📖 מטות-מסעי

This week’s Parashas – Matot-Masei starts saying that everything that comes out of a person’s mouth shall be done. Do the vow you made. It can also mean, that if you are careful to do what you promise, Hashem will fulfill the words of your Mouth.
Masei talks about 42 journeys that bnei Yisrael takes going from Mitzraim – Egypt to Israel. Egypt represents materialism and depravity. Israel represents spirituality and holiness. Like each person goes through 10 trials like the Avraham, Each Jewish person also goes through 42 stages in their life similar to the challenges of the places in the Desert we went through – when we make our effort in our journey to spirituality. The fact that our ancestors already traced the path makes it easier for us to overcome our challenges in life.