We control the horizontal.
We control the vertical.
We control the ups. We control the downs.
We control whether to have a left attitude or a right.
It is a statement in Chalzal (Chachamim Zichronam LiVracha – Our sages
of blessed memory.)
וְאָמַר רַבִּי חֲנִינָא: הַכֹּל בִּידֵי שָׁמַיִם, חוּץ מִיִּרְאַת
HaKol Bidei Shamayim – Hutz MeYirat Shamayim. (Talmud Berakhot : 33b)
Everything is in the Hands of Heaven – except the fear of heaven.
Meaning – how much money you make is in Hash-m’s hands. How tall you
will be. How long you will live.
But you have a choice on things that pertain to awe of heaven – whether
you will be angry or calm, or bitter or better, sad or happy, composed
or wild or a robber or a banker, to do good or bad.
This is called freedom of choice.
You choose whether to put your children into a public school or a Torah
day school. You choose whether to spend the day shopping or the day
with the family at the Shabbat table. G-d gives you the freedom.
If we had not this choice, we would basically be robots. We would not
be able to be judged for our deeds.
Some say – he made me angry! He made me do it!
No one makes you do anything. You choose.
Your situation doesn’t cause your mood.
Heaven causes your situation. You yourself choose your mood and
So choose to be happy.
It is in your hands.
Happiness is a choice.