In parasha Ki Tisa (in Shemot / Exodus) it says
When you count the heads of the children of Israel .. and you shall give an atonement for your souls & there will not be a plague…” We do not count Jews by a having a headcount. Each gives Half a shekel and they are counted, in order not to have a plague. When one counts, one limits the Berakha.
Another explanation is: The word for count is Tisa, which also means to uplift. When a person uplifts himself and other people by him growing & helping others to grow in Mitzvot, Torah study and giving tzedaka, he prevents plagues and other bad things from happening in the first place.
The Chofetz Chaim was asked to donate a fixed price for each bed in new a hospital. He said he would give a large number. They asked how could he afford that. He replied by me studying Torah, there will not need that amount of beds – for people will not become ill.
Venatenu – in Hebrew for “and you shall give” can be read the same way frontwards and backwards. A person who gives to a proper Torah charity will receive the money back – usually many times more.*