10 Minutes to Interview and Stuck Behind Old Man Looking for Parking

MP900442259bThis is the job you have been dreaming of.

The interview starts in 10 minutes.

You are on the edge.

An old man pulls in front of you.

He is looking for a parking space – driving 6 miles an hour.

what now?


Yell out the window?

Spew Insults?

Poor old man. He doesn’t even know you have an important rendezvous.

Why does he deserve your anger?

Why yell? He always drives like that – at least 15 miles below the speed limit. He is just being prudent.

Now is the time to remember – it is just a test.

A test from above to see if you can keep your cool – even in this situation.

In days of old there used to be a test of the Emergency Broadcast System to verify the proper functioning of the warning equipment over the Radio for the FCC to alert the public in case there was a real emergency. A slightly annoying tone was broadcasted for 30 or 60 seconds. A person was patient enough to listen to the Attention Signal for about a minute because he knew it was a test.

When you are at wits end – remember –

This is also for the good and “This is a test. This is only a test…”

Also – what good is it to yell at the old man – he won’t hear you and he won’t drive faster.

But … next time remember to leave the house a little earlier.

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