Don’t Jump – We Love You Too Much

I was walking down the street to work. A man was standing on the small tree guard – about a foot high – protecting the grass and tree from people and dogs walking on the sidewalk. I told him “Don’t Jump!” He smiled.

Unfortunately there are people who do jump, but from higher heights. They see life as pointless. Their problems seem too heavy to bear. They feel that people don’t consider them or G-d Forbid, that G-d forgot them.

Neither is usually true. G-d loves all his creatures. G-d doesn’t want the death of the evil person – He wants a person to return from their bad ways. A person can commit to improve and G-d will forgive him or her. G-d will erase the slate. And the person will start with a new day, a new slate, a new life.

I was in such a situation. I was a good looking young man. People used to tell me. When I had skin problems, I was devastated. I became a hermit. I avoided friends and social gatherings. I secluded myself in my house. I didn’t know where to turn.

I finally thought it out – and even though I thought I was “good”, I found out that G-d was sending me a message – telling me to improve. I realized – I wasn’t so careful about hurting others feelings. I realized I was lax in observing Torah. I realized I had to improve my relations between me and people and me and G-d.

Little by little, by studying Torah, I realized that every person has a special purpose in life. Every person is unique. Every person is indispensable – because no one else can accomplish what you or me can accomplish in life. We are all unique. We all have a special role in life.

My role I discovered in Torah. I learned Pirkei Avot. I realigned my values with Torah. Though it is a challenging journey to self-improvement according to Torah. Apparently a gentile can learn their role in life by learning the 7  Noahide laws from the Torah. A Jew learns the Shulhan Aruch / Code of Jewish Law to find their role.

When my father died – I was also devastated. When a parent dies – we make a special blessing – “Blessed are you G-d, King of the Universe, the True Judge.” G-d know what is good. We are to know that all that G-d does is for the good.

I found comfort in that and that other people passed the same travail and they overcame it. They were able to cope. I was too able.

Patience will get you far. Once a manic-depressive asked King Solomon – I am a person that at times I am very happy and times very sad – how can you help me? King Solomon gave him a ring that sad three word in hebrew “Gam Zu Yaavor” – Also this will pass.

Difficult times will pass. Good times will pass. The only thing we are left with is the good we do in this life.

Don’t worry – someone loves you. Either a parent. A friend. A family member. If you have difficulties – speak with them. Suicide is never a solution – solving the problem is the solution. Look for the causes and you’ll find a solution. Turn to Hash-m / G-d and He will take you out of your troubles. He always does. You just have to make an effort and pray.



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