The Winning Mindset – Overcoming The Attitude of Mediocrity

Read a Newspaper. Especially the Editorial.

Is their slant their message?

Preaching Papers

do your due diligence. are articles of news or of preaching its own message?

The Religious Papers. The Scientific Papers. The Liberal Papers.

Is its general theme: “Yes. I’m Right. Now I have the right to put others down or impose my views.”

The Mindset of Mediocrity – The “I’m Right. You’re Wrong” Attitude

Mediocrity is based upon a mindset. The mindset of “Basically, I’m Right and You are Wrong.” It’s living based upon criticizing what other people do wrong to you or others. People with this attitude stay the same and don’t progress as much as they can. For their focus is on others and don’t work on self-improvement.

Their lives are dependent on the actions of others. They base their lives on the people they dislike the most. Not on ways they can improve their own actions or do good for the world or at least themselves. This is the UN, this is the BDS, this is the story of many countries whose goal is to complain against the Jews or Israel.

Criticizing Attitude Leading to Stagnation

But can also be our own story on some small scale. Stagnation is one of the reason’s why lashon harah / evil speech – speaking badly of others – even if it is true – is forbidden in Torah. It stifles growth. Instead of focusing on self-improvement you focus on others lacking.

Let me blame others so I won’t see my deficiencies – in thought, deed or action.

Open Minded to Torah even if it may not fit my current views

Some people refuse Torah because – it doesn’t fit their lifestyle.

A friend who when he was returning to the path of Judaism – would check upon which of the 13 Principles of Judaism by the Rambam – he felt comfortable with until he accepted all of them. He grew to understand the principles of Judaism.

Difference Between Torah and Other Religions

Rejecting Torah because it is a “religion” is stereotyping. Torah is not remotely close to any other religion. Of the almost 80,000 religions in the world – all are man-made. The Torah was handed down by G-d to millions of witnesses. That’s a far cry from one man transmitting a message and G-d himself transmitting His own message to millions of people.

Rejecting Torah – due to personal habits that go against it – is like rejecting a free New car because you don’t use the air-conditioner. Or rejecting going to gym because you have to work a bit. If you want to get in shape you have to work at it.

Global or Local Attitude of Mediocrity?

One should ask – does my “focus on other’s actions” attitude encompass my being or is it relegated to certain times, people or places?

True Path to Freedom – Torah

It could be a global mindset or one used for a by an individual in a particular aspect of life. In any case it should be treated by opening one’s mind and vistas to Torah. A person who thinks the thoughts of G-d / Hash-m is free. (Provided they act upon them as well.)

The intelligent will determine what G-d wants and follow His will. Why? Because more than even you yourself, G-d knows and wants what is better for you.

The Search for Truth

The attitude of “I’m Right. Now I have the right to put others down.” is not the way of Torah. That it an attitude that leads to stagnation and decadence.

Torah will say – receive the message – now see what is truthfully wrong in this situation and see what you can learn to correct yourself. The Torah will say search for Truth – not for giving yourself a pat on the back or to allow yourself righteous indignation – but to find out what is really right in G-d’s eyes.  And then correcting yourself. Regardless of what is your point of view.

The Torah says every day is a new opportunity to improve and become a new and better person. Rejuvenation daily.

Some will hold on to “religion” because it is their religion or their lifestyle. Drop the attitude of “being stuck to one point of view” and follow truth. Follow G-d’s will. Sometimes what you think G-d wants is not what He actually wants. Some will think making pogroms or killing innocent people is right – for that is what their religion says. Is that want G-d really wants – innocent people – His children to be hurt? Follow truth – not “religion”.

The Torah says hurting innocent people is forbidden. Killing is forbidden. (In the Seven Noahide Laws – for Gentiles and in the 613 commandments for Jews) Sorry, a Pogrom is Just plain Wrong.

The Great Torah of the generation will be able to tell you what G-d really wants. Why? Because Torah is the only document that G-d gave before millions of witnesses. Thus it is obviously His will.

In business – the quality experts say don’t blame. Fix the Problem. Don’t say that it is Steve’s fault for the bad paint job on this car. Fix the process – don’t push the blame. Fix yourself. Don’t push the blame.

Don’t criticize, condemn or complain is a Jewish concept. Those who adopt it will be able reach higher levels of success than those who don’t.

To Be Continued…

Developing The Winning Mindset – Part 2 – Listening to G-d’s Messages for Self-Improvement

Developing The Winning Mindset – Part 3 – What Aristotle Taught Alexander to Be Able to Conquer the World –



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