Jerusalem Dining Guide

Jerusalem Dining

Is Everything Kosher?
Is everything in Israel Kosher? Do you know where I can find a good Kosher Restaurant?

Around the time I had my Bar Mitzvah, I was staying on a kibbutz. I assumed everything there was kosher, but unfortunately, I was mistaken.  It’s always prudent, in restaurants, cafeterias and cafes, to check first if the Kosher certification is authentic and valid.

A sign is generally posted at or near the entrance, and will inform you if the certification is that of the
Rabanut, which is issued by the government, or that of a private organization. Kosher
Mehadrin, sometimes called Glatt Kosher, provides a higher grade of Kashrut than the standard.

If you wish to purchase food products in mini-markets or supermarkets, it is also advisable to check Kosher Supervision marks.

The restaurants below – as of our last checking – are Kosher


Apropro, Binyanei HaOuma (Int’l
Conv. Ctr.), 655-8573
Cafe Neeman, 43 Yirmiyahu, Center 1, 538-6061
Off the Square, 8 Ramban St., 566-5956
Muscat, 24 Kanfei
Nesharim, Givat Shaul, 652-4414
Pasta Mia, (in Hotel) 16 King George St., 625-80942
Pizza Center, 43
Yirmiyahu, Center 1, 538-1227
Rami’s Pizza, 131 HaYehudim, Jewish Qtr, Old City


Burger Deli, Rav Shefa Mall, 500-3070
Korus-Al-Haesh, 43
Yirmiyahu, Center 1, 538-6061
Keyad Hamelech (in Hotel), 16 King George St., 625-8042
Sheiner’s, 24 Kanfei
Nesharim, Givat Shaul, 02-651-1446
Tzaddik’s Deli, Jewish Quarter, Old City, 627-2148


Heimishe Essen, 19 Keren Kayemet Street, 563-9845 – Eastern European
New York Chips, Rav Shefa Mall, Shamgar St., 2nd fl.
Rienzi, 10 King David St., 622-2312 – Gourmet Fish
Rungsit, 2 Jabotinsky Street, 561-1757 – Japanese
Yossi Peking, 15 Keren Kayemet St., 566-2166 -Chinese

Please note: Due to the present tensions, it is advisable
to avoid visiting areas of conflict in Israel. 

Enjoy • Jerusalem Life