Ten Commandments or Seven – Which do You Follow?

graphics2“All the children who ate lunch, you now have recess”

the teacher told the audience of little students in the auditorium.

“Those that remain go to the lunchroom.”

Pretty simple to understand.

When G-d gave the 10 Commandments, He prefaced it with “I am the L-rd your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.”

Who are the people who G-d took out from Egypt from the house of bondage? The Jewish people. Thus the 10 commandments and the Mitzvot Associated with them – the 613 commandments apply only to the Jewish people.

The Seven Noahide Commandments apply to all people – Jews and Gentiles – to All Humanity.

What are these Seven Commandments?

The Seven Commandments for All Humanity

G-d gave Adam, the first man, commandments for him and all his descendants.

These are called the 7 Noahide laws or Sheva Mitzvot Benei Noach / Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah.

These Commandments are the basis of morality and world survival.

G-d gave them again to Noah, after the flood – thus their name.

He also explained them to Moses when the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Although there are 7 Commandments for All humanity, they really comprise of at least 30 commandments for all people – Jews and Non-Jews alike. The Seven Commandments are the main categories. The commandments that fall into those 7 are 30. Some count up to 66.

For A good book on the subject see “Path of the Righteous Gentile.”

A gentile who follows these commandments for the sake of the G-d of the Jews because they were written in the Torah, they get a portion in the afterlife. The Torah is eternal, so attaching oneself to Torah one also attaches oneself to eternity.

The Only Time in History that G-d Appeared to an Entire People and Gave a Law
There was only one time in history where G-d appeared to an entire nation of millions of people and gave them a document with very specific laws of conduct – when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d gave laws for Jews and laws for gentiles.

In the Torah – it explains in detail what these laws are. Only the Jews have the proper interpretation of the Torah, because when G-d gave us the commandments and the Written Torah, he also gave us an Oral Law – to explain the written Torah. The Oral Torah was written and is now called the Talmud. Thus any interpretation of Torah that does not follow the laws explained in the Talmud is not Torah.

A person who follows these laws because G-d gave them in the Torah – is called a Ben Noah and will inherit a portion in Heaven.

The Seven Noahide Laws
They are seven major categories – that with their details consist of 30 laws.

1) Respecting G-d – Not to blaspheme.

2) Being Faithful to G-d – Not to Commit Idolatry.

3) Respecting Human Life – Not to Kill.

4) Respecting One’s Fellow’s Property – Not to Steal.

5) Respecting the Integrity of the Family – Not to commit forbidden relations – which includes prohibitions of adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality.

6) Respect of Life – Not to eat a limb taken from a living animal.

7) Law and Order – Establishing courts of law to enforce these laws.

The 10 Commandments for the Jewish People

The Descendants of the Abraham, Isaak and Jacob are the Israelites. The Jews descend from them. The Israelites were in Egypt for over 200 years. The Egyptians made them slaves. G-d took them out with a mighty Hand. After they left G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah. All the Jews – Millions of People – heard G-d Himself speaking.

The giving of the Torah – the Law – was a national revalation of G-d. G-d never appeared again to a Nation. G-d does not change his mind. So the Torah is always in effect. Moses brought down the 10 commandments.

The 10 Commandents are only for the Jewish People.

the 10 Commandments found in Deuteronomy (5:1-19) include –
1. Belief in One G-d,
2. Not having other gods (ie, Prohibition of Idol Worship),
3. Prohibition of Saying G-d’s name in Vain,
4. Honoring the Sabbath,
5. Honoring one’s parents,
6. Prohibition of murder.
7. Prohibition of adultery.
8. Prohibition of stealing.
9. Prohibition of bearing false witness against your neighbor.
10. Prohibition of coveting a neighbor’s possessions.

A gentile does not observe the Sabbath. Although a Gentile does not learn Torah it is a Mitzvah / commandment for them to learn about their laws – the 7 Noahide laws.

A Gentile that feels an an affinity to Judaism and is sincere can convert to become Jewish after guidance, learning and conversion with a reputable and competent Orthodox Rabbi. A Jew can never convert out of Judaism. They will always considered Jewish by G-d – regardless if they went through the process of “conversion” to another religion and are thus obligated under the 613 Torah commandments. A Jew is considered a person whose mother is Jewish or converted according to Torah Judaism.

For Info on the the TEN COMMANDMENTS see:

For More Info on the 7 Noahide laws

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