance – but stopping in traffic or in an elevator gives us opportunities to calm down – to think of new plans – to call in to the office to say we are running late. Perhaps we hit a snag in life – it may be a message – to rethink your attitude towards the situation.
Don’t lose your composure based on the situation. Hash-m wants us to be in control – not the situation to control us.
It is not worth it to arrive 5 minutes earlier if it entails endangering people.
Use these moments to rethink the situation – perhaps G-d wants you to stop and think.